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Everything posted by DarthHarlem

  1. Ha anyone who thinks that class is not OP is clearly either not 50 yet, does not pvp, or is lying to themselves. I mean look at all the nerf posts alone about the class! Even the devs stated it was one of the only fully completed classes. Ha funny.
  2. Also you are absolutely WRONG. There are plenty of games that have this feature in pvp. Games that are still alive and thriving. You may not like them, you might have tried them and canceled, but understand that does not mean they are a failure. You are not by any means the representation of a games success or the opinion of the mmo audience. Take Aion for example, I loved it for a time but the pve element in pvp along with teh horrible drop rate chased me off. Is the game a failure? Check the subscriptions, they are still doing quite well. Same thing with Eve online. Its one of the oldest mmos and also the top one still actually gaining a larger playerbase. I tried that a few times and did not like it enough to stay. Is it a failure because of that? Not at all.
  3. I've played many pvp mmos to end game(check the sig). The one thing I can say with certainty is that pve mobs do not belong in a pvp setting. Unless, they act as another faction or realm completely. That means that they are not mobs but actually can affect active pvp. Similar to how the third realm acted in Aion when they would jump into a fight with their ship and attack both player sides. Make the pvp have purpose, that can be done. Many other mmos have done it. The problem is the people as a whole prefer pve mmos over pvp. Which is why they are more popular. I've met many males who simply cannot handle dying to another living being they already take the pve entirely too seriously.
  4. Dark age of Camelot was and is still a great pvp mmo. I've played many mmos over the years and anyone will tell you, there is still no mmo that can touch DAOC's pvp system. They are still the top dog. It was skill demanding and the pvp had a purpose. I played for years since its launch and as recent as early last year. It has its downfalls but again, there is nothing better. I think my biggest grief is that when I go from mmo to mmo, I am still trying to find a better pvp system. Which I still have not found. Aion was probably the closet, but its flaws rivaled the pvp in swtor. I attempted to try out WoW but the pvp is more, well like a family game. May as well play some multiplayer game online. I think even some of the free korean based mmos pvp was better. Capture the flag for pvp? Come on man. If you wanted to get good at a class, become known for your skillplay if you like to solo, group, or lead 100 man defenses or invasion forces, then daoc would be a perfect fit for you. Its simply an amazing pvp game. There is stil lnothing like defending your relic gates with 50 or so people against a 100 or more enemies with your keep walls down and your trying to work every tactic you can just to hold when the the third faction rushes in and kills everyone. Ha simply the best. My highest class was my scout, who was level 50 and realm rank 12. Great game, if not for the flaws, I'd still be playing. Funny how when I found out that some of the devs that created that game were working on this one, I got excited. They really disappointed me!
  5. Well said and point made. Even now, I am still a huge Star Wars fan. I read the comics on my tablet and I listen to all of the current audio book releases. I had a great time in this game but as a pvp nut, I knew going in this might happen. I feel I got my money worth for the time played. I refuse to be taken advantage of over this nonsense. As of now, I am valor rank 53 with currently 21 bag attempts and no love. 21! Haha. That's it or me, I just canceled after turning in my triple warzone quest, daily on illum, and some medals I saved up. A game should be fun and relaxing, not frustrating. Looks like I'll be waiting on guild wars and doing something else with my free time till then. What really amazes me is that we all know the devs read this forum and that multiple posts have been made about this. Why haven't they responded? They can't possibly think this stupid idea is a hit.
  6. Are you out of your mind? Are you really saying people should grind for months on end for... pvp gear while others got lucky, some exploited, and a few did it before the illum change? Haha you can't be serious.
