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  1. I would like to play as a togruta they wouldn't be hard I've seen loads of them around the game and there similar to the twi'leks
  2. I wouldn't mind it that much if they put up the GMT time i hate having to translate PDT to GMT
  3. Ohh boo hoo you don't get to obsess about how high your pvp score is for a month or 2 doesn't mean we should get a month off this is all about the legacy not a pvp score board
  4. Horrible idea their like family you don't get to chose them you just get them, and i think she is great but boys don't remember the family thing when your trying to romance her
  5. If jaxo was my companion i would have romanced her instead of getting bored with Sargent dull and switching to the sith warrior were you have 2 male romance options
  6. I'm not sure where the hell you got vandexa and tannab because their not in wookieepedia or in google you can't just make up planets and one more thing I think that's a job for a expansion not a game update
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