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Everything posted by Daegil

  1. Or just get the tokens from bags. No need for commendations necessarily. You get a bag for every 800 WZ commendations if you want to grind. Or you can get 2 bags every day from dailies, and 6 bags every week from weeklies. So with proper luck you can get decked out in Champion gear on your first day as level 50.
  2. So because I choose to focus my time mainly on PvP I should not be allowed to do PvE content with any extra time I have due to my gear? How nice.
  3. Because its impossible to make new pvp gear to go along with pve gear? Or if you get same items from both pvp and pve there wont any problem, at all.
  4. Come on people. Why do you want to separate people into two camps, when we are all playing the same game? Should we all not be able to enjoy the same content together? Is this not a multiplayer game? Why should we be divided in two by progression when we are already divided by factions! Is it not in everyone's best interest to be able to do any content you wish, and be rewarded equally?
  5. The solution is not to make PvE gear the best by removing PvP stat, but to make PvP gear and PvE exactly the same. Thus player only chooses the way to obtain the gear, and is not locked out of the other half of the game as an added bonus. This way more players can experience the full spectrum of content.
  6. Seems you don't get it. The idea is that you get the same exact items from PvP and PvE. You only choose what you want to do to get it. You can focus on one side if you want, or you can do both. In all scenarios everyone in the game gets the same gear and are able to do both sides of end game.
  7. What many PvP stat defenders fail to realize that a PvP stat causes a huge gap between PvP and PvE. The developers put hard work (some may argue otherwise) to make the game and its content. Why should you be locked out of the PvE because you spend more time in PvP and vice versa? If both paths had the same rewards then you could easily go raid on one week and then pvp the next without being penalized. Mix and match, see what the game has to offer, not just half of it!
  8. Instead of adding a pvp stat in mmos developers should instead make pvp and pve provide same rewards, thus making people able to do both aspects of end game the way they want to.
  9. Do the Flashpoints that are "linked" to the planet (for example, Esseles for Coruscant).
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