  7. I think there is confusion here. Its not just that's its frustrating because nothing drops, its because you face people in full gear. Let me try explaining in a different way. 1. There are lots of people who became fully geared by exploiting this game and those that simply went the easier pve route on illum until they made it pvp only. These people did not face frustration and I think all of this could ahve been solved by a simply rollback when they changed it to only pvp. Too late for that now of course. 2. Fighting those people in those full sets of gear, can put you at a disadvantage. Large or small, depends on the player but it creates one. That's a fact. This causes a huge gap between those simply trying to get geared up to have a fair fight. 3. In any pvp mmo, most of the time you can plan out what you are trying to get. So you have something to work towards so that your character can get stronger. In this game its completely random and the drop rate is horrible. So there is nothing to work towards or any planning. 4. Since the drop rate is random and bad, there is no character progression as they move up in valor rank. This also creates frustration. 5. There are people who enjoy pvp and play just for that. Take me for example, I will often stay out on Illum for hours after I have finished my daily and weekly just to fight and have fun. That does not mean that a person should not expect a benefit or return for that pvp. This isn't a simple multiplayer game. 6. Even if everyone had to endure, which is not the case, this frustrating random loot problem. It would still wear people down. There should be something in place so that even if you just have bad luck, you still could end up with something. As of right now, I am rank 52 valor, have had 53 bags(Probably more but I'm not sure), and only have a chest piece, helm, and two relics that I bought with commendation points. My frustration is knowing every bag I get will just have those comm points and I'll still be facing tough opponents because they are in full gear. So with that said, I don't see how anyone doesn't understand how this can be frustrating.
  8. I think its pretty clear that you have never played a pvp mmo to endgame before at all. In almost every pvp mmo I have been in, there is some sort of rank system in place. This could be in the form of abilities, skills, or gear but they always exist. The problem with this one is that it is random. So random, that the frustartion of trying to earn it, facing those who have it further discourages people to play. Sure they can still die, but the difference is huge. I also agree with the others that there should be some sort of backup system in place for those with either bad luck or at certain levels in which you can get the gear. This would help a lot. Clearly people getting burned is becoming a problem. I too share the experience in Aion in which their drop rate was so flat out horrible, that in the end, it chased me away along with some other problems. I really hope they do something about this. I think this wouldn't be so bad if everyone faced this, but the problem is that a good amount of people already have both sets of gear because they either exploited the system before it was fixed or acquired the gear when it was easily obtained by the pve nonsense. I know we have some kids, teens, and those who are either extremely immature or selfish that no matter what is said they will not care but this is clearly a problem and needs to be addressed. So I really hope bioware does something quickly. I loved Aion, but between the farming NPC's for pvp gear and the horrible drop rate, I ended looking elsewhere for fun.
  9. So let me guess, your one of the people who earned full gear when it was pve based - easy mode while the rest of us earn it by pvp with randomness. Yet we are wrong for being frustrated?
  10. Exactly how can you have a top guild in a mostly pve mmo with no fully developed world pvp yet?
  11. I'm on bag 16 with nothing new. I don't think it would be so bad if there weren't people in full gear who got over by either the exploit or before they implemented big boy pvp. I felt somewhat the same way when I was playing Aion. It was why I stop paying and playing. BTW, I'm dealing with champ stuff with no luck and getting close to dealing with BM.
  12. To those of us that have played in actual pvp mmos, this goes without explaining. Everyone else... We need structures for situations that will help lower numbered soldiers to retreat inside of and have a chance. At the same time you can do the following. 1. Give them some sort of reasonable benefit for having that structure. 2. Allow guilds to claim these structures giving them bonuses as a guild as long as they keep it. You could also give them alerts when its under attack. So they will know when to rush out to defend it while having some sort of guild pride. 3. Give the inhabits of these structures the edge. In other words, it will require large numbers to penetrate and take the structure. Area buffs? Canons? Mountable miniturbo lasers? Restricted LOS for those trying to attack or heal jumpers up top? Who knows but you get the point. 4. Give a very nice incentive for those who can take that location even more when it has defenders so they are motivated to attack it and not run away. 5. Give an great incentive to hold all of the structures and all of the locations on the pvp world. This will get more people out into big boy pvp. Just an idea of what I've seen before. No I don't have any exact ideas, I don't get paid for that. Any other ideas or opinions? BTW, I love illum. Just trying to spice it up or the next pvp world.
