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Everything posted by LanceUpercutt

  1. 19k hp merc with 2 rakata and rest bm, 20k in all rakata
  2. turn that K into a M and he still wont be paid enough
  3. i like the rng, not getting any bm commendations for over 3 weeks is fun because i get to be in the exact same spot i was in 3 weeks ago
  4. considering merc's have no way to escape its pretty fair that they beat undergeared melee close up
  5. maybe they will increase the rate of valor gain
  6. just curious, i find most people that play online games have thicker skin/arent affected by what randoms say
  7. anytime you pvp your going to be selfish
  8. ???? read what he said again, you are confused
  9. well over 3 weeks now without a single one, i made numerous tickets but all i get is "we are investigating the issue" its possible im just unlucky, but i think odds are that its bugged for me if any dev's read this please go look at the logs for my account if you can, or even just take it over and test it
  10. probably because going 3 weeks without making any progress is a horrible design
  11. this is for you http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/youare
  12. 0/53, i stopped pvping, hopefully when 1.2 comes out i will be able to get them
  13. difference between BM and champion is small
  14. a lot of people just made an operative because they were overpowered
  15. hopefully they learned their lesson and communicate through skype/vent
  16. 1. if it turns out there was a bug with bm bags and im not compensated for going 0/53
  17. i think im going to afk in real life by going into a coma
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