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Everything posted by Evensong

  1. Initializing.... reorganizing data.... taking it's sweet time doing that.... verifying.... again taking it's sweet time doing that.... nothing new though.... installing... that was actually fast part... until it got to 99.28%... now it's taking it's sweet time.... and .... PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. LMAO... I intended to clean my place today... got bored... decided to play SWTOR instead... fate is a *****... I guess I get back to it... I mean cleaning my place.....
  3. LOL yep, noticed that as well ... I found it ... disturbing.
  4. Trying every 5 minutes same error 208... I hope the issue will be resolved soon. East Coast here btw. And yeah entering sec key every 5 min kind of sucks ...
  5. Launcher does not want to even retrieve patch. "Unable to retrieve patch data. Please check network connection (208)."
  6. One more hour or so waiting... lets fun begins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiUtGoWe2pE&feature=share
  7. Going to write fan fiction novel about Kylo Ren reaction to server downtime... it should take at least 100 pages
  8. Darn... If I would know... I could go and see SW TFA for the 15th time....
  9. I guess I am going to get something to eat....
  10. One thing changed. Yet few months ago before TESO and Wildstar launched there was a lot of hatred on MMORPG forums towards SWTOR.... The climate totally changed. SWTOR is getting appreciated. Other games disappointed. There is a post on MMORPG titled Wildstar or SWTOR., guess what majority voted SWTOR a much better game. Don't tell me that EA and BioWare don't see it. If they put some effort and upgrade the game, they can get a lot of people who got disappointed in other games. Love this rumors LOL. But, one think is sure - hiring new positions in BioWare Austin means that they are up to something. Are these gonna be new expansion or new title - only time can tell.
  11. In any MMO I've played summer was the worst time to get raids organized. People take time off games. About ESO and Wildstar. These games were just released. If I remember correctly SWTOR was second or third - right after WOW on Xfire and it stayed that way for at least 3 months. Wildstar and ESO are doing very poor in comparition. I don't use Xfire not Raptr and nobody in my guild to my best knowledge.
  12. Please, please BW make this come true... I WANT THIS ASTEROID.... darn awesome idea... LOL
  13. Impacthound posted this link on MMORPG.com It's the movie you are looking for: http://www.wired.com/underwire/2012/12/20-12-pl_blackangel/ See post: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/408791/Can-someone-forward-this-on-to-the-official-forums-please.html
  14. One of the planets in Chiss Ascendency. I would love to see a story involving Chiss... something in spirit of Outbound Flight. Maybe war with Vagaari or other similar race.
  15. I like it very much. Both stories (Imps and Reps) are quite different but in a way link together and it's very cool. The Empire Ending is EPIC. I like it much more than Republic . The new comm system is great, the macrobinocular and droid quest add uniqueness to this game and amount of dailies is enough to not get bored for a long time. Especially staged weekly, considering the final rewards. It was definitely worth $9.99 and it was definitely more content that would justify just free update in my opinion.
  16. I have 20 characters on one server... only 25% of my toons are females:) 75% males:) I really like the models more (body type 2 rocks and their eyse are much more realistic LOL) and what's better than enjoying watching my male characters butts while they are running all day long:D
  17. I hesitate to get up in the morning and download game... might end up not going to work LOL
  18. I sort of like it that it is so deserted... I can dance in next to nothing for my companion having a band playing just for me
  19. Never smoked... can it count as quitting in a womb??? /grin
  20. It was posted on MMORPG forums and I thought it was great Enjoy
  21. Dear BioWare I am deeply disturbed by my Master's behavior. As you know recently my master acquired droid HK-51 and from that time not only he refuses to take me or for that matter anybody else on any mission, but I've heard him mutter to himself that droid's the only one with the brain here. I was very hurt by this accusation. When I confronted him, he just said it was 10x easier to do mission with it. I riposted that maybe easier, but not as much fun... for this he and droid just exchanged looks like they had an internal joke about it... And yesterday I found out that all crew's shirts got painted target markers on their backs. And droid's singing something about deleting troublemakers.... when asked... he said he was composing Opera.... did I just said he??? IT IT IT!!!!!!!! Please Help Me BioWare!, You are my only Hope. Kira
  22. More than I would like to admit even to myself LOL... ok.. probably around $800 maybe more...
  23. You need 10 rep thingies to get a mask. I opened 24 packs and got 3. So I think 4 millions is a pretty good deal
  24. My favorite character as well. I will never forgive Timothy Zahn for killing him I created my own Thrawn in game as well... Chiss Sniper... it's a lot of fun to play with quest choices to make them the most Thrawn-like Makes playing the game so much more exciting
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