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Posts posted by Eroiqua

  1. I think the easy solution is to make mods, armoring, barrels, crystals, and so on unremoveable. For mission rewards that are a piece of moddable gear with the mods included, when the player selects the piece he or she should actually receive a bag with the mods separate from the piece. If the player likes the piece, he or she puts the mods in; if the player prefers a different piece but needs the mods or upgrades, he or he can use the mods that way.
  2. Ya, hate when people vote most damage MVP, sometimes they deserve it, but not as much as they see to get it. I generally go for who has the most objective points.


    Yes, rather frustrating when the top dps is only top dps thanks to me frantically healing him or her for much of the match and he or she winds up with four or five votes and I get nothing.

  3. I laugh at the "pros" who have a problem with this. I guess I'm not elite since I don't stare at my cast bar or GCD indicator when I heal, preferring instead to just get into a rhythm. Yes, there is a delay...and it didn't take me long at all to compensate for that delay while healing. A 0.5 second ability with another tenth of a second delay doesn't feel any different than a 0.6 second ability with no delay. Stop staring at your cast bar, delay or no delay, and move on to the next level.
  4. A friend of mine swore it was Garak, but I don't know if he had a source on that.


    I swore it was Garak as well, but the supporting evidence...well there isn't any. I still call him Garak, though, since I absolutely loved that character. My wife thinks it's hilarious.

  5. Why is everybody who just wants to play the game told to go back to WoW? I missed all the flash points because i am enjoying myself, i love the questing. but yet i'm told to go back and spam a channel for a flash point, which interrupts my fun. i have zero need to go back to the Fleet.


    Now go ahead and insult me for wanting a flash point auto grouper. :):D


    I've not had that issue. I see people setting up groups for flashpoints on whatever planet I happen to be questing. I also run flashpoints with friends I've met through heroic missions and random grouping for mutual protection while doing regular missions (pvp server).


    I have zero need to go back to the fleet. Rewarding social interaction looks to be working as intended. A shame your particular server community is so fail...maybe you should work to fix that instead of falling back to a crutch like LFF.

  6. I was a bit surprised when I read this. I don't have a problem with Bowdaar at all and in fact prefer him in any fights with multiple enemies (meaning almost all fights). I think I see a small difference in how Bowdaar takes (or doesn't take) damage versus Corso, but it's a pretty small difference; I certainly wouldn't describe Bowdaar as being like a tissue, or whatever. Perhaps I'm using Corso wrong, but I don't really think so.


    I have noticed that sometimes Bowdaar's tanking stance turns off by itself.

  7. I'm having a great time healing as a Sawbones.


    Since you mentioned WoW, I'll say that flashpoint encounters in this game seem to me what Blizzard promised, but failed to deliver, for Cataclysm. There is a lot of *avoidable* damage but I have yet to see any unavoidable spike damage. Players don't need to be at 100% all the time. Make sure you don't overheal, and take advantage of your free, channelled heal. If you still have issues, make sure your group is not eating a lot of avoidable damage. Use (and don't break) CC.


    In good groups, I find myself able to DPS. If I'm wary of a fight taking a bad turn I won't use a lot of costly abilities, but the fact remains that I'm not frantically chain-casting big heals and praying I can get the tank topped off before the next spike of damage that takes 90% of everyone's health. I never have energy issues unless someone is screwing up. It's so much fun.


    Edit: If you truly are level 50 then I also question how well you took the time to learn your character as opposed to racing to 50.

  8. No issues here. With Guard (love that ability and the tanks who use it) the only time I pull off of a tank is if the tank is really bad or if I outlevel the tank by something like 5+ levels. When that happens I have Surrender and Disappearing Act, Dodge and Defense Screen, and the fact that I have yet to see any enemy abilities that are even close to a one-shot mechanic. I can take multiple hits before I'm in danger but it hardly ever gets that far with the abilities I mentioned above.


    In the content I've seen so far (up to level 35), I would have to say that if you're constantly pulling threat then someone is doing something wrong, be it the tank not using high-threat abilities, or the dps eating too much avoidable damage and requiring you to go nuts with the heals, or you just going nuts with the heals even though you're overhealing.


    Of course I don't have experience with endgame content yet, but then again, I'm guessing neither do you.

  9. I started seeing Imps in the wild on Tatooine. I've already killed quite a few in world pvp and am so far undefeated. About half of the fights were even fair fights. :D I found even more Imps on Alderaan. I don't see any issues and in fact think world pvp is going pretty well so far. If you know where to look you can find plenty of the enemy. There are enough of the enemy around to keep me looking over my shoulder while missioning, but not so many that every mission objective is perma-camped by groups. Not only that, but if you do a little work coordinating you can set up some nice large-scale challenges and have multiple guilds and independents from each side meet on the field for some great fun.


