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Posts posted by Blloodbane

  1. I dont think you read what was written TBH.


    But go for it, search for mara pvp videos on youtube and watch mara's destroy 3 people at a time, even with similar gear. Then you can go call them bad or whatever you want, but 3v1 even bad players should kill a good player.


    I'm curious how you would know they have similar gear from the video?

  2. I forgot who said it but someone said berserk wasn't useful for carnage maras.


    I would have to say my best combo killer is berserk, gore and spam the heck out of massacre. Even hardened targets go down. Especially if you don't spam ravage because that's what they are looking for. When u berserk and massacre all they see is a flurry of lightsabers they don't think it's just sabers.

  3. If you saw an Assassin get away from 6 people all DPSing him, you saw the six worst players in SWTOR.


    [Edit: They could have also been AFK, I suppose.]



    Oh just like the poster that said a Mara and a healer and can live for 20 seconds are the best players. LOL ok




    I have seen some amazing assassins.

  4. Put 1 mara and 1 healer against a group of 8 and let them attack only the mara, and the mara can last about 20 seconds. Just CC break, GBTF, when its ending drop a force camo and get healed back to full.


    Put a DPS Ptech and healer vs a group of 8... Ptech dies in 3 seconds, sorc? 3 seconds, sniper? 6 seconds.


    And then you go on about stuns being damage immunity... 1v8 GBTF reduces damage by 99%, 1v8 a 4 second stun reduces damage by about 15%, and can be removed by a CC break. They are not the same thing so stop clutching.


    Also nobody is saying that mara stealth is used in the same way as a stealth classes stealth, in some cases it is better some worse.


    How can you honestly say that your class does not have FAR more survivability while still in combat then any of the other melee DPS classes.


    How can I say it?


    Because I have seen loan assassins take on 6 people kill one and live, I seen a vanguard with one healer kill 3 people in a row . I have seen a guardian and scoundrel take on people and last for 20 secs till their friends respawn and came to help, I seen a great deal of many combinations of duo that kicked tail.

  5. Stuns can be countered AFTER they have been cast, and don't have to be countered before. You can CC break a stun, I can't CC break GBTF, resolve stops a stun... resolve doesn't stop GBTF...


    Different mechanics stop comparing them.


    You act like a resolve bar is always full, especially for Mara sents, I cant count how many times I been stun locked and died.



    Except he was telling the truth and not being sarcastic.



    Ok w/e, I don't think the full story is truth, lots creative embellishment IMHO, he makes sound like he face rolls a Mara, which is not true.. Besides how do you know he's telling the truth?

  6. Sentinel and Marauder players are suffering from a severe case of denial. The whole "only good players can play the Marauder really really good" bit is just a joke at this point. The class is not hard to play and even sub par players can see great success with the class. A friend of mine with severe injuries to his hands plays a Sentinel and appears to do very well but on his Scoundrel he's just really bad and always has been. In WoW he played a Druid and was "a great healer" but on a Priest he was just bad. Anyways, I for one don't see a need to nerf the Sentinel/Marauder or the Assassin/Shadow (which are imba as well IMO) or any other class, just bring all the other classes up to their level. Of course that would make all you "skilled" Marauder players cry a river, God forbid things get difficult, right? I can see it now: "OMG I bled my own blood!"


    You know my fathers cousins brothers sisters nephews former roommate can play a trooper and he doesn't even have a brain!!! Just the stem!

  7. ya but none of that helps my grind for gear, i dont like pve


    Well what I did, and I like PVE too though, I did my class quests (and a few things in between), did space and pvp dailies and that leveled me to 50 and I bought gear off the GTN....

  8. OK so after lvl 10 I wanted to pvp till lvl 50. Now my WZ tokens are capped and i also can not buy future gear. I can't even by the Baradium Flux because it's bop and I can't craft the things it makes. *** do I do with the tokens?


