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Posts posted by Abelf

  1. Pleased to meet you Jung Ma. This is a bit of a bummer, I hope BW reconsiders as the transfers progress.


    Well, if at prime time Ven Zallow has 20 in fleet, Ajunta Pall has 50, and Jung Ma has 80... that would put the new server at 150. From what I have seen, these numbers are a little low and there will be a new influx (hopefully) of players. So, 200+ could possibly be a realistic number. We just have to wait until Tuesday to see the transfer list.... sigh.

  2. You probably don't want to transfer right now, lest you appear on a new server with no pants on (and for some inexplicable reason, the inability to wear pants ever)


    I see no down side to the inexplicable inability to wear pants. Some of us gladly suffer this affliction already.

  3. They can win.


    Release content on time, release more than one content update every six months, provide features that should have been provided during release...


    If a company can't do that, they shouldn't be in the MMO business.


    If BW can get out good features and content in a timely manner, we might even see this game start to grow. More people in an mmo is always better.

  4. The 2-stun death-trap everyone is talking about... broken down by GCD.


    GCD 1: Hidden Strike 3.5-4k crit

    Start 1.5 sec knock down on target


    GCD 2: 1.5 sec knock down on target ends

    Backstab 3-3.5k crit

    Target gets 1.5 secs to react


    GCD 3: Debilitate

    Start 4 sec stun on target


    GCD 4: 2.5 sec left on stun

    Shiv 2k crit


    GCD 5: 1 sec left on stun

    Lacerate 2.5k crit

    Stun ends before GCD is over


    GCD 6: Target stuns Operative for 4 sec and commences damage or healing rotation



    Total stun from operative: 5.5 sec

    Total damage from operative (assuming all crits with good damage): 12k

    Total damage from operative (assuming reg crit rate and decent damage): 6-8k


    This assumes neither player had a stun breaker.


    Conclusion: Most classes can damage in a similar fashion. Most classes can stun for similar amounts of time. But, it does not feel as frustrating when other classes do these damage numbers or stun lengths. Players feel agitated when they are focused on something, then an operative knocks them down and surprises them.

  5. Sad about the loss of our giggle. I still remember people saying, "What the heck? Where is that laughter coming from?" But, I guess you can never recapture the magic of the earlier WZs. Sigh.


    3 Stacks of TA = Ballin'

    16 sec TA expiration = Totally Boss

    RN being useful = WTFBBQRESPEC

    2.1 sec talented DS channel = Awesome + 5


    With 10% alacrity (easy enough to achieve), you would get the DS cast time down to 1.8 sec. This will make casting DS more attractive. However, it will still get most of its use by being interrupt bait in PvP.

  6. No doubt those healers put in a lot of effort to achieve those numbers. Casting the entire duration of a match is pretty taxing.


    I just wish there was some other way to compare healing. The conditions of a match greatly affect the healing output that is possible. But, I guess that is what rated WZs will be for.


    PS: Cor Blimey! Dragon Quest was good times.

  7. I'm all for cosmetic rated WZ gear or items.


    Give me an Ewok mount that I can park on top of the PvP quest terminal and let everyone bask in the glow of my e-peen.


    I'm better than everyone else, and they need to be reminded of it in my presence.


    All I need is two twi'lek slave girls as summonable pets that release doves every time I walk into a room.


    Or maybe special gear that whites out a player's screen for 4 sec when they first look in my direction with a 2min CD on the effect.


    Hell, just a relic that causes a cone of light to always be cast upon me.


    Damn, my ideas are almost as epic as I am.

  8. I... Suppose? I mean, I'm not sure if there's much point to saying "It's worth 15$" when that's not what we pay and everything else is a matter of opinion.


    I just wanted to see what everyone's opinion was on the matter. Which probably also includes a person's thoughts on relative worth.


    As are mine, especially since I've put them in dollars and I pay in pounds <cough>. I suppose there's something to it customer perspective, but I'm not sure if it's worth picking apart when behind the scenes that money's going to many places that aren't content/service.


    I singled out one perspective and oriented the discussion around it. However, if you separate "content" into funds going to developers and other expenses (like royalties), the resulting conclusions might differ from the strictly customer perspective.




    Karma for Origin.


    Probably for keeping ME 3 off of Steam.

  9. Don't really see your point.


    Even if it is only worth $15, bear in mind that most games ever would probably still draw even with development costs if they sold hard copies for $15. Why do they sell for $30/45?


    To make an extra $15/30. Draw even with costs... And then make profit. That's called business.


    I suspect you will also be exaggerating the issue, as there will be more relevant costs that we haven't thought of or that have been overlooked. Believe me when I say the difference will be made up by a requirement in business to make profit.


    Yes, that's a requirement. Businesses have to make profit in order to satisfy shareholder agreements and to make sure they don't revolt. Businesses like EA and Activision are the type to sieze every opportunity to scrape an extra cent.


    And clearly, it worked.


    Subscriptions are the same, except they cost less than the game itself because upkeep costs less per month than development did. If you're under the illusion that you pay directly and only for content & server upkeep with your subscriptions - that's dead wrong.


    There's a reason these companies make multimillion/billion profits, you know.


    Three things:


    1. I was considering the perceived value of a game, so profits are less relevant.


    2. My numbers are ballparks. The operating costs are probably higher for BW than ActiBlizz due to economies of scale. Lucas Arts gets a % of the sub fee, most likely. But, the breakdown is from the customer's perspective. So, in exchange for $15 a month we get content and service. Content just happens to cost more because of the royalty fees.


    3. EA lost money last quarter.... not too sure they like those "profits" you speak of. Loljk.

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