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Posts posted by Limedust

  1. For the occasional bizarre, comic relief, alien character that appears for a few seconds? sure! gibberish is part of SW. But not for the main character that you will spend more than a hundred hours with,


    The entitled little kids that keep asking to play as a Hutt, Sand People, etc, dont know what they are asking for nor, the ammount of work that would take to implement.


    Stop making excuses for the service provider. Demand more for your money.

  2. Hmm, that's strange..

    All these threads from people saying that a LFG tool would make everyone more social and build up the overall SWTOR community because it would allow *all* players to group up and enjoy the game in an atmosphere where you didn't need to spend forever looking for specific people in order to do FPs.


    Now we see that it's yet another way to shun players who aren't up to whatever arbitrary standards set by a minority.


    What do you want next? A mandatory upload of each potential group member's latest combat log so you can scrutinize it before they join? Maybe a checkbox for only those with Bio? Maybe a Founder's only option so those newer players who aren't worthy of you can't participate?


    Read the post.

  3. No you don't deserve "more". You deserve precisely nothing. You are subscribing for a service. If you are not happy with that service, unsubscibe. It is very, very simple. The sense of entitlement on these boards makes me physically wretch with anger. Here we have a fantastic announcement that the majority of players were not expecting and all the trolls and attention seekers can do is whine and say no that's good enough. I want and I DESERVE MOARRR!


    I honestly don't understand how the dev's have kept their cool with such a rotten sea of trolls that this game has for a community. If this game ever does go under, I will miss the game enormously, but I will not miss these turgid message boards one bit.:rolleyes:


    Ah, no point.

  4. Easy to say TOR has fallen when you want it to fail, for those of us that play the game and still enjoy the experience it just means this wasn't what you were looking for, and instead of trying to improve the game you resort to bashing it on the forums. I don't mean Shankos specifically but all the people who do nothing but rail against this game are contributing nothing to the solution, only compounding the problem. You want better PVP? New content? Better customization? Game engine improvements? More community? Give feedback to the devs and give support to the game, don't just sit at your keyboards harping at BW/EA and trolling the forums making fun of the people who do actually want this game to flourish.


    TL;DR version: If you like the game, play it and give support...if not, I wish you luck with the next game and please move on.


    Done a thousand times. Has it made a difference? No. And I'll move on when I am goddamn good and ready to.

  5. #1 way to drop 95% of the remaining subscription base in as minimal time as possible.


    F2P(free to play) = P2W(pay to win)


    And yes, this announcement is amazing and proved my point earlier this week i believed Bioware might have a hidden card up their sleeve, now im just hoping they have a Expansion in the works on top of this, plus i hope this is released by august.


    No, free to play doesn't equal pay to win.

  6. Just because you have a choice doesn't go to say that those options aren't linear, you may choose not to do that Heroic, but that Heroic will always be the same, kill this, collect that return for reward, whereas a nonlinear game wouldn't even have that Heroic. Even the branched out class story line is more linear than not.


    So obviously you are arguing that this game is nonlinear, but I still don't think that you've grasped the definition of linear game play. Maybe you should go play a true nonlinear game, I've gave you an example, Mortal Online. Have you ever even played a sandbox or are you just a WOW person?


    Yes. All paths and outcomes are the same. When one goes "off the beaten path" to space, or performs any of the several tasks this games provides, the path, no matter when one chooses to do it, does not change just as the outcomes remain similarly static. Every class experiences precisely the same story, in the same order.


    In a broader sense, one may not even quest on the planets without following a narrow, even singular path to get from one place to another. There is no exploration; instead one is forced through a tunnel even out in the world. Warzones even only have two possible outcomes and neither has any significant difference in consequence.

  7. I find this thread disgusting. It is filled when a variety of fools complaining that the game is linear, when in fact all games are linear.


    There is only so much you can code into a game. You are going to run out of options eventually, and when that time comes, the feeling of linearity will start. TOR? It does MUCH better then any other MMO currently on the market when it comes to linearity. The only game I can possibly think of that beats it out on that aspect is the upcoming Guild Wars 2 MMO.


    So cease your nonsense and complain about actual problems. Like PvP balance. Or bugs. Don't waste your time on something that is entirely subjective.


    If it's subjective, how can one MMO (in your example, TOR) be better than any other game on the market? Perhaps you should cease your nonsense, and stop wasting all of our times.

  8. It would appear that besides his time - which may have a different value than yours - he also lost the PvE environment he payed to play, was forced into gameplay he did not request, and supposedly recieived a lack of feedback that it would not occur again.


    Received a lack? Cool phrasing there. I suppose I should put it plainly; there was nothing lost in this instance that wasn't intended or designed to be lost. The player clearly did not prepare for the event or do anything to mitigate what he thought might be the deleterious effects on his personal (and yet startlingly solipsistic and anti-social) experience.


    Let's not pretend that what is at question here isn't one person's overly sensitive reaction to his mismanagement and misunderstanding of the game. He got killed--he doesn't like that.

  9. Yup. Blizzard can't do anything but cater to "babies" anymore. Just look at Diablo 3. The only challenging thing in that game is getting online and staying connected.


    They have taken the challange out of gaming. Remember when Mario died and had to redo the WHOLE level. No save points. Gaming changed at the turn of the century because some guy in a suit said, "let's just make a ton of money...who cares if people have fun anymore."


