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Everything posted by Alphasgimaone

  1. GC would be great as a supplementary/optional system. Go back to crystal gearing. Then keep the orange gear (with a better-tuned loot table), schematics, junk, gifts, etc. and replace the "gear" with crystal packs.
  2. Another consideration, is if you're using Win10, the anniversary ed. has some well-documented issues with added system load. You may not have noticed the problem before, but with the changes to the engine it might have exacerbated the problem.
  3. Or they could just add an instance gate on the doorway, like they should've done in the first place. In fact, if you think about it, all the well-known "problematic" heroics all have a door or defined passageway or whatever where an instance gate could easily be added.
  4. This might have merit CXP rewards were in any way balanced. But at 20CXP per quest, even completely clearing out a planet might get you 1 GC level.
  5. When one can experience 95% of the [relevant] content without ever having to interact with another person, calling it "multiplayer" is disingenuous at best.
  6. One thing about the Agent story is a lot the LS choice are actually pretty underhanded and nefarious big-picture wise. Inquisitor is much the same way. What I mean is, you might save someone from quicksand, but you don't necessarily do it out of a sense of goodness.
  7. I don't mind the "chapter" idea in and of itself. It's just that it seemed kind of antiquated. I mean they used the TV analogy. But we live in an era were most people watch TV in large chunks. The week-to-week episode format has become passe at best.
  8. Actually, I can make an argument that a mostly-darkish INQ is the true "canon" class.
  9. They are a little harder now, but not so much because of the jump in level as the likely gear deficit players are like to have.
  10. IMO Veng/Vig is currently the most fun spec in the game. The rotation is simple yet not "hold your hand" simple. Both have good animations. And there's this hard-to-describe zippy/snappy feel to the play.
  11. Exactly. Grouping with three other people for 10-15 minutes at a time is a rather liberal interpretation of "massively multiplayer."
  12. Except you're not supposed to be able to complete them in story per the plot. "Story mode" is kind of a misnomer as it isn't just a watered-down version like other story modes are.
  13. So, basically, it's "Any color you like..."
  14. I wonder if people who "like" the system would be happy if tomorrow their employers sent out memos stating "From here on, all paychecks will be replaced with envelopes full of scratch-offs."
  15. The cynic might suggest the doldrumatic nature is by design and that game has finally reached the slippery slope people feared when the game first went F2P. Six months from now, when those people who still managed to stick it out are just reaching the tipping-point, a long comes full gear boxes of [better than] BIS gear for the nice round price of 7500CC. Yeah. It's coming. And for anyone who thinks otherwise need only look at any other F2P game. The epic grind system is always the gateway to true P2W.
  16. I re-subbed on Oct 25 and putzed around for a few days. Made my first DvL char the day before Halloween. He was in total BIS before Thanksgiving.
  17. Completing any standard quest rewards any premium level 70 player the choice of : 10 Green crystals 05 Blue Crystals 03 Purple Crystals. Completing any HEROIC mission or SOLO Flashpoint rewards any premium level 70 player the choice of: 20 Green crystals 10 Blue Crystals 06 Purple Crystals Premium Players can now purchase Legacy bound stacks of 30 Purple Crystals for 100 Green Crystals or 50 Blue Crystals from the Tier 1 vendor. There. I just made the old system more "inclusive." *NOTE: Values may vary. That's not really the issue though. The Devs have spent five years tweaking a gearing system to the point it was as good as anything in the MMO realm only to throw it all away for something that is regressive at best and prohibitively antiquated at worst.
  18. What is "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!" in Australian?
  19. Also, every other slide will be about the next CM pack. And the only "questions" they answer will be about Arcann's kissable lips.
  20. I think this one is especially irksome thanks to the hubristic attitude of the last dev stream.
  21. I spent a few weeks playing a video game and was rewarded with several unique items and packs (worth real money), but I'm mad as eff because I don't get to keep a few labels that no one else is ever going to see or care about!!!! <Am I Doing It Right?>
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