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Everything posted by Thaltom

  1. I have never not cared so much as I don't care right now. I couldn't give a million cares, even if I was a care-illionare with a care trust fund and a HUGE portfolio full of care. If I had a priceless piece of art in my living room, which I hated and desperately needed to get rid of, and someone offered me a few hundred thousand cares for it. Then you offered to take it off my hands for a million cares I STILL wouldn't care.
  2. Less than 5 minute queue for me. Choose a low population server. Problem solved... if there ever was one... I see a lot of people blowing the server queues WAY out of proportion.
  3. Mods = cheats. They dumb down a game unless they are for purely for cosmetic reasons (e.g. mailbox organizers)
  4. Not having any issues myself with Elite mods post 30. You are probably "doing it wrong".
  5. My posting works again! Hooray! Yeah my launch went fantastically. Loving the game.
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