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Everything posted by Gassygunslinger

  1. Well yeah, but they're the bad guys. Sort of. When you've each gleefully killed hundreds of thousands of people (and looted their corpses), evil dialogue choices seem kind of like a drop in a bucket.
  2. I'm just waiting for the day where a quest-giver references me as a genocidal war criminal because of the hundreds of thousands of people I've killed. I shot first and killed tens of thousands of alleged gangsters without a trail ("He joined the gang a week prior!"), thousands of Imperial soldiers despite the fact that we're not technically in a war and I'm not even a soldier, the dozens of yellow-con non-hostile NPC's that got caught up in my AOEs, and the tens of thousands of animals I butchered without a hunting license. I even sent deadly weapons and Underworld Goods through the Republic mail system. That's a FELONY. I'm going away for a long time guys. By my approximate count, about 451,001,123,812 years.
  3. My Bounty Hunter grabbed one of the same model. I think it was a GTN purchase. If not, might have been from Tatooine tokens.
  4. Only 10k? You know how many hundreds of thousands of credits he's lost due to mission failures? If I were a chick, I'd tell'em to pay me back starters. Rocket Boots aren't cheap.
  5. Real cover though, can be the deciding difference between Scoundrel and the other healing classes. 100% immunity to all non-AOE ranged attacks? Yes please! I've always found it's easier to be a healer if you don't have to deal with ranged classes taking you out from afar.
  6. I really, really, really tried to give my tank companions the best chance of success. I set them up with the best endgame gear I could, making sure they'd have the best possible ability to tank, but I've found they're just a temporary meatshield. While for healer classes it is an entirely different case (the little bit of defensive bonus and aggro grabbing goes long ways if you're looking for something to tank a champion), as a Gunslinger, Corso and Bowdaar are simply slowing down the countdown to destruction. A healer companion can reset the clock. True, a companion can never truly match a player in healing ability, they can at least make a competent stand in. A tank companion conversely loses out on a huge amount of tank buffs. Running two-man CtS (4-man heroic) I've heard a lot of "I've got a good healer companion", but never "I've got a really good tank companion". At endgame, a fantastic tank companion is no match for a great healer companion.
  7. I think it's safe to say that Smuggler rules. Gunslinger? Scoundrel? You can't go wrong. We've got Wookies, we've got Mon Cal's, we've got beer and pie. Anything else is just settling for second best.
  8. Eeeeh.... The "tank" companions are kind of a joke. I've found that as a Gunslinger, a healer companion ultimately tanks better than they do, because they can replenish their own health and have access to a CC. Endgame, with Guss I can start combat with a group of enemies (BH district), go get a beer, and come back to find all the enemies dead. Guss can heal the both of us very well, while dishing out a fair amount of damage to boot. Given that tank companions have only marginally better defenses than damage companions, having our first two companions be "tank" companions seems a bit of a waste.
  9. Yeah, I have to agree that the order is a bit skewed. Why is the order, Tank, (Another) Tank, Damage, (Another) Damage, Healing? Personally, I think the companion order should give you some diversity. The way it's set up now, the second and fourth companion don't give you any more options. Tank, Damage, Healing, for the first three would have been much nicer.
  10. Simple solution. If they complain, don't heal them for a round. At all. It's the only way they'll learn. Two rules you should always live by. Never insult the person who handles your food, and don't insult your healer.
  11. I live for the moments like when Soa's defenses are down. No interupts, no dodging stuff, no situational awareness needed and NO conserving your energy bar. Just flat out balls to the wall DPS. I love the moment when the group leader says, "Forget about everything else... Just TAKE. THEM. DOWN."
  12. I've done some testing with this ability, and the graphical animations are kinda awkward. The second shot has a weird delay, and the way the character holds the gun (and the lack of a recoil in the animation) makes it feel goofy. Like the second gun got really excited and got a shot off prematurely.
