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Posts posted by Tatanka

  1. EVE is probably the best sandbox game out there, where its developers actually respect its customers.

    EVE provides a vital service to the MMO genre. It keeps a large portion of people no one wants to interact with in an MMO contained to one game. It's the Mos Eisley cantina of MMOs. :jawa_tongue:

  2. The nomination threads are a pretty interesting read. All but a handful are already in PVE vs PVP mode. Some are in all out war. There is even one where they are debating a nominee qualification based on the fact they don't clip their GCDs closely enough in videos... heh.


    The handful that aren't bickering are doing it right by backing one strong PVE and one strong PVP nominee.

  3. Yeah... the email backlog on a new character is getting kind of out of hand. I don't want more of it either.


    Even the email I have now on a new character... it's a waste since most of it is also on the Collections tab for the character as well.. automatically. The email dump is really old school for this MMO. It needs to be replaced.

    If you don't want the extra mail, then don't log in on the 15th. Easy solution. :p

  4. Given the vocal lack of trust toward the developers in the forums.. I'm going to say that having player representatives is a good move. If nothing else, it disarms some of the rhetoric and lets the community start to discuss objectively the classes needs/wants/shortfalls.

    You of all people should know that player on player discourse is often more vitriolic than player on dev.


    With the stakes being what issues get passed to the devs, it's going to be rougher than you think.


    It took almost three years for the player rep idea to sort out for EQ2. In the end, SOE asked for nominations and selected players they knew had a history of supporting their class as well as having good communication with devs.

  5. ...

    How Will Class Representatives Be Selected?

    This process is going to be largely in your hands! As of the time of making this post, you will be able to head over to your Advanced Class Forum and you will find a post where you can begin nominations for who your Class Representative will be. After a span of time (a week or so) we will create a poll with the names we saw mentioned most, by each AC, and you will vote on who you want your rep to be! I want to note that Class Representatives will be shared across mirrored ACs, so Sentinel and Marauder will have the same representative. We are still going to allow one to be selected for each, but they will rotate in their responsibilities.

    Remember PVE and PVP folks, stuff the ballot box in an orderly fashion to get your class issues out front!


    Nominations should be player generated, but the final selection should be done by BW.

  6. Sure, they can do both. . . and I imagine they eventually will. Personally I'd like it if they were designed so that we could put dye modules in them for whatever color(s). But this is the only way we're going to realistically see another assassin droid companion other than HK for everyone. I'm just saying if one has to take precedence over the other I'm glad it's new models winning.

    If folks could slot dyes into HK, we'd have HK's running around looking like H.E.L.P.eR in Dia de Los Dangerous on the Venture Bros.



  7. At the very least, forum polls would guarantee only subscribers get to vote.


    That said, forum polls have very limited feedback use due to the minority participation of users that actually visit the forums.


    Now in game polls when you log in... those would be useful. I remember SOE doing that with EverQuest very often between 2000-2004. One vote per account, presented to all active players, response required. Win win there.

  8. Two words:


    Player Moderators.

    Good idea. I nominate Ayelinna and Andryah as moderators. That way, no one will ever be able to discuss anything. You two can be locked in eternal forum battle like Lazarus and Anti-Lazarus in the old Star Trek episode The Alternative Factor.


    If F2P want to post, become a subscriber. It's been proven many times over throughout the centuries that the input of people without franchise is worthless, regardless of what the cost is to gain that franchise. In this case, the cost is a subscription.

  9. Still..uhh sticking to the plot here.. We who like the game Outweigh the ones who Hate the game.

    I know we want things our way.. but the game is gonna stick around..sometimes it means making things hard to get. its a game. Dont expect everything you want to be available to you so easily.


    We ain't found ****!

    Keep combing the desert then.

  10. What JPryde said.


    Reminds me of one time when I told my wife I had a present for her, and she got all excited. When she saw it was just a movie DvD she couldn't hide her disappointment and said in disbelief 'THAT'S MY PRESENT?!' I would have been better off not announcing the present in advance, or just giving her a gift card with funds on it instead.

    What she really wanted was a SWTOR 2400cc gift card.

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