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Everything posted by Aluo

  1. You can't RE for a better version. reason being that when you crit it with an aug slot, it becomes better then T3 rakata. So no.... you can't get a new T2 pattern from it, because that pattern would be Rakta level.
  2. Yes. What you want to do is keep crafting the epic 49 recipe you RE tell it crits. When it crits you get an augment socket that you can put a +28 stat bonus of your choice. This makes your level 49 recipe better then Columi T2. You can sell them for about 35-45k depending on what recipe you are selling, and the demand for it. HERE IS THE REASON YOU WANT IT HOWEVER! When you get the recipe to craft Columi (T2) itself, you repeat this crafting again tell you crit and put an augment into it. Now you have an implant that is better then Rakata T3 that you can sell on the AH. On average I sell my Columi with an Augment slot for about 450k a pop. ( Yes I have millions ) That issue you will need to overcome to make those Columi however is that fact that the recipes only drop in EV and KP. What mode doesn't matter. Hope this helps.
  3. I made it half way down page 2 before I gave up reading to find out if anybody understands what is going on here. Let me clear up what I think is going on. In phase 3 Soa at times puts the MT into a Mind Trap and hence bugs out and resets the instance since the Highest Agro was no longer in LoS ( IN THE DAMN MIND TRAP ) Biowares ATTEMPT TO FIX THIS ISSUE is what you are seeing. They made it now so when the player is placed into a mindtrap ALL AGRO on you is erased. The problem here is that they broke the agro system in phase 3 and you NO LONGER can get agro back after you come out of the mind trap. SO if you are placed into a mind trap on phase 3 you no longer have the ability to generate agro for the rest of the fight, your agro literally will be 0 for the rest of the fight. SOOOOOOOooooooooo......... if your MT gets tossed into a mind trap currently he is perma screwed and cant get agro back.
  4. They are not enrage timers people. They are GEAR CHECKS! Those of you crying about enrage timers fail to pull your heads out of your asses for 2 seconds to realize the only reason these timers are there is to GEAR CHECK YOU!. If you could just walk through all the content with random crap gear then what fun would that be. The entire point of the enrage timer is to force you to run content in an orderly fashion so you can overcome the fact your just flat out not that good. Then you have guilds like mine that just flat out wont accept bad players. That is how you get ***** done..... or I guess you could just waltz in here and cry like a little punk! yeah that is right.... I called you a PUNK!
  5. FYI You are 100% wrong. Just click on my signature and feel free to look at what my guild and I have done. Very few BH Have any right to claim that BH Heals are no good for PVE. So please unless you have healed all endgame content on 16man Nightmare, don't stand on a soap box and say ignorant things. P.S. In game my name is Healbot.
  6. I like the idea of using your 30 charges to make Kolto Missle hit 6-8 people. I would settle for it only hitting 6. Also when consuming 30 charges Kolot Missle should heal anybody standing in the green mist the same way the Sorc AoE heal works. As it is right now BH can heal quit well, it is just that Sorcs heal SOOOOOO much better. Also we need more utility to AID our team, we have enough for ourself. When it comes to support a team during Huttball.... I can't do much but heal.... and even that is limited since everybody is running around LOSing the crap out of you on that WZ. We need a friendly player pull like the sorc.
  7. BH Heat system only FEELS broken. BH Merc is a Gear dependent class. So in short, NO bad idea. HORRIBLE IDEA. l2manageheat
  8. I got about half way down this well designed rant and realized one thing. THIS HAS ALL BEEN DONE ALREADY SIR, you missed the boat by a couple years. The game you are looking for was called Star Wars Galaxies, and it pretty much was SimSTARWARS. I loved the game, and I agree with you that some people just want to RP in a vast world. Here is the overall issue you will always run into. VISION + MARKETING = Sad Designer. In the end if a Marketing team and Production Manager doesn't like a mechanic or vision it is yanked. NO SANDBOX MMO will ever touch the success that WoW has had, and in the end that is what every publisher wants from their titles. MONEY! When you can get the Marketing / Producers / Designers all on the same page, MAYBE you will get the game you want.
