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Everything posted by SilentProphet

  1. Basicly this game was a rushed job coz you wanted big sales for christmas and now WE PAYING CUSTUMERS PAY FOR YOUR GREED even more
  2. Tnx a lot. I just reached 50 that day and now dedicated my whole time playing warzones thing is ppl with full bettlemaster are wipeing the floor with me and the rest and decideing the game almost by them sefes. GJ
  3. F*** this S*** 9 hour maintenance. It's 8pm (here) and no suprise at least an hour of q, I have to go to work in the morning so... Early acces was a flop no increase in gamplay quality (only for those who entered day 1) lost days of play time to q, 2 days to shippment and now this what the f are we paying for jesus. It's not like you didn't have numbers and expectations at leat a month before. Eu f***** again I just hope gw2 comes out fast coz this game was supposed to keep me entertained till then but i dont belive it will BECOUSE I CANT PLAY IT MOST OF THE TIME.
  4. I really can't belive the s*** thats going on here. i just hope gw2 comes out fast coz this game was supposed to keep me entertained till then but i dont belive it will BECOUSE I CANT PLAY IT MOST OF THE TIME.
  5. I was just in q for 4 hours and when i should get in boom error 1002 and here we go again. What good is a game to me if i can only play it if i wake up at 6am. A nother rushed relese for the sake of greed (christmas time)
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