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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Abelf

  1. So...


    Where are you going to go? Is there -really- a game out there that is 'so much more innovative' than this one? I feel as though you people are just tired of MMO's in general. It isn't an issue with the game, but the genre.


    You people? YOU PEOPLE?!


    The Sith are so intolerant of alien races. Just because I am blue doesn't mean I don't have feelings.


    OT: Playing through the IA storyline was fun. The main quest chains for each planet were fun. I just don't feel the drive to level an alt through that content again. It would be nice to have more choice in the leveling process.

  2. So many bads, so little time...


    Nerfing knockdown ==> Ops will drop the knockdown talent


    That means Ops can use a 4 sec stun and an 8 sec mez.


    Ops using more tactical stuns ==> bads will die MORE than before the nerf


    I know you don't think you are bad, but if you are in here claiming that a similarly gear op with no buffs can kill you in 3 sec... then you are just trying to legitimize a defeat.


    Ops will still open with Hidden Strike, you just won't get a full resolve bar. Which means that by the time you react (after Hidden Strike and Backstab), we will stun you for 4 sec. After the 4 sec stun, we will mez you until our Backstab and Shiv are both off of CD then finish you off. You will be even more stun locked after the nerf... but it just won't be as jarring an imprint of unexpectedly getting knocked on your face for 3 secs.


    Ops still killing you ==> you still complaining... because you are bad.

  3. This could be a thread about Bioware giving away free ponies and people would still be in here ************ about Ops. They are getting nerfed, and you need to find a different purpose in life now.


    Next, will you complain that Ops get to wield a gun AND a knife? I mean, seriously, who brings a knife and a gun to a QQ fight?

  4. Man, Ops are so OP! Glad they are being nerfed with so many 50s on the testing server to fully test it out. No way Bioware would erroneously take a knee-jerk reaction.... that's what we're talking about right? I mean, it's a thread about someone taking a lot of damage and Ops are the only class that can do that... right?
  5. Before SWTOR launched, Blizzard went all out for the 2011 Blizzcon... Mists of Pandaria announcement with tons of new systems and features, new playable character, new race, and many other design changes. In short, Blizzard wanted to give MMO fans something big, new, and shiny to entice them not to play SWTOR or at least come back for MoP's launch.


    Fast forward to a month after SWTOR's launch, Blizzard doesn't even feel the need to promote their product with Blizzcon during the same year that its biggest competitor should experience the most growth. The gaming industry always takes note of what is talked about at Blizzcon. Yet, Blizzard thinks it does not need the publicity or word-of-mouth to overcome SWTOR, aka the biggest challenge to WoW's subscriber numbers since launch.


    What could have changed in the last 3 months since Blizzcon 2011? Possible answers:


    1. Lukewarm reaction from SWTOR fans

    2. Bad press and word-of-mouth from SWTOR's PvP issues

    3. Drop in EA's stock price since launch

    4. Method and speed of developmental response to issues


    Now, what Blizzard thinks about the success of SWTOR has little effect on its actual success. However, it is somewhat telling, considering that Blizzard is the biggest kid in the MMO sandbox.


    What can be done to elevate SWTOR:


    1. Listen to playerbase

    2. Make informed and logical decisions

    3. Players provide constructive feedback

    4. No pride or stubbornness getting in the way


    Ultimately, we won't be able to see if Bioware put out a great product for years (maybe months, depending). BUT, we do know that some people are upset and vocal about core design issues. Yes, yes... massive QQ. It is everywhere. And with this game being so new and unquantified, the negative impressions that the QQ can propagate will only hurt the game overall. The more subscribers, the more Bioware can do with the game.

  6. On top of the expertise gear, you have the ability of L50s to more easily get level appropriate purple gear.


    Most levelers are in semi-level appropriate blues and greens. If they keep their gear up to date, they will have (with bolster) about 13k hp and do comparable damage to a fresh 50 in blues and greens. Considering how fast leveling occurs it is usually too much hassle for people to keep current level purples for a sub L50. But, gearing up with purples is the entire point for most 50s. This leads to 50s having a gear level that isn't really attainable by non-50s, ie 50 tanks having 19k health.


