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Everything posted by OldRepublicRevan

  1. 1. PUB Premades use to crush them. Infinite FOTM more like it. 2. Who were they? 3. LMAO, only Deebs and Ky were any good. I miss my healer friend Lilith tho. 4. WOOK? Isn't there like 1 of them left? RIP WOOK. 5. Hahahahahaha, really though?
  2. Most people posting here are so convinced they're right about everything they can't see the other side of things purely for the sake of discussion. Honestly what else did you expect from frequent posters in the PvP Section? I appreciate your willingness to be able to argue as well as see things from both perspectives. As a fellow Merc you have my thanks.
  3. lmao, rekt. He used that same reply twice now and the 2nd time was just a big a fail.
  4. It's very easy to persuade the demoralized from pvp. The number of people sick of premades outnumbers the premade farming groups. Enough people leave wzs already.....honestly how hard do you think it'll be to convince people to hold off on queing if the reward is not having to fight premades? Seems like a pretty sweet deal. Kill their que and their fun before they ruin mine. I like the sound of it tbh.
  5. I have a stealth class and the 180 degree cone is bs. I think it should be fixed so that you have to be completely behind people. Not much of a challenge when you can basically cheat the mechanic by standing inside a target and, that still count as 'behind' a target. I just want more of a challenge for my class so that only the good ones will keep playing. And then the baddies abusing that exploit will have to roll a new class. That's all I want.
  6. We're not on the same server then. Maybe I should migrate to Harbinger? Seems a bit more stable from what you've described.
  7. And that's what general chat and ops chat are for. There is more than 1 way of spreading this message and, you're a fool if you think I haven't been doing that prior to this thread.
  8. It's really easy to tell. It's called being observant you moron. They don't all have to be from the same guild to qualify as a premade. The ones I am speaking of are normally 4 players, normally rolling on some FOTM class with a healer. They're easy to spot if you wz often enough.
  9. I never said refuse the que all the time. Just que and if a premade is seen on the other side just have the reg team leave the match entirely. If people really are sick of premades and want to teach them a lesson than this is the best way to go about it. The regs and solo que people outnumber the premade groups. There is enough of us that if we are all serious about it we can dominate the que as we see fit and, only allow the farming premades to que when WE see fit to stay in the games. It's completely within our capability to control, if only more people would get on board with the idea. I'll just continue spreading the word and reminding all regs I see to adopt this style till it catches on more.
  10. If 1 out of 10 is the worst it gets for you I wanna know what server you're on and, if we're on the same server I wanna know who you are so I know if you're lying or not.
  11. Then you misunderstand. It's not about harming the team I am on and, if anything I am trying to protect them and shelter them from a senseless slaughter at the hands of FOTM classes. It's not bad to encourage them to leave if the odds are heavily stacked in the other teams favor. This is about forcing the premades to break up every time they log in to just roflstomp the regs in solo que. The only cancer here is anyone that participates in the premades designed purely to farm solo que players and reg groups. Most of these groups don't even care about objectives and, all they seem to want to do is kill people enough to make them ragequit. So if the goal is to make them quit anyways, why not just leave que? Might as well beat them at their own game and ruin the que for them as well imo. *Shrug* No new players or solo que players are going to want to play pvp enough to learn or get better if, for hours and hours, the pvp que is filled with premades using some form of voice chat perfectly executing coordinated stuns and attacks.
  12. Well said and one of the central points I was trying to drive home. Thanks.
  13. If that's the case then some of the best pvp guilds on TSL should be completely ashamed. They leave when not on a stacked team. When their solo que people play they leave as soon as 1 node/door is lost. They don't even stick around to win it back or salvage a possible comeback win. 2 reasons why my guild won't care if I leave a WZ. 1st they're a pve based guild with mainly ops groups. Very few of us pvp and, 2nd is there is no shame is abandoning a hopeless battle. There is no honor or respect to be gained by being focused down by a group of 4 people using TS/Vent/Mumble to perfectly execute every stun and attack. You go ahead and stay in your losing wzs. I guarntee the other team isn't thinking about respecting you as they're roflstomping your reg team into the ground. I'm not against friends playing together. I'm against groups of set premades that only care about farming regs. If you group together in groups of 4 then you should be put into a special que against other premade teams of 4. Solo que needs a queing system of its own.
  14. Yeah I noticed that as well. Also a very sound idea. If you are grouped and que, your group should end up against another queued group. Otherwise join the solo que and let fate and a random draw decide what team you get on. Ques might take longer but, I'd rather have that than keep getting facerolled by premades just looking to ruin solo que pvpers fun.
  15. You don't que for anything else? I guess you'll be in for a long wait once more regs start getting wise to the premade problem in unranked. The more people convinced to do this the harder time you'll have getting matches to farm newer pvpers and solo que players. I know I'm not the only solo que player that feels this way and, they're are enough of us that if we stop queing together you FOTM classes won't have anything to farm (other than each other). One last thing, I think you meant 'robbing' cause I've never had to put a robe or garment on anyone during a pvp match xD
  16. I literally explained it to you already if you read the other comments. Stand right ontop of people. You can abuse that '180 degree cone' consistently without ever really being behind a target.
  17. It is a positive thing. I mean literally anyone can play the class in 7 buttons.
  18. How would screen shots capture the ease of stunning? I think you meant a video and if you're wanting to see one go to youtube and search for it.
  19. It's very simple. When you see a premade on the opposite team, leave the wz and convince as much of your team as possible to leave with you. Enough times of this and eventually the premades or notorious groups that always run together will have to break up and fight each other if they want a pvp que to pop. If you enjoy solo que and wanna see the pvp scene become less like a slaughter farm please heed this advice and rob them of their fun before they ruin yours! Regs please leave wzs against premades and keep doing this to kill the super groups. Do this enough times and they'll either quit queing (which is just as good) or they'll end up on your team for once xD
  20. Who is the most hated person in pvp on this server? I will personally award the most hated person in pvp 1,000,000 credits. If you know a person you think needs a mention please feel free to reply with their (forum/game name/class) name. I will count each mention of a name as a vote for that specific person.
  21. Got roflstomped into making a cry thread?
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