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  1. Hopefully enough people can agree with me here on this. I find as defenders when the Voidstar loads you're at times, (a lot of times) at such a disadvantage because of that stupid Speeder Bike Animation you have to go through. Simple Fix: Can I press Space Bar please to automatically spawn at the front. Reason for the Issue: A lot of times WZ Queue pops for people, some people do not accept naturally, so the system back fills with others Queued for WZs. You and maybe some other people are late getting into the WZ, you're defending you get stuck riding that stupid speeder bike in circles, you get to the front spawn, just as the door closes. Guess What now you're team is defending with anywhere from 2 - 4 people behind, while the attackers have a free open door to run out of. Other small issue, is maybe keep that door open for more than (I literally think its) 3 secs. Some people are at the vendor, and miss the first window to jump out. Fix, can you keep that door open till the first defender dies, instead of a timer? Please sign or speak up if this drives you nuts too.
  2. Ya after playing full out Pyro build last night for the first time, I cant see this being a viable hybrid build. You'd just be umm so gimped in either areas' that it wouldnt be worth it.
  3. Initially I thought this was way over powered too, (I play as a BH Merc). Orginally when I was playing Arsenal if I got jumped I'd be done. No question about it. Since I've switched to Pyrotech though, my rate of death from OP/SC have diminished substantially, and I find I'm not dying nearly as often from them. Lots of back and forth here to be said, their nerf doesnt need to be to their play style by potentially to the type of toons they can burst down. They should be able to burst down Medium or Lower Armour toons, and pick off those DPS characters. But never every tanks. Also only issue I really have is their ability to do a combo like that, cloak, and perform it again shortly after. Maybe a bit longer Cooldowns on some of their abilities, but I dont know what they are I dont play them. I dont care so much 1v1 if I get caught I die, it sucks, but guess what if I catch them out of cloak or walking by me I detect them, and get a DoT on them, they're as good as dead. I care that 1v2 he can take me out, cloak, and do it to my buddy too (depending on who my buddy is). It's hard to say definitively right now if a class is OP since we dont have a 50 only bracket yet, but once we do, I can see it leveling out a bit, and less people shouting on high about nerfs.
  4. I just switched to Pyro last night (from Arsenal). Few Thoughts/Notes: - I'm not 50 (47), so I'm not decked out in High End Gear yet, still sporting some 40-42 stuff for the most part. - In PvE I found I had a much harder time taking out Elite Mobs than Arsenal build. I was just not as consistent with the damage out put as with Ars. The rotation is much harder to watch, which has been mentioned, you need to watch for your free railshots, and watch your heat much more and change your rotation much more as a result. - In PvP (Played about 10 games last night), mostly huttball of course, I found that it's no where near as bursty as Ars (obviously), but like has been mentioned, is very situational, you can DoT a bunch of people. at the start of group fights, but your heat just gets out of control doing that. Where I find you shine is people who have this sense of safety at (around) 50% health. You're a much better finisher then you are starter. Your abilities work well with having people think they have health, until, you DoT them, Railshot them, TD them, Unload and maybe one more Railshot, will cause them to get into a real panic and die. - Good things, DoTs on Operatives, or people wanting to cloak out. We've all been there when an Op uncloaks and smashes you, I find doing a Jet Blast and than DoTing them was a good way of mitigating their ability to just burst your down. Also Mobility, you do have much more mobility, and infact you have to use it. You have to hug corners, and walls, and make people chase you as you dot and let your spells do the work for you. - Bad Things, melee characters will do a number on you as you're giving up your knockback uppercut, but you do get a bit of a slow to try and get away. Found my dmg output to be ok, but not nearly as good as Ars on Average. (This is based on the same equipment as before). I found getting Medals was much harder to come by as well since you're not dealing a ton of blows in a short time, but a lot of dmg over longer periods. I'm going to keep this build for now, it's fun, its a change, but like its been said, I dont think is as bursty as sustained dmg as Ars Spec is. But if you're a pillar hugger, and like to run around this build is for you.
  5. Moving Discussion to Mercenary Board: So I was contemplating different builds for Merc for PvP. I've played quiet a few games in PvP now, mind you I'm not 50 yet, but I seem to have a good feel for what Mercs can and can not do in fights. I've tried playing for awhile as a healer, and that can be fun, and you get a sense of helping, but of course you get crap for Valor points most of the time. But still fun. I in nature however can not just sit there and constantly heal, I feel like I need to output some damage as well, so naturally I do. I then switched trees to Arsenal and found I'm having a lot of fun there too, output lots of damage, especially in big fights, where you can stand back a bit and just wail on people with Tracer Missles and Heatseekers, but in an upclose 1on1 things do get a bit hairy. Not having the ability to sprint or jump to other people or what have you though makes the Merc a little frustrating to play at times, especially on Huttball with all the different levels. As some of you know the finer points of Mercs in PvP, I'd figure to ask and get a discussion going on the viability of a Hybrid Class and see if any of you have tried it out yet. I also dont mind being the guinea pig and reporting back on it eventually. Here is what I was thinking: A 24/0/17 Build - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#30...d0dzZZbIMrzb.1 Reasons: I go up the Pyro Tree enough to get Incindary Missles, and Combustion buffs, like SUper heated rail and gas. This will give me some sustainable DoTs, that will do decent dmg for those 1v1 fights, but also once DoTs are applied I can switch to Healing myself. As many of you know, trying to take out a healer 1v1 is pretty hard. The idea is to DoT them, and wail on them as long as I'm not taking dmg, once I'm half dead, I can switch to healing myself a bit, and then go back to DoTs. This also has the added benefit of give you the ability to DoT people in Group fights, and still healing teammates as well. Being Hybrid of course you're not going to be smashing people, but rather the idea is to have much longer sustainability than any other class. You can withstand a 1v1, output some damage, be useful in teamfights as both AoE dmg, single DoT dmg, and Healing. The beauty in this (I hope) is being able to have HoTs and DoTs on at all times. Thoughts? Viable? Useless? Tweaks? Also I'd like to know if others go straight up the Pyro tree, and how their PvP experience is with that Tree, you have a bit less range, but seems to me like you're more useful in a face to face fight with Jedi's.
  6. I'm in the same boat, I'm deep into the Arsenal Tree right now at 46, and I was in Bodyguard before that but got tired of healing nubs in PvP that did nothing to protect me. Anyways, I've 1v1 a PyTech as Arsenal, and hands down get beat most of the time. Their ability to stack some DoTs, and heal themselves while my health ticks away is great. Their PvP is hands down better at Mid to Close Range. At longer Range your Arsenal build will shine as you will hopefully have uninterupted ability to just spam Tracer, Unload, HSM all day long, and your Heat should stay minimal as long as you have HVCShell on. PvE, I can not see PyTech being nearly as good, but I could be wrong, I just fear that heat would be more of an issue in longer sustained boss fights. I find in large boss fights Arsenal is just really good sustained DPS with out too much worry about heat disipation. The Rotation that was pointed out above is exactly what I use when I'm allowed to stand still. Also things like the Themral Detinator or AoE abilities, that in boss fights or Instances, can get you aggro from other mobs, which you dont want. Most of the Arsenal abilities seem to focus on single target sustained dmg. I'm really big on PvP right now, and I'm still debating trying PyTech Tree, in fact I was fancying a Hybrid 24/0/17 build to see how taht works out in PvP and I can heal and do some DPS. Have a thread asking about the viability in here somewhere.
  7. /signed. That helmet is awful, and the whole suit is a little trashy (Literal) looking. I hope they get something more proper looking.
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