    In short, low level players have several disadvantages:


    1. Less than max skill points

    2. Very little expertise on gear

    3. Limited access to purples... that would be out-leveled shortly and thus not scale as well w/ bolster


    I know.... some level 50s just love to roflstomp lowbies. But, you can get through this. It will be alright. Just learn how to play the game well and beat people on a level playing field. Sure, I giggle when I take a lowbie from 100 to 0 in a few globals. And, I usually find lowbies "annoying" when they attack me rather than "threatening". But, it isn't CHALLENGING. If owning low-level players is what you want, go camp the questing areas on Tat or Alderaan. I'm sure that will give you the affirmation you so desperately need.


    OP: Mom, look! I defeated an enemy player who was 20 levels under me!

    OP's Mom: Oh, could you print out that screenshot for Mommy, so I can stick it on the fridge?

    OP: I'll do that right after I take a nap in my blanket fort. Killing lowbies is hard work!


    PS: I am a 50 who wants brackets.

  7. It seems like characters with stealth can just evaporate into thin air. One example was someone who just scored in hutball, surrounded by 5 angry people trying to kill him, goes invisible and suddenly doesn't get it. A steady stream of lightning on the person should hold. Aoe's should hit as well. if you were sitting on someone's chest beating on them, and suddenly they went invisible, they'd still be there to hit. They don't become intangible.


    AOEs still work. Unless it was a Sin/Shadow using their resist skill. And, if we are being realistic, how could the sorc aim the force lightning if they couldn't see them after they stealthed?

  8. Stack 10 operatives. Problem solved.


    That would be hilarious to watch. You would never actually see the Op team, just force lightning spam with the semi-regular event of a sorcs health going from 100 to 0 in a global.


    A 3-way match between 8 mercs, 8 sorcs, and 8 ops would most likely end in division by 0.... and the cries of noobs.

  9. FotM is probably BH.


    1. There are a lot of them.

    2. Hard to kill.

    3. High damage with semi-easy rotation.

    4. Can be effective at low levels.


    Sorcs seem to be less popular than at launch. Not as OP as some would have had you believe....


    The argument against Ops/Scoundrels being the FotM


    1. Still very few of them on my server.

    2. Easy to kill out of stealth.

    3. High burst, but lower sustained.

    4. Not effective until acid blade at L40... and less effective without good gear.

  10. After you gear yourself you can gear your companions? That seems to be the best route for champ/cent gear. Wait for them to change the acquisition of battlemaster bags or wait for patch 1.2... or 1.3, etc. Expansions will bring more gear and hopefully more pvp content. Ranked WZs are a step in the right direction. Except ranked Huttball... that will just be who can most effectively stack powertechs/sorcs/sins.


    I had a lot of fun leveling my first char. I plan on staying subscribed for the time being. Just wish there was something to collect or achievements or something else that was interesting to do, but not FPs, WZs, or Ops. There is an acceptable amount of endgame content for an MMO launch already in the game, but when people say there isn't a lot to do I think they might be referring to activities that do not directly contribute to character stat progression.


    I think Bioware has seen the popularity of their PvP. This will hopefully mean more PvP content in the future. As much as I would like them to add rankings and more maps.... I would kind of prefer something a little more out-of-the-box. Something new and interesting that wouldn't replace or compete directly with WZs and Ilum, but would complement them with fun items or cool gear/mounts/status symbols. For 1 month after launch, the game has a serviceable amount of PvP-related content. It just lacks other non-FP/WZ/Op activities that round out the MMO experience.

  11. An interesting thing about the knockdown from stealth is that taking that talent is actually a nerf to an Ops control. It's good for shock and awe, but not much else. It fills the resolve bar, thus negating our 3 sec stun and 8 sec mez. I would much rather not have the knockdown so that I can 3 sec stun after my opening rotation to let backstab come off CD. Then use the 8 sec mez as a second interrupt.


    I can just imagine the epic QQ if Ops had their current burst while being able to completely lockdown the other player.


    When you get knocked down by an Op, don't say, "I hate being knocked flat on my back!" Instead, you should say, "Thank God that filled my resolve bar."

  12. I am an Op. SW/JKs are not OP. Ops might be OP, but sw/jks are not even close.


    The sustained pressure a BH/troop can put out is a little strong, but I don't advocate a nerf.


