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  1. Idk if this is the best place to post this so that the developers can see this. If any developers do see this message can you please consider changing the attack animation of Stockstrike with Shoulder Slam (blitz) The main reason for this is that I find the animation of Stockstrike to be very clunky. It seems the damage of stockstrike seems to connect while the Trooper is raising his rifle, yet the sound of impact seems to lag behind. Furthermore, the animation continues through and quite often there seems to be a moment where the character seems to just "skate" or glide very awkardly. This talent seems less fliud than the BH's Rocket Punch skill, where the impact is upfront and its animation seems to move very well. Also, rocket punch has a very glaring animation that stands out when your in the fray of a large mob of melee attackers. With Stockstrike, i often find myself spammming this key, until i hear its point of impact yet, i find that its not as smooth or responsive as rocketpunch. With the removal of skills like Shoulder Slam in patch 2.0 , I think this is an excellent oportunity to not let a very visually appealing animation not go to waste. Shoulder slams animation is very quick and its animation should match its timing with its point of impact. Also, shoulderslam is more visually glaring, so that players can clearly see its animation start. To any other readers who support this petition please post your opinion so that our voices can be heard. TL: DR, Stockstrikes animation is awkward and difficult to see in melee clusters. Please change its animation for shoulder slam. p.s.: Trooper gear also seem to always have extra armor on one side of their shoulders, Shoulder Slam would seems to be an awesome match for the Troopers aestheitc appeal. P.s.s. Shoulder Slam looks way cooler that stockstrike, imo.
  2. Oh, so just to clarify. I can strip the BH War Hero PvP mods and insert them into the Jugg. Battlemaster Set and still retain the BH War Hero Set Bonus?
  3. Thx for the quick response guys. I'd go check that right now, but the servers are still down. I do like the look of our War Hero set, but I just think the Juggernaut Battlemaster Set looks a bit better.
  4. I'm sorry if this is a noob question, but I wasn't able to find an answer anywhere. Is is possible for me to strip my Battlemaster mods and set bonuses and transfer them to the Juggernaut PvP gear set? I know we can do it for orange gear, but I am not sure we can do with pvp gear from other classes. I just want to confirm this before I go and spend time and points towards it. The most important part would be if I can still retain the 4-piece set bonuses. Thx in advance.
  5. The best advice I can give is to not underestimate Rapid Shots. Use it often. If you know that you have a chain of tech abilities coming up (ie: RP, TD, Flamethrower) and you're getting close to 40Heat, use 1 or 2 Rapid Shot cycles to bring you're heat down. Then proceed with the burst, just think of those free Railshot procs as bonuses in keeping your heat down, but don't start basing your "rotation" around it or you'll be gambling.
  6. Here's my opener, TD-(TSO+Icendiary missle)-Railshot. Once you get close range it's all about a priority system: Railshot on cd, rocket punch on cd, TD on cd. Spam flameburst unless your inching close to 40 heat. If you alternate one or two flamebursts with rapid shots that usually a sustainable rotation if you are on a unlucky Railshot proc streak. Save vent heat and electro dart when you have some one around 30% and burst them down.
  7. I'm currently leveling as pyrotech and if anything, the killing speed has gone p from since level 10. ATM I'm level 41 and I still don't have problems with gold level elites. Once you get your talent that procs free Railshots from using Fb and rocket punch, managing your heat levels becomes much easier. For soloing hard bosses I just kite them with rapid shots in a circle till they die. Just keep mako up to date with gear and your killing speed should not slow down if anything it should pick up. I also hear with high levels of crit, pyrotech become extremely bursty and can compete on a high level endgame.
  8. Try a bh merc. You do carry two pistols, and you do use them for about 30% of the time. But a Bh also uses a lot of missiles and lasers. You also don't have the cover fire mechanic but you do have more mitigation. Range is around 30m+
  9. Yes , the 15% increase to Railshot from the set bonus is delicious. Especially with pyro.
  10. Yea a snare that is always up would make us pretty op, but I just want to take out the rng out of our snare. I think that a 100% chance to snare on a casted shot like Powershot* would be ok. We would have to compromise some of our mobility temporarily for a guaranteed snare, plus it would give us a reson to use this talent more. I just feel that sometimes the rng gods are in my favor when I kite and sometimes they are not. (meaning that I spam rapid shots while I run) I would feel more rewarded when I accomplish kills with skill rather than luck.
  11. Thx for the reply prince. Yea, I was wondering about that point in muzzle fluting, I don't find myself seeing a need to cast power shot alot either. I definitely find this character great at causing chaos in war zones, just popping dots everywhere. I just try to pick out my targets that I know I can burst down then get out with my mobility. This build definitely keeps me on the move consistently. I just wish we had better on demand snares.
  12. Ah thx, just wondering. Does alacrity reduce the channel time of Unload?
  13. I was wondering if there are any level 50 Pyrotech Merc's who pvp out there. What type of build do you run with? Is it better to go deep into the Pyrotech tree or do you use a hybrid type of build? This is the build I was thinking about atm: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300MZMcoZcGrrzGGMs.1 Just a couple of questions in general. 1) Do you find it hard to kite opponents as Pyro? 2) It feels my Heat levels rise extremely fast, how do you guys manage it? 3) Do you even use Power Shot or do you just wait till Unload is up to help you proc Railshots?
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