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Everything posted by Arakas

  1. Anyone else notice that all the build links only show partial builds now? Must have been some update...
  2. I wonder why you only took 1/3 in Dust Storm, and yet 2 points in Defiance? I almost feel like http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500G0Gou0MZZcGRMRhkzM.1 would be a better set up, and am even tempted to take the point from Defiance and put it into Shien Form just so I can stance dance when the need arises. I imagine it would be more beneficial than 2 situational focus points. And in return, I get 3/3 in Dust Storm, and 0 in Victory Rush (I assume that while tanking, Focus isnt really going to be an issue (but I may be wrong!) Thoughts?
  3. Thanks I'd also love to get your take on the above posted 18/1/22 and 17/0/24 builds. That is to say, how do you feel about 31 Def vs blade barrier and commanding awe? Is Awe worth giving up the last 3 (1/2) tiers of the Def tree?
  4. KiranK and JediMaster, I noticed Torhead is up ( http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500.1 ) and updated to 1.3 Is there any way we could get you to post the builds you've been talking about (18/21/2 and 31/7/3 respectively)? I know it would be an enormous help to me and I'm sure many others Thanks! Edit: Looking over the Jugg section, froops posted the following build (which I have ported over to Guardian): 31/2/8 (here is the Jugg version of the build: 31/2/8 ) (Note the names of skills and trees are different You can find the original thread here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=492045 Thoughts?
  5. Thanks for the quick reply, I'm sure a lot of people are wondering the same thing. As someone who's just back since 1.1, 8/31/2 is extremely vague in that I have no idea which skills to take to get to 8/31/2 I know Torhead* hasnt updated yet, so I guess it's a waiting game. Sad that our taking tree is so underused and that we have to use a Hybrid spec to stay competitive... :/
  6. Budding Combat Medic here, happy to have found this thread! I've been looking over some of the builds and I have a few questions about talents and their worth: For reference, I've been looking at: Butche's Build from First Page Sylanaris's Build from the 2nd page Arbegla's Build from the 2nd Page all three taken from this thread. In the Combat Medic Tree: Cell Capacitor - seems like a point hole, meaning a waste of time. I assume that no one is really relying on Recharge Cells to get them through a fight, it's more of an "Innervate" of sorts (or for non WoW vets) a button you press when things haven't gone the way they were supposed to and so even though you planned the best you could, you now need to last a bit longer etc Verdict = Don't take it (I assume) First Responder - There seems to be a debate as to whether Crit>Alacrity or visa versa, bigger heals vs. more heals the age old question... I assume that if I decide to go the Crit route, I should skip this talent, and definitely take it if I go the Alacrity path. Verdict = Depends Kolto Residue - I can't think of a reason to skip this talent, but it seems some people are. Any reasoning behind it? Efficient Conversions - I can't think of a reason Not to skip this talent, but it seems some people aren't. Any reasoning behind it? Med Zone - Having played a Tank for a very long time, I dont see why this would be necessary, if the tank is doing their job (which we will assume they are) then this is pretty much an Oh ***** Talent... That doesn't seem very reasonable to me. We should not be in a situation where we would need so much self healing in the first place. Smells like a PvP talent to me... ? Treated Wounds Dressing - Similar in nature to Med Zone (ish) in that it's a built in Oh ***** talent, but this one seems more reasonable. If I take less dmg, I'll need to heal myself less which means I can focus on others. Of the two, I'd say a global dmg reduction is better than a global healing intake increase. And this baby doesn't need a skill to be active in order to benefit from it. In the Gunnery Tree: Advanced Tech, Havoc Rounds and Iron Sights all seem pretty no brainer to me as they either directly increase healing done, or the strength of each heal via Aim... In the Assault Specialist: I'd say, Weapon Calibrations is natural if you prioritize Alacrity > Crit but if you're a Crit Head, then I would say either still take it, or take Heavy Trooper... or Even Med Zone That's my take on those skills, I do Not claim to know anything about them or the game mechanics beyond what all MMOs share... I'm really looking for your opinions on this assessment
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