    Sorcs/Sages have a lot of tools, so players that know how to play that class well can do well in a variety of situations. This doesn't mean they are OP.


    Given equal skill and gear, Op burst is fine. A bit strong, but fine. However, I am an Op, so I understand I have a bias towards my class.


    Maybe give snipers/gunslingers a buff?


    Sin/shadows are fine. They have nice burst, good tools, and can keep decent pressure.


    Tank mitigation could be better for all tanks. However, Bioware might think that tanks can dish out decent damage, so they don't need a damage mitigation buff.

  13. Totally incorrect. You can't be serious... Can you?


    People rewarded for equal amount of time?


    Did you even listen to him?


    How is it fair that a level 20 Valor has more Champion gear than someone at level 50 Valor?




    By "this system" I was talking about the system PvP players are used to, the one where you are rewarded at the end of a match with PvP currency and can then directly buy a piece of gear from a vendor. I am on your side.

  14. PvP players seem to be used to the system of:


    1. Engage is PvP

    2. Get PvP currency

    3. Buy PvP gear


    This 3 step system rewards players equally for time invested. The more time you invest, the more gear you get. Now, I like the idea of completing daily/weekly quests to be a large chunk of gear progression. This allows time-strapped players a chance to progress at a decent rate without requiring a large amount of time. The problem lies in the randomness of Bioware's system:


    1. Low-ish chance to receive an item

    2. Duplicate items can be received

    3. Cent Comms only afford the purchase of a few(1-3) pieces of low quality PvP gear a week

    4. A Champ chest token can be found in the next bag after buying the Cent chest, thus wasting the Cent Comms spent (this is the reason #3 is considered a negative, otherwise I have no problem with the Cent Comms)


    The problem most people have with BW's system is the frustration inherent in said system. Most don't mind having to spend a long time gearing up. Most wouldn't mind a little randomness. We just don't like disproportionate rewards for time invested. It may just be the PvP mindset. I would rather there be something closer to a fixed reward system. But, that's just my personal opinion.

  15. I love slicing. It is a reliable way to make credits that does not involve fussing around with the GTN.


    However, it is at an advantage over the crafting/gathering crew skills from a fundamental level.


    Slicing will always generate (sans nerf) the same amount of credits no matter the number of transactions. Gathering/crafting will increase supply the more transactions take place, thus decreasing the price. Therefore, marginal profit for gatherers/crafters will decrease as the number of transactions increase.


    Maximum profitability for slicing is slicing as much as possible. Maximum profitability for crafters/gatherers depends on elasticity of the market. Most likely maximum profitability will compromise some volume for price.


    TLDR: You cannot gather/craft endlessly for endless profit in the same way that a slicer can continue to slice with the same profit margin for every transaction.

  16. In the patch notes for the upcoming 1.01 patch, rewards for winning will be increased and rewards for losing will be decreased. Which is meh.... I don't really care either way.


    Sidenote: Usually don't see a warr/knight do that much damage. Nice job. Your kind are typically only annoying, not necessarily lethal.

  17. I would like it if the standard recipes were modifiable though, it seems awfully limited. Or at least have the RE blues be modable. I would dislike if the far majority of my crew skill was useless when I get it to max level and am level 50.


    Well, most people make the green recipes when leveling up, so the GTN is flooded with those, but not a lot of people bother to craft the blue recipes. You might be able to craft and sell a limited number of blue recipes to the leveler with extra credits. I have slicing, so I just buy the gear upgrades I need. Blue gear is generally cheaper and better stat-wise than a mod-able piece with level appropriate green modifications.... and to fully mod gear with purple or blue mods is quite expensive.

  18. Actually it seems like 80% of the players don't know that MVP voting is even there.


    Haha, no doubt.


    OT: I'm a healer, so I usually try to access who was most helpful to the team winning during the match. The end of match board doesn't give the whole picture. If a healer is just going to where the conflict is and not worrying about the objectives, s/he can top the meters but not really contribute to winning a match.


    Same with dps who stay in mid and just do as much damage as possible. I usually vote for those who do the best teamwork, not for those who get points.

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