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Posts posted by revial

  1. High shaders seem broken, period. My issues that are present with shaders set to high, that I don't have when shaders are set to low:


    1) Character creator. Shadows are super flickery, and cosmetics/complexion are impossible to see accurately on the character's face, but are visible correctly once in the game. This is not tied to any specific face, head, or body.


    2) Armor previews. Completely broken. With the preview window open, it takes anywhere from 1 second to maybe 10 seconds for an armor preview to glitch out and either everything in the window but the previewed armor vanishing from sight, or the previewed armor turning into a textureless placeholder on my body.


    3) So much flickering in so many different aspects of the game.


    Using the latest Nvidia drivers with a GTX 1060.


    Everything is fine, but ugly, with low shaders.

  2. most what I now read here is a answer from ppl who probably not even know how to pay subscribe or never pay for him.or just troll here OR

    or never go to work to make money, cause he not understand subscribe cost real money from real work what's mean lost every day from of subscribe is a lost of money, I respect money for what one I must hard work.


    ...only subscribers can post on forums.

  3. This seems to be a new bit of ... uh... something, from SWTOR.


    Last night was when I first noticed it, because I'm quick to report Spammers and fill out other tickets regularly (bugs you guys have known are broken for years are still new to me).

    ...but even reporting spam (right click name, select report spam) is broken.


    It's also hilarious that certain issues still give you the old "help" window from beta testing (the generic message of sending your help requests to "testing@swtor.com"; don't bother, no one has read that email account in a long time).

  4. I second the advice about starting at the lowest settings and gradually turning things up.


    There are some very broken things related to changing settings via the presets. For example, if I use the preset High, Very High, or Ultra, many textures become invisible (quest markers, lightsabers, some armor textures, etc). I can set the preset to Low, and manually max everything out individually, and have no problem. :D

  5. The in-game ticketing service does not work. Your only avenues are a generic EA forum for players to help other players (/eyeroll), and phone numbers:


    USA: 1-(855)-345-2186

    UK: (0203) 0141 826

    Germany: (0221) 8282 9212 (Phone support available from 09.00 CET - 21.00 CET)

    France: +33 (0) 4 81 68 10 51 (Phone support available from 09.00 CET - 21.00 CET)


    Yes, this is probably the only MMO in existence without a functioning ticketing system. Just relax and giggle at the absurdity. :D

  6. The vanilla story conclusion to the Sith Warrior battle versus Darth Baras.



    ...and it was scaled down to level 12. Absolutely no challenge at all I killed him in less than 5 seconds.


    Lame as hell. Was it always like this?


    To be fair, all story "boss" fights have been lame since the first few months after release, when they initially nerfed them all into the ground. For the first few months after release, they were tough fights, providing some actual sense of accomplishment. After that initial nerf several years ago, you've been able to do them all with your eyes closed, using your nose to push keys on your keyboard, so it's a bit misleading to say their lameness comes from the changes in KotFE patch.


    It'd be more accurate to say what was already an incredibly lame and easy fight(s) has/have managed to somehow even be lamer. :p Though, on a practical level, does the degree of lameness matter between lame and super lame? They're both lame. :D

  7. Can't login to one of my characters due to a "Character versioning error". Message says to contact customer service, but the in-game ticket submission simply says "There was a problem submitting your ticket. Please try again later." For the record, I don't believe I've managed to get the in-game ticket submission to work in years. :rolleyes:


    Kudos, all around. :p

  8. Oh, Companions will obviously be nerfed. I love hyperbole as much as the next person, but this really can't go unnoticed by our Devs. :p It's like solo mode flashpoint bot had a child with Jesus and a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Our Companions might be even sillier than that as they stand now.


    That said, I'll be grinding influence to see how high I can get it before it is nerfed, because I can only imagine what a max influenced Companion is capable of under the current scaling mechanic. :eek:

  9. Finished the leveling and chapters last night (took about 5 hours).


    It was very much more of a Mass Effect game (I mean that in a good way) in terms of its storytelling. I've always disagreed when people say SWTOR is a great story-driven game. It was-relative to the competition-a "good" story-driven MMO when it was released, but the very same story set in a single player RPG would have been derided and laughed at. The two mini-expansions weren't much better. KotFE, however, is far closer to what you'd expect from a single player Bioware rpg in terms of its approach to story and characters. Kudos.


    It's especially nice to see the little hooks for those who've played all classes, in terms of cameos and references. I'm sure there will be more in the coming chapters, with such a small percent of all the available Companions revealed so far in these first 9 chapters.


    Love the elevator moments. ;)


    Now, the rage-inducing part of the game. End-game. Frankly, I'm ok with it, but these forums are going to be insufferable for a while. Not that they're an oasis of happiness to begin with. All I have to say is that it's not like SWTOR had a vibrant end-game to begin with...basically being in maintenance mode since going F2P, and at least this new approach to end-game has some real structure behind it. I'm not sure I'll partake in it much, but I only ever really stuck around for Huttball, and now that we will be getting occasional story updates (even if they're likely going to be 30 minute snippets), that's better than what we had before.