    The other thing here is that the game is officially *one day old*, and that fact alone deflates your arguments. Give it at least a week or two.


    Oh, and just to make sure you know...I'm a customer too.

  10. Definitely need at least one if not two more quickslot bars. I would probably be fine if I were just a DPS Scoundrel, but I'm a Sawbones. If I want to have all of the dps *and* healing abilities on my bars (and buffs, a vehicle, huttball throw, etc.) I run out of slots.
  11. I made another post about this and it seems like a LOT of people agree they should just make it BoE. It doesn't really hurt much.


    Hard to find a number more precise than "a LOT". You really should consider the repercussions of "a LOT" of people all wanting to sell the vehicles. I bet they all are dreaming of being the only one on the GTN with the vehicles for sale, selling hundreds each week...but if those vehicles do go BoE, I expect "a LOT" of people whining that the only way they can sell the things are at a loss.


    As a Cybertech, I rather like the vehicles being BoP. I have plenty of other items I can craft to sell.

  12. I tried logging into Jung Ma. Was 616th in queue. Waiting 40 minutes. Got to position #1. Got a 1003 error and was kicked from queue. And yes, I'm the guy who is stubborn enough to requeue after that lol.


    I must have been just behind you. Same thing happened to me, same server. I honestly don't mind a queue...*a* queue. However, when I wait out a 600-person queue only to get an error that's been known to exist since several betas ago, and I wind up back at 600+...that starts getting annoying.

  13. Trooper/BH literally shoot their gun at the person healing them, somehow with a bolt of 'kolto'. This mechanic is more like what you are referring to as shooting them to heal.


    Could you imagine this in real life? Say someone has a cold. You grab your paintball gun, load a ball full of Vick's vaporub, and shoot the person in the chest from 20 yards away. Or the inhaled type of flu vaccinations. Instead of having to go back to the pharmacy to get vaccinated, a supermarket could just shoot people in the face with a ball of vaccine. What could possibly go wrong? :D

  14. As others have pointed out, Bioware already said there wouldn't be a wipe between EGA and "release". However, if you really want more of an even playing field...I don't think Bioware said anything about guaranteeing that you'll be able to play the entire EGA even if you got in the first day. :D I would love to see those who are already in and who are defending Bioware now suddenly have a change of heart if they were told they won't have access from December 17th-19th...after all, they still would have had "up to five days".


    The whole point with EGA is to not have a gazillion of people in the start zone.


    The problem is Bioware took it to the other extreme. A friend who is already in said yesterday that he had trouble finding anyone with whom he could do the group quests in the starter zone because there were so few people that none were on those quests.

  15. How much benefit do we get from having a particular skill, regarding bonuses and BoP stuff? As far as I saw/read/researched through the Beta info, nothing really stuck as a "You can only have this if you're a X crafter". All of the gear was obtainable equivalently somewhere else.


    I've decided to go Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy, because Biochem is the 'consumable' skill.


    A lot of the endgame epics are BoP...for instance in Biochem you have green, blue and purple medpacs. Green is a one-time heal, blue adds a hot, I believe. Both of those are *not* BoP but are also one-time use. Purple is like the blue, but is reusable and BoP. Same with grenades for Cybertechs. The profession gets reusable grenades whereas everyone else can only get the one-time use grenades.

  16. I believe it comes down to the fact that people will still try to figure out when they will get in, and would complain if their estimate is off.


    "You said wave 1 was through July 30th! That means I should have been in wave 3! But I wasn't!! You suck, Bioware!! I'm cancelling my pre-order and I'm going to sit in the corner and cry!!"


    That's happening now, but with information that is far more sketchy. Give better information, the estimates will be better, less people will be in the situation you mentioned above.

  17. I'm planning on forgoing a mission skill at least until I'm 50. I'll be taking cybertech, scavenging, and slicing. I'll be able to craft greens with what I scavenge and if I want a blue or purple here or there I'll buy or barter for the mats. Once I hit 50 I'll take a look at the economy and consider how much crafting I intend to do. I may stick with slicing for the schematics or I may drop it for underground trading.


    Given how easy it is to level a skill, as long as you have the credits, switching later on shouldn't be a big deal.

  18. All EGA did was screw the economy, and let elite day oners get a head start on everything.


    I think it would be rather funny if, come Friday, everyone who got into EGA the first couple of days were locked out until the 20th. After all, Bioware did say *up to five days*. They never said that getting in on the 13th guaranteed you would be able to play non-stop through the 19th. :D

  19. On the 20th -- Role on a server that comes out that day. Here is why.


    I've been considering that...when I finally get into EGA just making a throwaway character to satisfy the addiction for a few days. My one concern is that given the rarity of RP-PvP servers, there may not *be* any new ones released after EGA.

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