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Everything posted by Alphasgimaone

  1. Wow the noobz are taking over the Cult of Beth! I finally got my ship today. Space battle game is the fun! Jung Ma is kinda lonely by myself, though. I joined a guild today and it was totally dead. Nobody said anything ... literally.
  2. You have an unusually capacious imagination?
  3. And if you act now, you get a kiss from Gwyn for no extra charge! How does that sound?
  4. Also, hello to all the new people. This thread is now in it's sixth (seventh?) incarnation. The handful of us left from its conception still hope to maintain the awesomeness that is The Cult of Beth. Over the generations, this thread has evolved from just being a collective of the introverted to being a sanctuary for friendly banter and warm conversation away from the contagious troll syndrome that sometimes plagues this forum. Feel free to use this thread as a place to unwind or get something off your chest. We're a friendly lot who care and aren't out to judge. And we are always vigilant of the nay-sayers and haters. And, of course, all are welcome.
  5. Shy peoplez! No wonder I couldn't find this thread. I was looking in the wrong place. You could've at least told me where it was, Beth! I still haven't decided where I'm going to play yet, so I made a bunch of toons a few different servers. I really want to give PvP a go, so I saved myself a place on a few different ones until I get a feel of which one will have the best pop. Then I also made some on Juyo, so, worst comes to worst, I can waste my hours annoying Tanni, Gwyen, and of course Beth. Oh and Gwyn, send me a PM when you get home.
  6. It's Bioware's roundabout way of instituting a D&D-esaue alinement wheel.
  7. And you can have the same name on different servers, which always baffled me. I know this is fairly common, but I don't get what happens when you try to move server or your server gets folded and merged with another. What if someone on the "bigger" server have someone with your name. Are you just SOL?
  8. I'm PvPing for the first time ever. Still a total noob, but I decided on this one cuz it seemed like the right choice. Now I just need to find a guild
  9. He tweeted like a week ago. And there was some discussion about it in his Twitch chat room.
  10. Ironic since Taugie is rolling Imps now, anyways.
  11. I can handle waiting. It would be nice to get the name I really want, and, honestly, had I been part of the first wave I would have logged, register name, and gone back to bed.
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