  9. My guild has cleared everything on 16m Nightmare mode, and we never brought an OPs healer. We used sorcs and BH healers. However that isn't to say if you had an OPs healer things wouldn't go just fine. What people need to understand in this game is that SKILL > CLASS I have seen many people on BH and OP healers trump sorcs who just flat out think the class will play itself.
  10. ....and then after all of this, you will realize Gault hits 100x harder! Gear up Gault for DPS. You wont be upset. He damn near 5 shots level 49 rebel players. Mind you my Gault is full Tier2
  11. Tell you heal all of the 16man Nightmare content. Please don't talk. Kthanks.
  12. BH Healing is very strong if you know how to string the heals together and use all the bonuses from each one together. You will hear many people argue the heat system breaks the class, ignore those scrubs. As a healing class you wont really see yourself come into true form tell around 30. I again repeat, ignore the scrubs who don't know how to play BH Merc Healer. I say this only because I have done my fare share of PvP since Beta, and cleared all content currently in the game on Nightmare mode. This includes all 16man Nightmare content, something only 7 other guilds in the world have done. So while plenty of BH Mercs will cry all day about how they suck, I just reply back, "You are right, you do suck";)
  13. After reading about 3 pages of. "MERCS DON'T NEED BLAH" I can safely say that everybody who thinks that Mercs are fine and have enough utility is brain dead. I have been playing a Merc Bodyguard since Beta and I have always argued that the class has little to no utility. For those of you who would go so far as to open your mouth and say otherwise I bring this tib bit up. Most if not all of the Utility you will try to argue we have is mirrored by another class.... and half the time the mirror move is BETTER! Look at Sorc AoE KB for example. Sorc AoE KB: Knocks the target back and ROOTS them on their BACK. ( This knocks the target back,.... and shuts them down for X amount of time ) BH AoE KB: Knocks the target back and SLOWS them..... ?!?!?!?!? REALLY!!! oh did I mention that our KB is also a 30 sec CD vs the Sorcs being a 20 sec CD....... ***~! The list goes on .... Our cleanse is a 4.5 sec move.... that removes CC only to have you spam it right back on since the CC immunity is broken as all hell. Our ability to stay alive is fine for a pre-determined time I can normally deal with 2 guys beating on me...... as for getting away.... nigh impossible since everybody has a PULL, LUNGE, STEALTH..... The issue isn't that BH doesn't have moves to deal with situations.... the issue is that everybody has the same mirror moves as we do and they are better...... AND then they also have more utility past ours... Im a huge fan of the idea that BH Should have the ability to PULL a friendly player to AND or Jump to a Friendly Player putting you in range of healing them. I don't want game breaking moves.... I just want moves to be retooled to be more useful.
  14. In order from most Utility and Best Healing Ability. Sorc - Best utility and arguably the most powerful healer ATM. Agent - Stealth Healer that can HoT up entire raid groups and has the ability to spam heals. BH - Strong healer plagued by a poor Casting Mechanic atm ( Heat System gimps this class ) I'm a Bodyguard Merc that has healed enough PvP, HM, and Nightmare content. This is my opinion based on what I have seen first hand.
  15. Aluo

    2 Hour Deserter debuff

    The issue for me is that when a loosing team leaves.... even the winning team is punished by not getting a WIN. This however is to prevent exploiting. All they need to do is remove the ability to roll the op faction on the same server and this would be a dead issue.
  16. but,...but.....but...... I thought the game was fine and that small circle of people having performance issues just needed to upgrade their machine.... Now you say in fact it is your code,.... and that you are in fact the ones who are showing a global issue with performance...... Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see you stepping up and addressing the issue. You are however going back on what you said.... L2PR better.
  17. I have cleared all the 16 man Nightmare content in the game so far as a BH Merc Bodyguard. While I would like to see Kolto Residue leave an aoe heal on the ground. You also have to take into account that while it only heals three people..... and has a rather poor casting mechanic. It does put a Buff on the target that increases incoming heals, and leaves a shield on them that reduces dmg. So while our AOE heal isn't great at HEALING!...... it does give multiple advantages over a sorcs aoe healing. http://www.thirstytor.com/
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