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Everything posted by Barathos

  1. Haha that's pretty true not that I think about it.
  2. *Cough* World pvp in vanilla WoW was a lot of fun, just saying. And LoL is a TOTALLY different playstyle then any MMO I've played.
  3. Wait... There's world pvp in this game? You mean you interact with imperials outside of ilum!? What is this!?
  4. True, but right now in TOR I havn't received the same amount of "Joking" and "Talkable" people as I did in WoW. In fact, when I went into a dungeon just recently, my group was VERY talkative. I started saying random stuff about taurens having 6 stomachs and it got everybody talking and laughing. Sure, we'll never meet again, but at least I had some fun for the brief 20 minutes. TOR groups just seem so... dead sometimes. Except for esseles, people like to comment on that one.
  5. + You don't have to deal with jerky leaders who will give the loot to their friends when you need the item too. No rolling, just dictator ship. LFD you just have to pray you win the roll over the guy who REALLY doesn't need it, a lot better imo.
  6. In terms of philosophy Pands = Jedi + that comparison fails because you're comparing a class to a race. So imo... Pandas > Jedi
  7. Friends leave cause they get bored of the game. Nothing you can do there. Guilds are the best way to go for "community". But I made a free trial on WoW just to see what the differences were, and honestly, I've been in more talkative groups on WOW than TOR. Crazy.
  8. It's funny that you should mention ninja looting in LFD, because WoW is gonna fix it quite well I think. WoW is placing a spec-roll system in place, I don't know if it'll work for totally different specs(enchancement shaman, elemental shaman for instance), but it will work in terms of dps, tank, healer. A tank cannot roll on a healer trinker because he's tank spec, even though he's a pally. The healer gets first priority, the tank can still roll need for offspec though. You'll still get people needing on gear (mage vs mage on a robe, othe guy has epic you don't), but honestly you deal with that in TOR right now. It's even WORSE because there are no loot restrictions. A smuggler can take jedi armor/weapons easily, but if it's an accident it cannot be fixed.
  9. It's hard to find likeminded ppl that are on when you're on. + healers / tanks are never on at the same time, or they're busy, etc. etc.
  10. True But the LFD tool is actually pretty good, the problem you're having is the LFD cross-server tool, which does kill community in a sense. Spamming in general chat, though, THAT'S unacceptable imo.
  11. ^ this. EQ1 had plenty of jerks, and honestly, I like the ease of getting into a group and NOT waiting for 30 minutes to an hour to do a dungeon. Sometimes I just skip them because nobody wants to do them. And honestly? The community is SWTOR, at least on my server, is probably worse then WoW.
  12. I like how the OP want's WoW to die. This shows me the maturity of my fellow MMOers out there that go from game to game.
  13. Agreed. It's all his fault for enjoying the game his own way and taking it at his pace! HOW DARE HE! ^^ That's you, abridged version.
  14. We wanted KOTOR, not DA2 where you can't change your class quest at all. There's not pivotal moment in your story when you have to make a MAJOR choice that will be felt forever. =/
  15. That's your own fault* Sorry... it was bugging me... And i'm sorry, but you must be new to MMOs. The "carrot-on-a-stick" playstyle is in almost every. single. mmo. Except this one, where the raids are really (which is odd) simplistic. I'm NO hardcore raider by any means, but as soon as I get in a pug and I get the first tier of raiding gear easily, which basicly makes hardmodes invalid, I have a problem. So they got rid of the "carrot-on-a-stick" and instead I get "Nothing-in-front-of-you"... I want my carrot.
  16. *Sigh* This... Stupid Warhammer and getting all those "awards"
  17. Wait... this game has a rep grind? And housing that you can make ANYWHERE ON A PLANET? Sorry, but when EQ1 was created it had some minor pvp, but hardcore (mostly WAAAY too time-consuming) pve content and that's not just raids. DAOC took that the next step and created some of the best pvp in a MMO. 3 factions all battle it out on a battlefield to get a fort = win. WoW created the ease of getting things done in a MMO. The ease to get a group, the ease to level up without needing a group / friends at launch, the ease of crafting, etc. etc. Rift brought us a world that will kill itself in a constant conflict (not quite so epic when you get in, but that's essentially what happens). SWTOR brought us a fully voiced MMO, awesome, but it doesn't do anything when you're 50 and you've done it with several alts. Class quests are great fully voiced, but all those sidequests? eh...
  18. Unfortunately, SWTOR has to compete with the big MMOs, or suffer the fate of EQ2 and LOTRO. They're not bad games, but they're not top MMOs. Oh, and you hostility doesn't help SWTOR's cause, btw, it damages it because you're reflecting the community.
  19. Lies! The never ending story was a never ending story!!
  20. Another "I hate dmg meter / GS!" thread, that's cool... Anyways! Damage meters, imo, are needed to figure out if spec X is better then spec Y. Looking at my talents is one way to go, but I'd want to know PRECISELY if it's better or not. Gear score is coming, they already have armor rating so it's only a matter of time.
  21. I'm guessing english isn't your first language, if so, you did well. But it's "Through" not "thru" And agreed on the gearing progression. Normal modes are so easy, you can do them in fresh 50 gear and get some really nice epics. Thus, skipping every single hardmode. PVP gear distribution is just a joke. I don't want RNG in my grinding experience, that's only in raiding. PVP should be "Here's 50 tokens for winning! Save up and you'll be able to get a piece of gear!" not "Here's 50 tokens! Save up and buy a bag that will give you a CHANCE to get a piece of gear" Armstech is good, if you reverse engineer the stuff to death. The barrels are USELESS though, which really made me mad.
  22. ^ this These forums are to post your complaints, suggestions, and overall discussions over certain things in the game. Forums really aren't the best place to go "OMG! I LOVE THIS GAME!" those posts are fine and dandy, but they're kinda useless in terms of a "General Discussion" forum. If you love the game, GREAT! Good on ya, mate. But really, say it in the Republic fleet. It's more productive and you'll probably get a better community reading from it.
  23. Well... it's been a month... Using the fleet to judge isn't quite the best method. Using the Fleet + Coruscant is a good judge, though. Most people are still rolling alts. If you have a 50, don't even bother getting in a group unless you have a guild. Dunno why, but finding a group is a paiin right now. Ok well I DO know why, and that's because they don't have a decent LFG feature. >_>
  24. 1) People who want to make a left turn on the highway when it isn't their turn. 2) When somebody gets my cheeseburger wrong at McDonalds. 3) I call customer support and get a guy who barely knows English. Wait, you mean things that irritate me with SWTOR? Ooooooh... 1) ABILITY. DELAY. It makes me punch babies 2) The major faction imbalance 3) Lack of ground-breaking end game. Samey Samey = bad mojo, imo.
  25. You're using your opinion to degrade his opinion. Good this is not.
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