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Everything posted by Dezzi

  1. The current space game was a waste of development resources; adding new missions is akin to throwing money in a furnace. I would prefer a space game that doesn't insult my intelligence and is at least on par with previous "epic" space games in the Star Wars franchise (X-Wing, TIE Fighter, JTL). That is to say that a space game as part of a Star Wars MMO in 2012 should be much more involved. As a side note, I can't recall where the developers said the current space game was a mini-game. Is that the only way people can defend this mediocre experience--by calling it a mini-game?
  2. Seems plausible. It just doesn't make any sense to me that they'd spend development resources churning out a new on-rails space mission if they were planning to change the whole system anyway. My bet is that the grand and overly-hyped "significant" change to space combat will exist within the framework of the current game.
  3. Why then, could they not designate a transfer server of each type for each origin server? Say I'm on Server A which is a PvP server, but I would really like to move to a PvE server because I realize now how utterly mediocre the PvP experience is in this game. If BioWare provided me a pre-selected PvE server for Server A, in addition to the PvP server that was already selected, then I would have nothing to complain about and could move on to a more enjoyable experience. Problem solved. I'm happy, they're happy. Instead, the team decided to limit you to one server of the same type. No choice--unless you consider "stay on underpopulated server or move to a server I don't really want to be on" a choice...
  4. At some point it becomes insanity, right? I mean, seeing the same thing over and over again and expecting it to have different results is looney.
  5. The team seems fully capable of raining on their own parade. They do it frequently.
  6. I think BioWare realizes that some server types are more popular than others (partly based on lacking gameplay), and to prevent a run on the popular server types, they're limiting you to same-type transfers. I can understand this, but it's completely asinine to force players who want (read: deserve) a change--because of where the game is today--to do what BioWare wants them to do. This, in many cases, will only further aggravate players. All this, so that BioWare (or is it EA at this point?) can conveniently charge them a fee to do it in the future...
  7. You can have a Dark Jedi, you just can't have a Dark Jedi wearing Sith-side armor. It's extremely stupid, and just another example of the draconian art direction behind this game.
  8. Agreed! Even if I'm not completely happy with the message, the fact that we're getting a message at all is a step in the right direction. I applaud the sudden rush to be communicative and hope it isn't just part of the lead up to 1.3.
  9. That could definitely be it, but it's still a quasi-admission that the game got away from the sort of experience--at least as part of the fourth pillar--that they're known for.
  10. Probably Adverb: Almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell. When a developer tells you "probably," you might as well just do it.
  11. Indeed you are, and that does seem to be what his statement implies.
  12. +1 That sounds like a fantastic solution to the problem.
  13. I can't help but feel like it was an extremely myopic decision to remove players' choice from the matter; it negates their ability to pair up with friends who might be on a different server from the one chosen by the team, as well as ruins whatever plans they may have had to, say, join a different guild on another server. I can understand being afraid of a run on the big-name servers, but this whole process seems incredibly forced and constrictive.
  14. The hope that this is the case is precisely why I continue to post complaints and criticisms and support those that do, while at the same time lampooning those that consistently try to silence those that do.
  15. I don't know where you get that I'm "bent on complaining at any sort of fee" because I've only lamented one. This one. Hypothetical for you: I paid $60 for a box and $75 for five months of play. I've been active in the game, but the population on my server has declined rapidly as subscriptions dropped off. My in-game experience is very much suffering because of this. As it turns out, some of the most populated servers in the game--the servers people rushed to in the face of the population decline--happen to be cross-typed to my own. Despite that those other servers (PvE) aren't of the same type as my home server (PvP), I rolled characters on one because the added population made my own play style significantly more enjoyable--just because of the booming population. Now on this new server I'm finding groups easier, queues are much shorter, and I'm just generally happier as I wait for the opportunity to move the rest of my leveled toons over. The population woes are not my fault. My home server was rated "Heavy" during early access. There was no indication that I would someday suffer my way through population decline to the levels the game is currently facing. Given all of this, am I supposed to be happy that I can't do this type of transfer? Am I supposed to be excited for an uncertain future where I might be allowed to make this cross-type transfer or that I may be charged for the privilege? Am I supposed to be pleased that the effort I spent on my new characters, which are considerably lower-leveled and geared than my original toons, was for naught? It's arbitrary and it's a money grab.
  16. Not yet, but you may be able to later which "may require a transfer fee."
  17. So either they will allow people to change server types (PvE to PvP for instance) or they won't. As this is currently not supported under the arbitrary restrictions--and they are arbitrary--logic dictates that they may allow server-type transfers in the future and that these transfers may require a fee. Am I supposed to believe that it's just a coincidence that many people want to transfer from a PvP server to a PvE server (or vice versa) but can't, only to have the option to do so later for a fee?
  18. Which is my point. They make it pretty clear that transfers for a fee are coming, and by enforcing such arbitrary restrictions (like server type), they guarantee themselves some sales.
  19. /facewipe How does allowing someone to transfer from one type to another create a free-for-all?
  20. The arbitrary restrictions on this--like the server type restrictions--absolutely reek of a money grab.
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