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Everything posted by Dacri

  1. Dacri

    Rip Krea :'(

    reported for calling krea enjoy your ban doubleshltter
  2. Lol even if it doesnt make it for 4.0, will probably be on 4.1? Sounds cool to me eitherway!
  3. You haven´t get it yet? Most of us who transfered after season ended got it
  4. yea I know rofl, there are plenty of *******s on pubside.. I´d say usually 1 out of 3 matches is agaisnt pubs and not precisely superqs, lot of bads qing
  5. Mom i was mentioned in a post omg
  6. I dont know how, but I got it like 30 mins ago.
  7. PS: Still no top 3 title. Glorfindel haven´t gotten his neither.
  8. Feken plz I farm sents for a living
  9. A few people got it, but I did not get it on my sage. GG WP Bioware, GG WP.
  10. 1 day has passed, it is sunday my boys, and BW remains silent. I believe they are not working today, but me as THE CHOSEN ONE, demands BW presence and a reply from the filthy customer service.
  11. TIME TO REROLL OP FOTM SORC ow wait i already did
  12. Havent changed in more like 12-20 hours, not days lol
  13. Another week has passed, we keep waiting to be THE CHAMPION OF THE ADVANCED CLASS, was a hard season full of qsync, but our hard job haven´t been rewarded yet. Last seasons it took you 2-3 days to deliver all the top 3 titles, but this one 11 days and not even an ETA? I was ment to be the Champion of the Sages Bioware, it is my destiny, help me to fulfill my destiny. On topic: Nerf mercs.
  14. please take away the Buff sorcs. It has been known that if you ask for either a buff or nerf BW wont do it. So please take Buff Sorcs away so we can get the ultimate buff we deserve.
  15. It should not kick them. Should work exactly as regs, if you dont accept the pop it autodeclines and you lose rating, giving the oportunity to the team to get a replacement like usually happens when someone leaves.
  16. Dacri

    The Season 5 Nexu

    ^ I mean why not, not that its important seeing a bunch of Champion of the Shadows running around
  17. Dacri

    The Season 5 Nexu

    As long as I get mine, I dont care about what the other people did, do, or will do. If they got it too I dont give a flying fok.
  18. Dacri

    Top 3 Title?

    Any official word on this? been almost a week
  19. Sorry sorcs are a hard class to master, if this guy is doing 500k "DPS" and 2m heals its because he learned how to sage. you should kneel before him
  20. 500k dps? holy freaking cows batman nerf sages
  21. Dacri

    The Season 5 Nexu

    Well no top 3 titles out yet, no nexus mount to tier 1 people. GG WP BW. GG WP.
  22. Dacri

    The Season 5 Nexu

    Inb4 they put the Nexu Mount for 1 cred on a vendor and then you realize you can sell each back for 10k..
  23. Dacri

    The Season 5 Nexu

    Im missing the Nexu on all of my 6 T1 toons, including my #1 Sage on solo ranked. Its fun since a lot of people who DID NOT do ranked at all or got tier 2 got the Nexu haha
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