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Posts posted by Blloodbane

  1. this^



    Noooooooooo please exaggerate !!! Making a player run at the sight of two sabers fluffs my stats more!!


    Fear is a powerful ally.


    Besides all these exaggerated claims, a lot of people think the devs are clueless and merely making an exaggerated claim is going to suddenly bring out the Nerf bat. They have tools to monitor things, and these I hate Mara/sent threads don't do anything. In fact, they already posted about the op of this class, and said the performance metrics for Mara/Sent are exactly in line to what they expected.

  2. Oh that's easy.... If you are constantly losing you keep entering the queue for those wins, which equates to the premades farming for valor, comms, etc. In addition, to some it gave them a boost to their ego's whether they are young players that allows them a sense of control, players with a low self esteem, those that feel satisfaction due to increased dopamine levels, etc. and by allowing losing players the ability to still gain ruins this illusion in the game they have a sense of superiority that is lost. They want to feel like it is a members only club.
  3. Stop asking rhetorical questions....

    Ofc mara would win...miracles dont happen in this game.



    Oh yes the, Mara/Sent hater that "retired" his sorc main and now plays a jugg and thinks this gives him knowledge of how a Mara plays and works and wants their abilities for their jugg instead of Mara/sents that also tried posting a thread as a hidden Nerf Mara/Sent thread.


    Mara/Sent's are not William Wallace, they are not ten feet tall that spits fire and shoots lightening out their arses. However, please keep posting how awesome they are, fear works in my favor a lot.


    Again, they already looked at the metrics for the Mara/Sent's and the devs said it is fine.


    Now something else may need changing but it's not the class.

  4. Well not sure how this works....but..



    Earlier today I had a bug were I was stuck in an invisible box (which royally sucked btw) when I ran to the snow cap in the beginning of the civil war. I had to use /stuck and it killed me (which was fine other the bug that made me do it).

    we lost that node but we came back and won, but /stuck killed me.

  5. If the pub server pop is low, you might be going against premades or the few hard core pvp'ers on the pub side always match up together....


    Not to mention if the imp side is more populated then there might be more nubs playing so diluting your talent pool.



    This can work both ways if the pub side is heavier populated than the imp side too.

  6. This sounds more like a Buff commando and Nerf Mara thread trying to be hidden.


    Seriously though, as others have said, if 1 person took out 3 people, that would seem to indicate 3 complete nubs coming in WZ with their PVE gear going against a really good player that is much better geared. The only other possible conclusion there was 1 or more people around that you didnt know about helping in the combat.

  7. It takes only a couple days (even of losing) to upgrade Recruit gear to BM (over which War Hero is not a huge upgrade). And premades? They can only have 4. And why not grab 3 other good pugs youself? Teamwork should be rewarded.


    it takes more than 2 days to earn 12,000+ comms for a conversion to BM gear, even winning all the time...


    Not everyone has every "good" player on speed dial to make premades with, some guilds have very few PVP players and can only resort to pugs. BTW Teamwork is Rewarded, you get more for winning over losing... Its not like both people get the exact same rewards whether the win or lose... Premades are going to get their dailies and weeklies and the comms they need a lot faster than someone that always lose...


    Besides, if someone is winning WHY is it so important to them to keep "losers" underfoot? Other than ego stroking or making a child feel like they are in control and bigger in life than they are? They are already going to be at a huge disadvantage already in amany ways...

  8. People just need to stop the "entitlement" attitude...


    1. Its a Game

    2. People pay the same money you do

    3. If you are "winning" who cares

    4. Your time is not more valuable than their time

    5. You still gain more for winning than losing.

    6. Who really cares?

    7. Do you need a game to feel superior over people you are winning against?

    8. Grow up.

    9. PVP is not a members only club.

    10. ITS A DAD GUM GAME!!!!


    Stop being such Richards...

  9. Please just delete this. As a player I'm embarrassed for people from other games to read that someone in SWTOR believes EAs daily stock adjustments are tied to PvP content let alone solely SWTOR...


    Yea its foolish... stock prices not really affected by individual games, let a lone a specific aspect. I buy and sell stocks all the time and I have never heard an investor friend yet say... You know, Disney is making the movie Cars 3!!! BUY!! Now if they had a huge influx of paid subscribers and maintained that ratio and EA's profits are going to be larger than what was estimated revenue was expected by the street.