  13. Let me tell you that I am not republic and it is not a side thing. I too was not on illum when it was easy mode and not about pvp. So once they changed it and enabled actual big boy pvp, getting gear has me extremely frustrated. I'm almost at 60 valor and do not have a set of champion gear. I've gotten doubles and even a bugged piece that would not even let use the item I got. As of right now, I have opened 16 bags, since my last drop with nothing. :mad: Yet those who got over and exploited along those who enjoyed the objective based nonsense are in full gear. Its not a side thing by no means. I will say that eventually this will chase me off. Now I'm a huge star wars fan and I still enjoy the game but damn, making the drops so ridiculous is just silly. Who came up with that idea? You would think someone would have said that's a dumb idea, lets just do a rollback and make everyone start fresh. Either that or make the drops not be to the point where a paying player will just say to hell with it and go do something else with their time and money. Yea, ha I'm very frustrated and I really like this game.
  14. Honestly, You don't really believe there is a best spec do you? Does that even make sense? There isn't. Only specs that are perfect for YOU based around your individual play-style. This your first or second mmo or something? Ha. Try immortal first, its a good starter and mainly great for a defensive role. Then try others from there.
  15. Might wanna read the thread. I already explained that.
  16. Haha no. 17 bags since the last item I have got. The total, I'm sure is over 50 easy. But I did not start in illum till after they made it an actual big boy pvp area. I heard it was easy mode beforehand. Haha at least this made me laugh. :D
  17. I think its pretty clear they will get a nerf. It is the most complained about class, with good reason. Next to the smugglers anyway.
  18. So I'm almost at valor 60 and I am having the hardest time getting champion items. Currently, I have opened 17 bags with no love since my last drop. Probably easily over 50 at this point. 17! So I'm wondering, is there some trick to this? I see people in full champ gear all the time but I get no love. I did get a lightsabor drop and I was all happy. Although, the choices I got were only the dual lightsabor, which I could not use and two implants. The dual lightsabor was not grey so I thought I could use it. Nope! Ha my fault, I'll take that. I should have grabbed one of the implants. Even though a lightsabor that I could use was not a selection. Anyway, I'm getting off track. So is there anything I'm doing wrong? Should I open them in war-zones or something? This is getting frustrating.
  19. Flickering? I don't get any flickering. Are you sure this isn't your pc?
  20. I don't think I agree with this. I, as a star wars nut, was and still am very pumped for this game. As in my previous post, I have played many mmos to end game and enjoy the pvp mmos the most. I've tried other games like WoW and got to level 11 and quit. It was just too easy and I already knew in advance the pvp was a joke compared to any actual pvp mmo. In trying all of those games, one thing became clear. When you aren't having fun or need to question why your playing then its time to move on. I did that with Warhammer when I realized the pvp was horrible. In star trek, I canceled once I realized it was not the true captain experience I was seeking. Age of conan, I quit the first time because the pvp was pointless and I don't really care for that. The point is, if you aren't having fun, why keep paying for it? Move on and check in from time to time. You can always come back. Its a game, not a job.
  21. A fellow DAOC player! I don't remember all the lengths of times but I got to end game and played Everquest for years, Dark age of Camelot for years(just stopped playing a few months ago!), Warhammer for two months, Age of Conan for about six months, World War2 online off and on for a few months, Eve Online for a about four months, DC Online for two months, Rift for a month, Aion for about seven months, Darkfall for about a week, Star trek online for about a month, and a few smaller titles. I love and prefer pvp mmos. Not to mention, I'm a huge scifi and star wars nut. So leveling up this game was a lot of fun. Although, I was worried that the game would have a pve flair in regards to pvp. I got to illum the day after they changed it and I flat out love it. Its almost like ole Emain from DAOC. Its a blast. I hope they add more to it. So I'm really enjoying going out to big boy pvp. I'm not bored. I do get tired of the complaints from those new to pvp or former wow players who have limited experience in mmos thinking every game should be simple and easy like that one.
  22. Or .. go out to illum and do some big boy pvp. really learn your class, and then get better in the easier warzone environments.
  23. Nice little tactic. I had not thought of this. I do something simliar by telling my ops group that I am going to charge in and so that mulitple healers will keep me up. It is amazing how many people will focus just on you while our group pounds them. Outside of that, I think the best tip is to just keep fighting and not focus so much on the valor. So many people are new to big boy pvp so as soon as they die, they log. Haha:p its funny, sad, and depressing.
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