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Everything posted by OldRepublicRevan

  1. What's your Ranking on Ranked Warzones, jw? Just how far down the list are you? :^
  2. You don't do ranked b/c you're a coward afraid of having a loosing record and bad stats. Don't try to act like you're 'Above' or 'Too Good' for a ranked warzone. Civil War, Voidstarr, Huttball weren't designed to be deathmatch arenas. Yet idiots still ruin the team aspect trying to 1v1 in an 8v8 and thus costing w/e team they're on to loose b/c of their selfish play style and the fact they're not a team player.
  3. Do you really expect a response? SWTOR too busy trying to add pointless crap and packs to the Cartel Market to try and actually solve any in game issues. Honestly when is the last time you saw Bioware devs jump on a problem immediately? They've let Sorc Bubbles go on for way too long now and this stealth issue will just be swept under the rug as well. Just more proof Bioware had checked out and this game is in its dying phase.
  4. PvP is not taught. It's learned. Sometimes some folks gotta learn the hard way and others gotta learn the respawn way.
  5. I started to read all this and, then I remembered you play with 300ms lag. With lag like that you forfeit any right to complain about pvp.
  6. If he's as 'good' as you're making him out to be then we shouldn't see him in regular pvp. He should be with the elite players in ranked. Alas he is here advocating his reasoning for hiding among the casuals and noobies, just out of targeting range of any ranked players.
  7. The only reason you think they're boring is because you probably get your face wrecked consistently. Blame it on the que time, the lag, the population, blame it on w/e you like but, it won't change the real reason you and others like you don't que.....it's cause you all are scared af to see your rankings drop. Everyone too scared to take a loss in ranked wzs so they stick to regular pvp where there is no penalty for losers.
  8. Translation: "When I do good in PvP it's because I'm awesome and everyone else sucks but, when I loose I immediately blame it on 300ms lag." Sounds about right to me :^
  9. Are we really surprised at this point? We'd have to set fire to Bioware or call in bomb threats to get their attention for this kind of a thing. Otherwise posts like this in the PvP section go unread by the devs.
  10. Right.....so instead of searching for a real challenge to try and better ones self they choose to wreck players still trying to learn pvp....yup sounds like an above average pvper that couldn't handle it in ranked wzs.
  11. So only half the time? So at least 50% of it is dedicated to wrecking casuals? Why I wonder? Oh probably cause as good as you are the ranked are still above your skill level
  12. The only reason you're in PUG 65 PvP is because real ranked played showed you where you belong. Among the casuals
  13. Hi I'm not good enough to do an actual 1v1 like so many other Imperial players on 'The Shadowlands' so instead I join 8v8's and, I just cherry pick the low hp and loners in pvp and talk crap.
  14. It's those silly ranked premade teams spanking the unranked premade groups back to the pug 65 que. So remember kids, when you see a premade in an unranked pug game it's because they're still not good enough for ranked
  15. it is a little game breaking when an op can stay stealthed to stun, chain stun, then cap the node. door while still stealthed. yup thats game breaking.
  16. So you're doing a live stream of SWTOR PvP for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention? Aren't suicidal people already sad enough without having to watch/participate in the even sadder excuse that is a PvP match in SWTOR? You might as well post a link to the Budd Dwyer video on liveleak and tell them all 'YOU HAVE NO HOPE".
  17. Sounds easy enough. I'll get right on that CC as soon as my infinite chain stun ends...oh wait nvm I amkill cause my resolve bar failed me again.
  18. Everyone that can't pop stealth and run away when the fight gets too tough deserves back up imo :^)
  19. You really think locking ppl out of warzones for 10 minutes just because they end up on a bad team and, don't wanna waste time on a doomed warzone is going to fix the problem? You're comparing two games with two totally different levels of population. WoW clearly has more ppl so on their servers that might be a good idea but, this is SWTOR and the population here is way less. If you start making ppl wait 10 minutes for a warzone that means less ppl re-queing and even more lopsided warzones. If you really care about pvp that much then transfer over to the pvp server. I stick all my games out no matter the score. The one thing the other team can't take from me is the credits and warzone comms at the end of the match.
  20. The only people responsible for any blame is Bioware and its team of Developers. The blame falls 100% on them for relying on some stupid chart to decide how pvp is working. To balance pvp once and for all it will require the team of Developers at Bioware to actually sit down and play pvp amongst us. By us I mean the players on the servers. They need to get in there and mix it up with us to get a true taste of what pvp is like for mercs/commandos. They need to stop pvping amongst themselves and actually try to grind up a toon from the start to see just what kind of a headache it is to be a merc/commando. For those of us who have one of either of these advanced classes we all can agree it is ******. We can do amazing damage if left alone but 99% of the time any melee locks onto us we are dead. We can run around for a bit but once the medpacks have been used and determination has been used we're dead men/women walking. We can complain all day and all night long on these forums but they wont listen. There is a reason this thread is so long and so full of users posting and so few developer posts. 1.6 isn't going to change anything for our advanced class. Melee will still rule pvp and sorcs will still be able to wreck our **** with the madness hybrid spec. 1.6 is just going to weed out the ******* and the wannabe ****** mercs/commandos. Leaving only the diehard and totally committed players playing this class.
  21. Yeah everyone knows and Bioware don't care. Here is a care cup \_/ fill it up at you're leisure.
  22. Healers = Very Squishy with high survival / heavy shield mDPS = Spikey with good DPS rDPS = Squishy with great DPS Tank = Very Spikey with ok DPS I lol'd at that one for real. If by great you mean below mediocre then I totally agree but if not then good sir I must say you are a retarded one indeed.
  23. You pretty much summed it up yourself in 8 words. Bioware would never release such statistics randomly w/o spending lots of time watching pvp and reassuring all of us that everything is 'working as intended'. Bioware is a company full of smart and capable sentinels and they obviously know what they are doing. Just look at commandos/mercs.....
  24. I think we can all agree that the best part of f2p is the non-stop credit spammers. This is exactly what the game was missing. I say mission accomplished Bioware. Now this game has everything it needs to be a fail game.
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