  13. I'd go with an oak barrel. Really mellows out the flavor, and imparts a complex profile.
  14. Best tree for Gunslinger? Apple. Gives you lots of cover, and who doesn't like apples? You can even ferment them into cider or (my personal favorite) applejack! I kid. Sorta. I found Sharpshooter to be effective in both PvE and PvP. However, it is strongly geared towards single target DPS. Single target. Fantastic for boss fights (when you're just fighting a boss), but notsomuch if you're the one who is supposed to deal with adds. Also, if you should choose to PvP as well, you'll find that you're an excellent healer-taker-outer. Lots of armor penetration for those really juicy hits. Also has a teensie bit of defensive flair that helps survive fights against ranged enemies. I imagine though, that Sabotage would be better for leveling. Sabo is AOE-based. Probably not quite as good as a sharpshooter if you're only fighting one target, but against a group you'd put a sharpshooter to shame. While I haven't played much with Dirty Fighting, it seems mostly single-target based, and is really geared towards PvP. Not saying that you'll be crap in PvE, but those DoTs (you'll mostly specialize in stacking DoTs) really shine in PvP. So I'd really lean toward Sabo if you're leveling. But Sharpshooter is plenty of fun, and in the right hands you can rain down destruction like a pro.
  15. Laminoid Battle Chestpiece Crafted by Armormech at pretty low level. URWELCOMES.
  16. It's handy for Hard Mode speed runs to trololololol past annoying groups of enemies.
  17. Yeeeeaaah... I wouldn't take whatever the item databases say all that seriously. Most of them are full of wrong information from beta, and/or information that was incorrectly entered, or just plain entered in wrong just to troll people. I'm not at all sure that helmet even exists. And if it does, it probably doesn't have a dark side requirement, OR can be used at level 24. Yes, there are a bunch of hats just like it. Unfortunately, they're like late 40's til you can wear them. Heroics on Belsalvis, Battle of Illum/Red Reaper flashpoints, Corellia Heroics, random loot, those are your best bets.
  18. Sure you didn't get hit with a stun that caused you to stand, which then opened you up for a leap?
  19. The classes are all going to have a bit of variance, with things one can do that the others can't. If I remember correctly, the Sage AOE heal can heal more players. And Commandos will have armor that is a bit better than Scoundrels or Sages. However, Scoundrels get access to cover (healing from cover? Yes please!), stealthy, and (in my opinion) most importantly, TWO CC's. I also recall that Scoundrel is considered to be the best healer. Not sure if that's true, but it's what I've heard.
  20. Youtube is like that. Here's the usual pattern: "Looks great!" "Looks bad!" "WT* it looks great!" "WT* IT LOOKS BAD!" "UR AN IDIOT!" "NO UR AN IDIOT!" "HEY GUYS! I HATE ALL [insert race here]" "WT* that's racist!" "Pfft. All the [insert racial epithet here] are ruining the country!" ... And then what follows is usually just a bunch more racist comments and hater comments. Back and forth.
  21. I checked the numbers on my Operative and my Gunslinger. Quickshot (and the imp equivalent) seems to consistently hit at least 50% more than flurry. Though sometimes seemed more like 75%. Does it use more action? Yes. Will hitting it every once in a while send your energy into the gutter? No. I think the point of it is to throw it into your rotation every once in a while.
  22. Was Scrapper the name of the tree you were thinking of? Can't really comment much on level 30 Scoundrel, as my Operative is only level 28. One thing I'm wondering though, do you use your stealth 60 sec stun that often? Scoundrel/Operative is blessed in that they can CC two enemies at once for 60 seconds (assuming one is a droid and the other is organic). Also, don't be afraid to use your in-combat stealth to get out of combat. Taking down a few enemies, smokebomb, heal, then taking out the rest is a totally legit strategy.
  23. First off, it's hard to tell what exactly I'm looking at. I -think- I know the armor models you're talking about, but I can't say for sure just by looking at the back. And while I know there are orange (custom) versions of those particular models, I don't know if they're in the same color. Just off the top of my head, I believe there's a version of the one on the right, I think it has Saboteur in the name. I wanna say from Balmorra, maybe a heroic. But could be completely full of crap, as I often am. The one on the right, I believe there's a version that's about level 48ish, something like "scoundrel's jacket". Or something. I think. Multiple places, but if I recall there's a Belsalvis heroic that gives it out (The Tyrant maybe?).
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