    1. Convert them to Rated WZ Comms soon as you get valor rank 40.

    2. Keep stocked up on PVP Adrenals (Healing mainly, expertise doesnt help with low expertise numbers I dont think)

    3. There is limited PVP weapons you can get for lower levels.

    4. Get Storage Cases

    5. Once you hit Level 40, you can buy expertise gear


    just things off the top of my head... havent actually checked what 1.2 would be like...

  9. The only change that makes them OP is Ravage/Master Strike being uninterruptable and giving you a talent that makes it snare somebody. I agree that ravage/master strike should be immune to interrupts. Your playing a melee class, it doesn't make sense for a melee ability to be interruptable.


    The snare however is just ridiculous. I have over 1200 expertise and a marauder in gear similar to mine can crit me for 4500-5k with the last tick of ravage. I mean really? 3 second channel cast that the damage can range from like 3k if nothing crits to 9k if everything crits.


    I know people will complain about people running out of it but you have to be able to do something to save yourself. Saving your stun just in case you fight a marauder sometime in a warzone is completely impractical.


    Speaking from Mara perspective, I dont know the mirro names that well. The kind of damage you are talking about is only on crits and possibly firing off gore as an opener too.


    Okay its a root and not snare and it last duration of Ravage, if you play a trooper (or have a KB ability), you dont have to move just pop your knock back, not only does it move him away from you, but it stops that third (and most deadly) tick on Ravage. If you dont have that you will either have to Stun/CC which will also stop that last deadly tick. Failing that you will have to root and hope you can get out of range of 10m (its not point blank) before that third tick drops. If you see a Mara or Sent, it might be wise to save your stun as a defense rather trying to use it offense. I know its heart breaking but if it means the difference in the combat, just think about it.


    Now mind you, this is one tree that can root during ravage, thats Carnage... This tree has no real healing to speak of and highly dependent on healing. If I have one, my numbers are good, if I have to withdraw from combat to heal up and so forth, my numbers are lower. The tree most people are hating on and most marauders agree is the best tree is Ahnilation (Watchman for Sents???) and thats the one that has dots and healing. Carnage is pretty much nothing but a glass cannon thats has a range of melee...

  10. I had a Marauder pre 1.2 and didn't enjoy playing him because of the twelve thousand defensive near gawd mode abilities.

    It was too easy especially when you consider the massive damage spike they've always had in SWTOR..




    OH ok.... sureeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Much like I dont play my healing sorc because his uber healing... which truth be told I just liked how the Mara was more interactive with combat that used more than 5 buttons...


    see what I did there? :rolleyes:

  11. Well the problem is people treat 99% the same as 100%


    I have actually still died when i fired off undying rage and it was active.


    That want to deny that Mara/Sents are Warrior class that also give up heavy armor, with no or limited self healing, no Knock Backs, Pushes, Pulls, Stuns (they have a limited aoe stun breaks on damage)....


    What sense in fairness does it make someone can be in heavy armor and pew pew pew from WAYYY over there and shield and heal,etc...


    Heaven forbid a MELEE actually makes the range close instead of far... the audacity!!!!

  12. If they dont fix it, they'll end up with Sentinal vs Marauder WZs. Because everyone and their brother is rerolling one of these two classes for good reason.


    Which brings me to another point, if anyone is looking to start an alt, Marauder/Sent is a very good choice. If thats where they want these 2 classes to be, damage wise, everyone needs to have one.


    And just about everyone is re-rolling are still going to be bad players and will be right back here QQ'ing about the class that just owned them or right back here saying the class is OP not even playing to post 50. I have seen all the "I play a mara" comments and 95% of the time a little research shows their true colors.... Their main was something else.


    The new mara and sents I DO see (which is very few on Jedi Covenant) SUCK and badly... I dont even bother going after my other kills now, I kill them cus they are easier now... Oh... let me guess my Mara is more OP than the other Mara's (and no I dont play Anhilation)

  13. ofc they are fine, oh look you play a marauder, why im not suprised.


    OH look someone who hates Mara/Sents and says they are OP defending a thread calls them OP... OH wow imagine that... lets use some of the standard lines...


