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Everything posted by Aepervius

  1. Sigh. read the PVE server rule. But i am getting the sinking feeling that "reading" does not seem to be a required skill for PVPer.
  2. Which means you are actually breaking the rule made by BIOWARE themselves exploiting what obviously is an oversight or a bug, tricking people into NON consensual PVP, and you anncounce it on the forum. I seriously hope you get at least a warning, or a temporary ban. And next time : read the rule of the server you roll your char.
  3. That is what called griefing, and you could certainly be reported for it.
  4. beside the trolling, what i find funny is the built in assumption we are all male. Now that is quite funny. Imagine being a girl and getting told to grow a pair and that you are girly. Am I supposed to be insulted by that... ?:D:D:D:p
  5. You did not read any and just made a drive by posting right ? If you DID read , it was said before that as such the game mechanic should simply NOT allow you to heal unless you turn the flag on. AKA : you cast the heal and it does nothing. There should NOT be any way whatsoever to accidentally get flagged PVP. Any action done by a non flagged char should have no effect on PVP flagged char, unless they voluntary flag, be it healing, buffing , or even damaging.
  6. Firstly some of us never had a pair to begin with. Reflect upon this : 50% of the population aren't male. Secondly in case you are serious and not trolling : there is a reason in multiplayer game even FPS there are Deathmatch mode and COOP mode. They both fulfill different market. Different taste. If you can't accept or understand that people have different taste then tehre won#t be anyway to help you, and this has nothing to do with an absurd idea of courage you have (what sort of courage does it takes anyway to be killed or kill an *ELECTRONIC* toon ?).
  7. That is why you reward the *team*. Half of the reward should be the team with most kill/damage , the other half for winning.
  8. Aepervius

    So I did it.