    It's also clear now, why we have mandatory level sync. Considering the rage mandatory level sync brought, I'm not sure they really did themselves any favors by not being upfront on the real reason it was implemented, which obviously has to do with how end-game is now set up. All that bubbly PR talk about playing with friends was such a poor smokescreen.


    Companions, I'm assuming, are going to be nerfed. Hard. Though, I remind myself that balance isn't something the team has ever really seemed to take all that seriously, and with the embracing of the single player RPG that happens to also allow you to play with others model...I suppose there are probably more important things to put their energy into. If they aren't nerfed, I just might do end-game grinding long enough to see first hand what a 50/50 Companion is capable of, because the ones we have now at such lowly influence levels make the solo mode flashpoint bots seem like babies.


    Maybe if SWTOR had been a vibrant MMO for the past few years, these changes would infuriate me, but it hasn't. And, when viewed from the reality of the state of the game these past few years, I'm actually quite happy to see it shifting to what appears to be a story-driven RPG that hews closer to what you'd expect from single player games (while allowing playing with friends/strangers if you so choose), with classic "post-game" grinding for those who enjoy grinding, and promised story updates to continue dropping as if this was a single player game that was producing story DLC.


    The game was never a particularly good MMO, and I think this new focus is much more in line with what the game has always kind of been. Now, at least, it might be so well, rather than kind of half-arsed while pretending to be an MMO first.


    So, yes, this is my way of saying good job. It's not what fits my ideal vision of a Star Wars MMO, but I think it's a good vision and initial implementation of what can realistically be expected of this game. Keep it up. :D

  10. With Tuesday releases being traditionally tied to retail stores...I'm very curious as to why games that are essentially distributed purely digitally are still sticking to Tuesday release dates, as opposed to what would seem to make a lot more sense....say....a Friday?


    I'm genuinely curious. This isn't me being snide. :p


    Also, those of you on the East Coast or unemployed, try not to have finished all 9 chapters before I come home from work! :D


    Seeya all on the flipside!

  11. The only remotely logical reason for a forced level sync is because the game developers think there isn't enough content for progression.


    Unless they have severely screwed the xp curve with the mission streamlining, not having enough content for progression doesn't seem likely.


    Ergo, there is no real logical reason behind forced, rather than a toggleable, level sync.


    All I can think of is some form of pseudo-passive aggressive behavior on the dev team, as to why this change is going into place.

  12. I was debating on whether to finish Ziost with my Inquisitor or get one or two last 12X level in for my Smuggler/agent before I go on hiatus for the next few days. (This is not a slam on 4.0 so much as an observation of how Makeb and Rishi were slideshows the first couple days. Even Ziost had major lag. This time, I think I'll wait a few days. This way, I avoid the slideshow and I can gather forum impressions and Youtube videos as well. If everything is favorable, I might even skip Tiffany the insta-60 scout and start using my actual characters. Either way, I probably won't be back on until Friday. Thursday at the very earliest.)


    Hell with it. I think I'll do all three and just use tomorrow to catch up on things. To quote EVERY Fast and Furious movie after the first, it's time for "One last ride."


    Unless I'm completely misunderstanding the quest changes, the "streamlining" of quests appears to basically achieve the same thing that 12x xp currently does, so I don't think there's any real urgency to make use of it, imo.

  13. True story. It took me two weeks of queuing to even see the "new" Huttball map pop.


    I'm lucky to get either Huttball to pop more than 1-3 times over a 4-6 hour play period on the weekends.


    Even taking into account random is random, I'd be hard pressed to believe they haven't weighted the maps to some degree.


    Also, I love Huttball.



  14. Latest screenshots are from December, 2014. Guys (and girls), posting screenshots is hard. Be patient. 10 months is actually not a long time for such an intricate, high-wire task.


    In slightly less tongue-in-cheek mode, the website has been a barren desert of updates and info since shortly before going F2P. In all fairness, the game itself makes WoW seem like it has a fast update schedule, but a creative community manager could probably put a little more pizaz into it, even so. :p

  15. Mandatory down-scaling of levels means levels are completely pointless.


    I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that type of design, but there are very few stat-driven games where that type of design paradigm actually makes sense.


    It would make a lot more sense for it to be an optional toggle, as there are certainly a few usage scenarios where being down-scaled can make sense (primarily centering around playing with lower-level friends).

  16. I tried playing a few levels of JK a few years ago and just was not digging it -- it felt too Mary Sue-ish, then again I never got out of the "training" phase (or whatever it was -- the equivalent to Korriban). Does the story give you the chance to take a much darker tone in the same way that you can basically be pure good as a Sith Warrior?


    I am thinking of giving it another shot but time is rapidly running out :eek:.


    No. You can make every dark side choice in the story, and you're still essentially treated as a full light-side Jedi, outside of some finger wagging.


    I'd argue that Agent and Sith Warrior are the only two class stories that even remotely care about whether you're dark/light, so this insignificance of your moral choices is not unique to the JK.

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