    1. Everyone knows they are OP

    2. Just afraid of getting nerfed

    3. If you dont think they are OP then you suck

    4. Proceed to cherry pick their best abilities.

    5. Your main attack does 20K damage and can one shot people



    ^^ Sarcasm BTW...

  14. I dont know where your seeing those damage numbers, cause I dont see them.


    Mercs didnt get a 10% nerf, more like 50%. The 1.5s cast time was increased to 2.5s. Meaning you cant cast as often, equating to a DPS nerf of WAY more than 10%. Plus their whole tree revolves around it, so no they cant 'adjust' and cast something else, they just have to eat it and still cast it.


    Mauraders are OP and everyone knows it atm. Trying to defend what they have is futile. We all play the game, we see what they are capable of and KNOW that no other class is even close.


    by "everyone" or "we all", you mean the 20 or so people posting here? :rolleyes:


    FYI, the devs said Mara/Sent Metrics were exactly were they expected and looked over it BTW... That and nothing in the dev tracker about changes to them either....

  15. its a tool to survive not to deal dmg, so it should also have at least 50% outgoing damage reduction, even then it would still be OP.


    Ehhhhh just because something gives you an ability does NOT make it an defensive or offensive in nature.... UR or GBF is MEANT to be used offensively so you can stand a little longer and do more DPS...


    Its like going beserker for beserkers... Ever play DnD or similar games?


    You think something that sucks half your life for a 50% DR for 5 seconds would still be OP... It would make it worthless...

  16. lol

    It depends on the spec actually. If the sniper is using a very specific spec, they have a chance. If they are not, they have as much of a chance as the other classes. Btw trying to insult one of my posts isn't relevant to the absolutely incorrect info in that other post I laughed at.


    Marauders have too many defense cooldowns against sniper damage to die to them unless they run at them at less than 100% hp or don't have their cooldowns. If we want to stun them at under ~30% hp to kill before the undying rage, than we can only use either our knockback or our flashbang, not both. If we use our knockback, all you have to do is go invis and pop up on us opening with a snare. We won't be able to get far enough away to not take damage, our only chance is to face tank. If we leave cover for one second, jump at us for extra damage to keep us close. We only have one stun. If we want to save it for the last, then we will take damage at the beginning, too much to recover from usually.

    I'm sorry that you get killed by gunslingers regularly. But if it is a 1v1 situation, and not being attacked from him while on another target, then that's your own lack of skill or cooldowns (why are you running at a covered gunslinger with no defense cooldowns anyway?)


    If you disagree with any of this, please provide real information, explaining the way you get killed, and show you actually know what you are talking about. If you can't, then both my points still stand.

    Also, I have absolutely no idea where you got the idea that I am "more pve than pve". Even if you can deduce that from some forum posts, it has absolutely no bearing on the arguments being made.


    Oh so you want to be lazy and make ME do all the work to tell you how to play YOUR class and fraps and screens shot everything. That is such an assinine line... 1. Even if I did do this you would still come back and say I did something funny just to prove my point. 2. I could say the EXACT same thing in reverse and say why dont YOU take a fraps and show me how it is OP it is otherise MY point stands... YOU dont know anything about a Mara/Sara


    I dont get killed by them regulary because I know how to move and use LOS, but it heavily depends on the skill of the player... Good ones can either kill me or at the very least lock me down. As far as your PVE vs PVP, I just looked back at your posts that you do and your biggest "contributing" posts are about how to do things in PVE... And it DOES make absolutely a difference. Because those that PVE more are going to think it is unfair.

  17. Alright here is the skinny for pre 50 and moving to 50 pvp gear..


    1. PVP vendors have expertise items

    2. CE vendor has multiple crystals on it

    3. You're not going to hit 1200 expertise out of the gate let alone pre 50

    4. Save WZ comms and Convert as many to rated WZ comms (how you use them up to you)

    5. Buy the recruit gear with this, 1 BM gear item (if not two) and slotted crystals you can boost exeprtise.

    6. Use expertise nodes and stims



    One thing I am not sure of is craftable expertise items, i think some crystals can be crafted as well, not so sure about gear.


    Thats just off the top of my head... if I could I would log in and look more...

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