    It is not unreasonable to expect a fix. It is quite unreasonable to come in the forum and whine and print screenshot of your unsubscribe action and request ACTION before a few day are gone otherwise you really quit. And that is not even counting those who keep saying they will quit or even already unsubbed but keep posting here and in various thread to voice their discontent. You can be discontent. But what msot people are getting sick of, is not having a different opinion, but rather the whiney way some do express it, with in addition the spamming of various thread with the same issues and "deadlining" setting "if you don#t solve it within a few day I'll quit". I am sorry, unless they are kids, any reasonable adult by now KNOWS that in IT in general and game or MMO in particular you rarely have quick solution. Just unsub, quit, and put why in your unsub feedback. And then observe. But whining over and over is tiring and unreasonable. Expecting change within short frame for a software is unreasonable.
  9. You can't carry a portable PC or ipad or whatever in your pocket the whole day, without being inconvenienced (not so much inconvenience with smartphones). And even then on a portable PC you would have like to log in or use VNC to home.
  10. The fact that you use such a nice term to describe others, means you haven't grasped at the fact that not everybody has the same taste when it comes to what to do in a MMO. Some of us are actually in for the *story*. Your opinion or rather your TASTE might make this MMO not good for you. but that does not mean it is "bad" and calling other people "scrubs" only shows your lack of understanding that taste matter are not objective.
  11. Different taste cater to different persons. Some , if not most, of what you listed I would not categorize as flaw, but as what make that game attraction to me. A flaw is something which disturb everybody across the board, not matter their taste. Example of flaw : getting consistentely stuck onto a specific rock no matter who plays, some quest being not solvable, CTD on some feature etc... Those are flaws. What you cited are not flaws, but rather matter of taste.
  12. I don#t have a smartphone (why would I want one ? I use my mobile only for SMS/Phone). And the security key is not available for my region. And why the heck would I need to use an ADD ON on account security to use a very useful in game item ???
  13. Too much "user-friendliness" break the game making it no fun (it certainly seem to you) and not enough it break the fun too (it does for some of us). Thus "user-friendliness"/easiness/fun it is a multidimensional surface curve with at least one local maximum, maybe more than one, and as far as I can tell it even vary among cultures. Subscriber MMO (FTP is a totally different beast) nowadays are simply navigating along that curve to try to maximize the population they get to subscribe. Maybe you should consider that you belong to a minority for which the game "user-friendliness"/easiness/fun is simply way out of the normal average population settings. They < BW > are in for a profit and maximizing population is a greater priority than catering to people which like difficulty. Which is why although dark soul / demon soul were success because they were catering to such "hardcore" difficulties, they are niche game (demon soul AFAIR sold less than 1 million copy Worldwide over all those years). Maybe you should consider that you are much more niche than you realize. Do not construe this as a critic, but as a remark. It is neither good nor bad nor intended to be.
  14. Not really no. MMO cater to different kind of people, PVPer , raider, etc... For example I like to explore, find niche stuff, boss not everybody find, read the story, sniff at the flower, etc... As a raider, YOU think the level 1-50 content is just there for the grind after 50 to prepare you. You are only 1 type of gamer MMO cater to. In fact TOR is catering to single story player a LOT, by having all those 8 different story. I can tell you for one I have no intention to speed through those and no intention whatsoever to raid. None of your and my gameplay is the king or whatever. We just have different approach and neither is better nor worst than the others. Just different. I wish those people which psot "1-50 is only a speedbump" would start to realize that it is only their viewpoint and not really more valid than other's. ETA: to make my point clear , WOW is DEVOID of content comapred to TOR's 8 stories.
  15. Got a link ? Personally as a biochem i don't care much that it get nerfed. What I would like to see OTOH is that it gets a requirement "biochem 400". I find that really OP that somebody can train biochem to 400, get those BOP items, then drop biochem.
  16. From my own experience, using a very low affection char you can have nearly 30 - 40 missions without alien blood. By 3500 affection I nearly get one every 10 missions.
  17. Each feature take development AND planning AND testing. Even feature you see existing NOW in wow have taken years to develop, debug, and implement, think phasing for example. A game might take advantage of what it sees as good feature in other game, but that does not mean those feature will not cost a similar time to develop/be quicker to develop ! Take again phasing : let us say it took Blizzard 1 year to develop. Why do you think that in the same time BW developed TOR they could have done what they did and in addition phasing ? That makes no sense. Furthermore some of those feature were developed AFTER TOR's development has been started. I am a developer and sorry but feature cannot be so easily added or removed especially in engines. "Copying feature" is not an easy thing as you think it is. if it was , outlook would have been copyed in open source for years now. But it isn#t there are many things outlook has developped over years and is required by firms and open source does not get right. That is an example among many.
  18. Here is the biochem deal : 1) normal rgeen medpack heal for X and are usable by anybody 2) blue pack heal for X and has an Heal on Time component and are usable by anybody 3) epic pack heal for X only and are reusable and need biochem (exception is rakata which IMHO is what should be nerfed and should read "need biochem 400") Now the difference between 1 and 3 is *ONLY* that you don't need to pay over and over for the consumable. But they heal the same ! The blue one is the one you should strive to get as they actually heal more ! I have no idea why people keep saying biochem is OP because of epic. Actually Only the rakata is "OP" because it does not require biochem which is IMHO an oversight. If you look down at it, a raider or PVPer should *want* to get the BLUE medpack rather than the reusable one because even if it cost more , it actually heals for more. The problem is Adrenal and Stims reusable are actually *as good as* the green one, which I agree is OP. The progression should be the same as medpack with purple doing the same as green but reusable, and blue having a buff over green. As it is having the stim carry over your death add NOTHING because the purple can be reusaed as much as you wish including every time you die and it takes 1 seconds. Now biochem is certainly more useful than other profession at end game. The question every player should answer is : * do you prefer *all* crew skill equally as useless OR 2) do you prefer the other crew skill to be boosted to reach biochem level usefulness I tend to go for 2) but it seems some wrathful and PO'd player would rather have 1).
  19. Ha thanks it was very confusing for me. So as a healer it looks that adrenal is then interresting for me to use in case of emergency healing needed.
  20. Nerfing biochem essentially means NO crew skill is interresting to level with after end game, and during play the bulk of the player come to realize that you get with each new planet tier relatively quickly much better equipment, or equivalent enough that the price on GTN is not warranted. Naturally this make sense if you want to make *ALL* crew skill equally useless to all player, rather than pump them up all to the level of biochem. It is much easier to nerf and make evrything equally useless and THUS balanced, than delicately pump the under used crew skill. It does not take too much development talent to do it that way.
  21. The attack adrenal increase power by 90 for 15 seconds The triage adrenal increase force power and tech power by 90 for 15 second and damage dealt by user is penalized by 50% So the second adrenal seems to be for healer to be doing a burst healing (which is consitent with the name triage, used in hospital to order wounded by criticality). What does the first do then ? Isn't power=force power+tech power ? Or is the power here in the first adrenal ONLY related to melee/ranged "normal" attack damage and does not enhance the special pwoer like healing ? If it does enhance the healing too what is the point of the second adrenal ? Does anyone knows ?
  22. Dream on. PVE player can be as skilled as any PVPer are. They simply do not like to PVP.
  23. I think the redmedialetter questions (linked before) should be answered by everybody which think the prequel are good : 1) what is the plot 2) what is the motivation of the protagonist 3) what is their personalities / how would you characterize them If you are honest , you will quickly come to conclusion that while in SW4 you can recognize plot and archetype (the hero , the rogue, the villain) , in SW1 for example it is neigh impossible and sometimes unexplained. It is simply bad , because it does not describe the character well, the plot is not well described, and the reason for the protagonist to be there actually unclear or worst.
  24. If it was done to me I would simply report the player for what it is : griefing. On a PVE server forcing the player to do pvp is just that. As for the "carebear" two word comment... It reflect much more poorly on your mindset that you are unable to comprehend that not everybody find what you do is fun.
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