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Posts posted by revial

  1. Republic/Empire classes are mirrors. There are always those who claim animation differences extend beyond the global cooldown (thus impacting you on a practical level), but I have never really seen that to be true. I imagine all it takes is a few seconds for a Dev to look at whatever field they have in the code that times any given animation length, to see if that's true or not, so my guess is it's all in people's heads. Though, I admit, devs have been known to be too stupid to do this (*cough*Funcom*cough*), so I suppose there is a possibility that the animators for SWTOR weren't told to keep their animations within a set length.
  2. Do not cancel. You will want to be part of the civil suit if the scenario you explain happens.




    Meh, I know it's frustrating as a late pre-order knowing they're not even through three entire days yet with several month's worths of pre-orders to go, thus you're probably quite right to question whether you'll ever get in, but you're going to play the game anyways right? So, outside of maybe making yourself feel better, what gain is there in cancelling and then buying it on the 20th?


    These companies track profits over a quarter. They're not going to care if they made money off you on which day, as long as they have your money when their earnings reports are due.

  3. It's damn near impossible to know how old someone is. I ran a close-knit group for a year during Vanilla WoW with mostly mid 20-mid 30 year olds-mixed gender. Mainly to farm R14. Got to the point where we talked outside the game. At the tail-end of a year, we ended up calling our healbot to get his arse into the game, and we ended up getting his mother on the line. Turns out he was 13 (he certainly didn't sound like it). :p Considering some of the conversations we'd had over the past year, it was...an interesting revelation.


    That said, after the initial 'ugh' factor, we let it go. Sure, I often find children on vent to be annoying (especially when combined with their balls-haven't-dropped-yet-voice), but it's ultimately a generalization. I've never pre-judged someone on their age. Idiocy (not the good kind :p) knows no bounds, and you can generally tell if someone is an idiot within minutes of their opening their voice on vent. No need for screening measures.


    And, yes, I'm allowed to post in this thread, as I am over 29. :D


    I think there's a huge misconception on the age of the playerbase of subscription based MMOs to begin with. Mid to late 20s and early 30s likely make up the vast majority of players, with the older bracket beyond that weighing in far heavier than the younger bracket before it. The idea that 'tons' of kids play these games I have simply not found to be true, if we use a strictly biological definition of being a kid. :D


    Of course, this leads to the rather depressing realization that the majority of the trolls and negative nancies you read on these forums were written by people the same age as you. :)

  4. I think it has far more to do with the degree of clipping their artists and animators are willing to work with.


    But, hey, maybe that's just me.


    That said, I agree. I'm totally wishing there were long hair options, and couldn't care less about the clipping issues!

  5. In regards to Companions, I found DPS ones the best. Imo, the added pressure is far more preferable to having a Companion who adds no pressure at all (since heals are mostly cast times and channels, thus adding virtually no damage). Generally, as a Cunning-specced Operative, fights just aren't that long, and if they end up becoming long, well, that's when we reset it. ;) Or, we move on. ie: There were several healers I simply didn't bother fighting. My experience was a well-played heal-specced character simply won't die in a 1 v 1, Companions or not, unless you gank them when they are in trouble already.
  6. I'm sure there will be thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people who bought a physical copy and not a digital copy from Origin who won't have their physical copy yet, and thus...won't have their product registration code yet either.


    Expect a lot of people to not be able to play for a few hours to a few days when 12:01 EST comes around. :p I'm sure that temporary drop in the playerbase will help to counteract any actual surge in new players logging in, though I also think there'll be far fewer "new" players logging in for the first time on the 20th than you think. I'm fairly certain the lion's share of the population will have logged in during Early Access.

  7. I don't think it's a matter of if the servers are full, I think it's a matter of whether or not there are 150 people waiting to kill in a newbie starting zone.


    Every zone is instanced and makes a new one at a set population, making this argument completely non-sensical. ;)


    Grats OP. Now only a million or two of us want to kill you. :D

  8. If you look at the skill trees, it is almost impossible to screw it up as there's very little actual choice available to you. ;)


    The only real question mark you'll likely ask yourself about in the Immortal tree is whether to take 'Crash' or not. Resolve sucks, and the stun component added to Force Charge is almost not helpful, since you're not always going to save Force Charge just to interrupt someone (remember, the person is rooted for 2 s already, so adding a 2 s stun is of limited importance, especially when taking Resolve into the picture). I've found myself both praising having the stun on Force Charge, and cursing as I had to Force Charge to get to someone and then finding their Resolve Bar now maxed, when I really had no need to stun them at the exact moment I had Force Charged them.


    It's a double-edged sword that I'm still not sure which way I'll be going for live. As far as your throw-away tree goes, I went with the Vengeance tree.


    Immortal Jug spec is a good support spec, though with Resolve working as well as it does, our plethora of stuns at 50 have far less 'bang for the buck' so to speak. We're still great Huttball carriers though, as there's always an idiot or two who let you Force Charge your way around the map. :p


    Otherwise, we're Guard machines and anti burst (with aoe and single target taunts that reduce player damage) support while maintaining aoe snares constantly while throwing our stuns around to peel other melee off our healers/ranged. As long as you don't expect to be leading the damage charts (I only once reached 200k damage as Immortal spec-it's far more common to be in the low...low 100ks, and that was in a three man pre-made against some particularly bad Republic PUG-two of which were healers :p).


    Near the end of beta, I was actually starting to appreciate our DPS tree. It's actually not bad at all. Outside of Huttball, I think it was actually the better way to go, though I only played Vengeance at 50 for a few days.

  9. I've never particularly been sold on Pin Down, and actually ran without it the last week or so of Beta. That said, there wasn't a ton of solo world pvp I did, and a lot of my success there ultimately had little to do with my build and everything to do with being a stealth class that could choose my fights (thus being able to have the right Companion out per victim, or being able to CC their Companion making it a 1.5 v 1-if you count your own Companion as .5).


    With no dual spec, I don't think I'll be making any build super specialized to begin with, which means I'm not completely sold on Jarring Strike either. Resolve sucks and individual access to knockdowns becomes less and less crucial in a non-solo enviornment, which I realize isn't exactly what you're talking about, but I didn't find the lack of Jarring Strike to make any real difference in ganking people out in the world, because...again, Companions add another dimension to the typical solo World PvP gank, and as a stealth class, we can abuse it pretty well.


    Resolve is why I also am not sure about Slip Away. :p

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