    FYI, stocks usually take a plunge after quarterly reports of revenues and dividends... Old saying for stocks... Buy on the rumor and sell on the news... Apple's stock took a huge plunge after they beat the estimates on their profits and thats the most valuable company in the world...

  10. This arguement will come down on two sides...


    A. Those that feel entitled and want to feel superior that they can win over others. and make them suffer.




    B. Those that feel like they should get something for their time and effort...


    Those that love to do premades and just roll over the competition will argue for point A. because it makes them feel better and like a winner (who doesnt like that feeling).


    Those that constantly lose because of poor group make up or not good at pvp and learning, are going to feel like they deserve something for their time. Arguably so, they pay the same amount as any other player in the game.


    I been on both sides of this stick...


    IMHO, doing PVP is not an exclusive club, if it was, they would have not allowed it, except on pvp servers. So others need to stop treating this like some members only club and telling the "locals" to go home.


    With that said, I agree with the changes for the dailies (its just 99 coms of each, not a huge deal really), but I disagree that the upgrading to gear is made so easily (which ALL gear is too easy to get IMHO, pve or pvp).


    If you are mad about these changes, stop being a richard and just play YOUR game and quit worrying about others winning or losing, especially if you are constantly winning...


    I play a Carnage Mara and I can say this AC and Tree is pretty much Feast or Famine...


    If you have some healing love then you can cause some severe carnage (pun intended)... if you are dependent on your escapes and med packs and healing out of combat, numbers drop...

  11. I have to agree with the others here... and the biggest drawback to Carnage over Anhilation is that Carnage is heavily dependent on healing to be good. If you have a pocket healer or good healing on your team you will do good. Unless they focus fire you, then you're pretty much toast...


    Only other thing I can suggest beyond what they said, is to learn the maps and your strengths and weaknesses on each map... Remember medals are objective base now as well, not just how much you can maim, kill and destroy...

  12. OP: one thing, there has been a gazillion NERF threads, usually the same 20 or so people making new threads every day, giving ultimatums, especially over Mara and sents. I guess they either gave up or l2p. Then there are the threads that pretty much boils down to "Nerf everything" if your believed every thread.



    Most of the complaints, sages/sorcs, why? Because they no longer can be tank mages and run the battlefield without prudence or worries anymore.

  13. From a PVP perspective...


    I have to agree, overall Anhilation is the best tree...and the most popular and most complained about... Its does great damage, dots and self healing, very survivable..


    Carnage, is kind of feast or famine, you are a wrecking ball and the heavier the mix the better you do (Fury) but only IF you are allowed to continue existing, extremely dependent on outside healing. This is the tree I play.. If you dont have great healing going around then you have to learn hit and run tactics...and a lot of patience...


    Rage puts up great damage numbers, and very few specced to this tree, so you can catch people off guard... Also on maps that a huge cluster ***** like Voidstar and NC, you can rock it there, Hutball im not sure, Civil War depends if everyone is fighting clustered at a node or spread out... This MY opinion, I dont know the class that well.

  14. Dude a damage penalty is a Penalty to damage, like if the ability said "you deal 50% less damage for the duration." Losing half health is a cost, but that is a completely different thing from a damage penalty.


    So he's doing less damage to MAYBE stand 5 more seconds so what???? He can get beat on so they can push up their damage numbers... It's a defensive ability meant used to help their offense...


    Geez look at the class , it's a barbarian...


    fury, rage, berserk, med armor, very damaging with weapons.....No cc or stuns....

  15. I think the issue is that an Immortal Juggernaut in PvE gear will be burst down a lot slower than a Vengeance/Rage Juggernaut in PvP gear. I cannot speak for PvE gear vs. PvP gear in the same spec though. So if your class has a tank tree, you're better off in PvE gear playing as a tank than you are in PvP gear playing as a DPS. At least that's been my experience thus far in 1.2.


    The problem is the pvp is smarter than pve (depending on the plaer too though LOL), so as such if you are just sheer tanking, without the expertise, your dps is going to fall behind and people will ignore you and go for the real threats. Because the damage you do without pve gear is more easily mitigated by those in expertise gear...


    Everything gets boosted with Expertise....


    So if you asked me if I wanted a 24K HP Tank in rakata or an 18K HP Tank in WH and has a 1200+ expertise... give me the lower HP Tank.

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