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Everything posted by TheLoneSage

  1. What?... No. Absolutely not. The Force Unleashed was declared Not Cannon by George Lucas. Considering it had multiple outcomes and you could defeat Vader. Besides, in TFU, Star Killer is suppose to be a genetically enhanced, Strongest Force User in existence. Which he's not. By Canon, Luke Skywalker is the strongest Force-User in the galaxy. Think of it this way: Jedi/Sith: (With the exception of the Jedi Knight, because of his strength in the Force.) You are an above-average Force-User. But there are other Jedi/Sith much more powerful that you. Now, Jedi and Sith naturally are extremely strong compared to a Non-Force User. Lets say... An Imperial Trooper or Republic Trooper? Easily defeated. Non-Force Users: By Canon you are the BEST in your job skills. You are the BEST at what you do in the galaxy. (It's Boba Fett vs. Obi-Wann. Even Match.) Every Jedi/Sith is just an Average Day Jedi/Sith. Every Non-Force User is the best in galaxy. In the end, you balance out.
  2. You didn't physically kill him in Foundry. Did you noticed that he NEVER HITS ZERO HEALTH He hits a minimum and then becomes immune to damage. Teleporting out. You defeated Revan, congratz. You need a "body" to prove anyone is dead in Star Wars.
  3. No... Odds are, if you ignore somebody, they'll never come in contact with you again after a day or two. Ever. If you have THAT man serious trolls going against you, that you have to max out your list, you're doing it wrong. ^Would be best.
  4. Just kidding. But regarding the server status: If I have my SWTOR Client up and running, will the Servers automatically update for me and allow me back in, or will I have to close and restart the Client?
  5. Lets get Sandbox features into the MMO first before we get Sandbox characters.
  6. This isn't a Sandbox MMO. Most importantly, if you allow BHs to get Rifle, you are now competing with Agents in Flashpoints for gear. Do you want more trouble getting gear and more people angry with you, or do you want an easy time getting gear? So can other characters.. The Imperial Agent dress up in disguises all the time.
  7. So how about you guyss get a Threat Dump and Mercs get an interrupt. Fair trade?
  8. All classes vs. Darth Jadus. He's the next Revan to the Empire and Republic.
  9. Can't believe this thread is still alive. Lol. Made this a while back. Anywho, I agree that he mysteriously just leaves after you join him. However,
  10. Actually, in Lore, Luke Skywalker is the strongest Force-User who ever lived. Ever. Stronger than Vader and the Emperor. It goes in order in Time and Strength: Revan - Jedi Knight(SWTOR) - Yoda - Anakin - Luke
  11. Bounty Hunter =/= Imperial Trooper Smuggler =/= S.I.S Agent Whoops, I just solved the Faction Class Crisis.
  12. This already exists... It has since 1.2.
  13. I destroy PvP playing just basic Arsenal. Top the charts always with a good 240-260k. I like the spec, it's easy to play, and I'm playing with baddies in pubbie WZs. However, the Firebug is always a smart move to make if you're competitive about DPS.
  14. He's not trolling... That's how DPS Meters work. They put your crits/highest/DPS in your chatbar, in whatever place you choose. But seeing as you believe that it's the Game's issue, you're the only one on the entire forums having this issue. Possibly the entire Server or even Game. Unless other people experience the same thing, we have no choice but to believe it's you. Have you considered that the people you are attacking in PvP might have a higher damage mitigation that you believe?
  15. Myself of course. My Imperial Agent vs. my Jedi Consular. It would be a mind-twisting battle to the end.
  16. Imperial Agent storyline ofc. You get to see the true plot of the Galaxy from a bird's eye view and you get to see everything going on behind the scenes. Strange how a Non-Force User can make some of the biggest impacts on the Galaxy.
  17. If you really must, there are many Channels on Youtube that have put together all the Class stories (Full LS/DS) up and you can watch through them all, start to finish. Otherwise, no, this is an MMO after all.
  18. Keep in mind, he was fighting two Jedi Masters (At least we can assume you were a master at that point. Pretty far into the story.) And two of the best Trooper/Smuggler in the galaxy. The odds were not with him.
  19. I'd like to see a Title Revamp update to be honest. For all classes. I'm a title junkie.
  20. This is an MMO and they will be expanding the known Star Wars Universe as most every Star Wars game has done before. So expect to see "New" lore added on as well as planets. (Maybe it dosen't exist because it was secret and destroyed by the Emperor then covered up? Nobody knows.) Aside from that, I'd LOVE if they take some attempts at classic Star Wars planets like Naboo and the Wookie Homeworld. As well as some other iconic planets from the movies and books. However, we can't expect everything, not this early into the Game's history. Just wait, 1.4 brings more Story. And you always need more places to put story.
  21. If you're a Title junky like I am and you want a step-up in Roleplays or just in General chat, choose to join Darth Jadus. Later, when Intelligence gets dismissed and you're back apart of the Imperial Military, you will get assigned the rank Major, instead of Lt. because being the Hand of a Sith Lord gets you a nice career boost. You also get the fun of ordering around subordinates and being equal to your bosses. But that's just me.
  22. So the question is on my mind as I'm sure it might be with many others. If you've played through the Imperial Agent Dark Side Campaign (Or at least the specific point) you'll know that: Or So the question remains: Is the Dark Side or Light Side ending to the Jadus section Cannon? And if the Dark Side choice does ring true, do you believe that we'll see Jadus make a return to carry out his plans for the Empire?
  23. This was taken from last year, some time after E3. It still applies today. And act doesn't take "Months" considering ACT one for most classes, has major story advanced that would normally take years by themselves in SW Lore. You think that over those course of "Months" a player can go from Padawan to Jedi Master on the Jedi Council and War Council to the Republic? No. You believe that a Padawan, after a few "Months" of adventure can go and kill the voice of the Emperor? No. It's also eluded many times on Tython about the "time" of training you've spent there. For example, on the Force-Sensitive Flesh Raider quest, when you speak to the Jedi Master he believes that a Flesh Raider would be nearly impossible to train. And you can respond to that with "I was trained eventually, wasn't I?" to which he responds "That's true, I've heard stories." Clearly you couldn't have made stories or memorable events on Tython on a few days. You've been on Tython for a good year or two now. You're not just the next Demi-God that waltzes through the Jedi Training. The numbers aren't the exact numbers given from the interview. In the interview, DE was talking about how each ACT can take around one or two years, depending on which act it is and what class you are. What I meant with the IA/JK Comparison is that the Agent's storyline progresses faster than the JK's. Nobody has been able to decipher which class goes first exactly or which options are cannon just yet. Example: The Jedi spends a year or two on Tython. The Imperial Agent only spends months to a year on Hutta. You're still not disproving the fact that a Jedi can learn all of this... And the Jedi and Republic hold and Ancient Law that binds them militarily together. Here's the Video: The Chancellor, the leader of the Republic, brought the Law back into effect, giving Jedi Military control and Ranking. So yes, the Jedi are official part of the Military later into SWTOR. So a Jedi Fleet Master, is completely accurate. Considering he's very skilled in the art of Naval Warfare and probably extends a powerful Battle Meditation .
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