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Everything posted by Hokonoso

  1. because white hair is better!
  2. yup 2nd poster is still not getting it as usual, good try tho. again ive searched and the only thing that looks close is an android app...
  3. i looked, cant find any on google, 2nd poster is bad...
  4. tanking isnt hard so who cares?
  5. i still disagree with the force bending point as it's the only heal i use on myself in this spec as is even without the nerf/change, the 23/0/18 playstyle wont change come 1.2 so force bending wont matter too much imo, at least not in this spec. also you can only heal the damage done to you or your teammates so the #'s wont change too much in 1.2, if anything they will go up when the other team starts stacking marauders and snipers...
  6. it's the best solo 1v1 spec we get, it will beat any other sorc/sage 1 v 1 that isnt this spec...
  7. A) this only refers to other classes nerfs, and since no other class is getting an armor reduction, none of his numbers would change unless you count other ppl doing less dmg in which case only his healing would have gone done, but since at least 2 classes got dps buffs that could go either way... not a good argument sir... B) he did not use consumption as his spec doesnt have the talent that is getting nerfed... C) force bending to innervate is unchanged in 1.2, he stated he only used it for that... D) this spec does not change from now to 1.2, i have used it for a long time and laughed at the nerfs since they did not touch this spec at all as it does not have CL nor does it have consumption, the only nerf would be using force bending on DI which is not a good idea in this spec anyways as it makes you go oom and useless.
  8. lol that's 100% identical to my spec. how ominous
  9. i agree, the 1350 powertech will be doing what you said over 15 seconds then be out of heat doing nothing for the next 90s while vent heat is coming back off cooldown, and certain marauders do even more burst than anyone while doing next to nothing the next 45 seconds, but no one seems to have posted that spec so ill ignore it for now as pvp is about burst not dps, no one cares about dps, currently on live we have burst with recklessness and CL/DF, ofc we cant do it but once every 2min but to drop someone fast it's there. madness will be fine but it will still lack burst, just like warlocks are fine in wow.
  10. well done on the dmg part, what spec were u using and what spells to achieve that dmg? assuming it was mostly aoe but still like to know. i havent done a single wz since 1.2 notes were finalized on my sorc as there is no point until the patch if any depending on how it goes. but i know we will still be able to push 600k dmg due to our madness tree getting a boon.
  11. no, there wont be any way to get expertise/power/surge enhancements unless they change some of the gear back as it was previously... war hero gear still looks good so i dont care, just spend the 6 days it takes to get a full suit and call it a day. playing just 10 hours a day it takes 9 days total to go from fresh 50 to full war hero with the new system... pretty ridiculous no matter how you look at it since right now it takes so so much longer to get full bm. i guess the devs dont realize how much people will grind... some servers have queue's 24/7 allowing ppl to cut that time in half and achieve full war hero in just a single weekend. also, no one cares about the rated gear, it will take along time to get crit crafted gear as it is to worry bout getting it again for the rated gear...
  12. at 50 u wont remember the story or use ur companions... my companions havent seen action in months on my sorc.
  13. yea it's silly, in order to raid on my alt i had to pvp grind to Bm and get BM weapon at the least before i could even dps in a hardmode which is super easy... when you know the raids, doing normals or flashpoints is just a waste of time, you should be able to skip them... fortunately it will only take 3 days to get full bm gear with 1.2 which is still all you need to raid hardmodes/nightmare.
  14. 1.2 healing will go OP > merc > sorc with Op being miles ahead so if you want to heal go operative since they are amazing.
  15. 3min is pretty slow, our premade queues aren't even that long on helm of graush... also pvp happens all day long vs only at primetime. and everyone i run into speaks english so that isnt a problem here, also the server queues are gone, it used to be very bad but it settled down when all the imps rerolled, now the pubs seem to control the server in both ilum and in warzones...
  16. /signed and some of us want more dmg, not survivability... if u want survivability, get a healer, that's always the right solution.
  17. you are looking at the debate incorrectly. accuracy is a secondary stat, crit is a primary stat. the ONLY stat you can substitute with crit is power so any crit debates should be balanced vs power and nothing else. there are only 3 secondary stats, and 2 of them are useless so it really doesnt matter since surge pretty much hardcaps at 250 and you can easily get 500 surge accuracy or alacrity... tho id rather alacrity over accuracy so id get surge to 300 or so then put the rest of the enhacnement slots into accuracy, so to answer your question... yes accuracy is pretty bad, it affects unload and railshot but who cares?
  18. considering 1k/1k buys you 1 bm com or 2k wz com which will buy you up to 3 bm items it is better to save them if you dont want to refarm them again... keep in mind, it takes 10 hours of winning warzones to reach 1k/1k so keep that in mind if you are close to the proposed release date of 4/17.
  19. i just have to laugh, since a grill is in essence a meat shield...
  20. this is closer to the truth. just about everyone got nerfed which means any class that didnt, got buffed (ie marauders/assassins) making them demi-gods come 1.2...
  21. i want it to be the 17th, that would give me enough time to reach 50, hit battlemaster and maybe get the car on my 3rd alt.
  22. assuming they plan to release this patch on a tuesday (sometimes it's delayed a day or two) then "early april" will be between the 3rd and the 12th and 13th at the latest so we'll see if they can deliver in that timeframe.
  23. just quoting this last post cause there is a dillusion here and i want to point it out. if you are beating EVERYONE 1 v 1 and you are not in max gear, then by default your class is OP. this is just a simple fact, no one can deny this so don't even try. i have multiple 50s, and nothing comes close to my PT, NOTHING, i even have a marauder at 50, powertechs are 10x more powerful. only thing close is operative and only because of the 1 v 1 mentality of the class, take that away and they are worthless, my PT often will win 1 v 2 fights, and i mean OFTEN. mara/sents only win if they get me at the right time with ALL their cooldowns up, and then only if i have NONE of my cooldowns up AND we are in an enclosed space where i can't kite. my guess is, even after the nerf, PT will still be top because just about everyone else got nerfed too.
  24. you are missing what PVE stands for by the OP. PVE means operations ONLY. no on cares about companions or the leveling process, all the OP is asking for is how viable they are at endgame raiding, namely hardmodes and nightmare modes for enrage timers. like sorc, it's RNG which means sometimes you will parse super high and other times you will hit like a wet noodle.
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