    For any company to copy anything Blizzard does since WoW makes you want to have them checked for inbreeding. (no offense to any inbred gamers out there).


    At least a few companies are willing to stick with the challenge aspect of gaming, even if they sell fewer copies and get slammed for it.


    And where are these paragons who are willing to stick with the challenge? They aren't here, that's for sure. No, instead, the inbreeders (as you called them) that copied WOW are the ones running the forums, (mis)designing the game, and continuing to administrate SWTOR. Look no farther than the skills in your hotbar and tree for proof . . .

  10. If you want to play a "Don't make me work for anything, I want it all now." game, I'm sure there are plenty of them out there. There are those of us who do not wish to see this game dumbed down to the point of some other games. A little effort and time spent will not kill anyone, but getting the "entitled" masses to understand that is impossible.


    Dumbed down? I don't really think it can get any dumber than this one. Oddly, some people still want to do most of the dumb, easy heroics, Flashpoints, and Operations that are out there, but they don't even get the chance for that pyrrhic pleasure because there is no one for them to group up with . . . a better LFG tool with cross-server capability will help.


    Is it entitlement to want to play a game one paid for? I think instead the entitlement I see here is often displayed by that sort of person says "**** you" to everyone who has a suggestion or critical viewpoint; perhaps you should stop reading the forums and keep your entitlement to yourself.

  11. Let's not pretend that alot of these MMO players today are WoW players looking for that WoW killer MMO to pull them from thier addiction of it. When that MMO doesn't come with all the bells and whistles like a 7+ year old game, they whine, whine, whine then move on the NEXT new MMO and rinse and repeat. Destroying that new MMO. I have seen this BS happen to ALL new MMOs I have play. And I expect this to happen to any future MMO, no matter how great it is. People want Ez-mode MMOs now with fast food add-ons you can think of.


    PvP can be little distraction for a bit for these band-wagon players. But after a few months when the players who actually perfect the PvP gameplay and gear up. The casuals, these fairweather players, will start the whine posts and threaten to quit because they can't compete anymore in the few hours they play a week. Or the hardcores who level to max in a few weeks and complain that there is nothing to do.


    Blizzard treats thier players like moody spoiled brats that just want things handed to them. Giving in to whatever demands thier player base wanted. And what gets hurt at the end is the MMO community as a whole. When a noisy 14 year old teen holds alot of power in a given MMO forum and the sheep follow along to influence the devs to changing a game. That is a sign that the MMO gaming industry is slowly die.


    Lot of incomplete sentences there . . . but I think I get it. You want people to be a certain sort of customer; they should be neither hardcore nor casual, not critical, ideally should not have played another MMO (especially WoW), and should be satisfied at all points with what they are given even when they, in ignorance, realize something is wrong but can't articulate the problem because they have no basis for comparison.


    Interesting. I bet Bioware was hoping for the same sort of player.

  12. All the X-server LFD did in WoW was turn the game into world of dungeon run. Empty zone after empty zone. If your MMO experience is just to stand in a central location and chat then you are doing it wrong.


    Bioware has more experience under their belt on making games than anyone on these forums could even dream of and to tell them they are doing it wrong? I'd like to see your awesome MMO that you make.


    They're doing it wrong. See, that wasn't so hard.


    Give me 300 million dollars and I'll do it; I guarantee it.

  13. What we really need in 1.3 is that people without an active sub aren't able to post on the forums anymore. That would cut out at least half of the completely moronic moaning and groaning.


    Yeah, and then the 26 people left would be allowed to congratulate yourselves constantly on how great the game is while you fail to play because even you're bored by it.

  14. I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums, alot of people say it for shock value to try and force the devs into action (silly notion really) but alot of people are anticipating these transfers, so i think more people will stick around the month or so it will take.


    What about those roughly 800k people that just left? You believe them?

  15. It's not a valid request, I agree. I think the better thing to do would be to take a break if there truly is nothing in the game that interests you.


    A very common suggestion . . . and one that close to a million people have taken to heart.

  16. 1: Numerous bugs, including sound, graphic artifacting, sticking points . . .


    2: Storylines are trite, poorly scripted.


    3: VO is dull and repetitive, overly time consuming, immersion-destroying.


    4: Bioware Team is incompetent (and arrogant to boot), CSRs unresponsive, and direction of the game is personally disappointing


    5: The lie that choices matter.


    Finally, the game is plain and simple . . . boring. PVE is simple, uninspired, and ultimately the same across the entire breadth of the game. The character classes are precisely the same as those in WoW; no originality or even an attempt at it. Planets are quiet, enemies uniformly grouped into the same configurations, and everything is completely empty. Not a terrible game . . . just one that's been done ad nauseum and lacks the features of others that are doing the same thing.

  17. Good to see an open mind and a positive outlook in the midst of all these negative posts.


    Given the game does have flaws, it still has a lot of potential. Once character transfer settle, things will no doubt start looking up.


    Open mind? He listed a pasel of MMOs and declared, irrespective of any comparison, that this game is the best one ever made. Is the sheer number supposed to convince one? How about length of time played? What about the patience so often called for by people that like this game? It doesn't seem like that was granted the others mentioned.


    I keep hearing about potential. Potential for what? Where? What will this turn into that it isn't now? What indicates that this game will get better? It certainly isn't the preceding six months of folly that would make one see potential.


    I am glad, really, that some people like this game . . . at least it's worthwhile for them. However, the meaningless platitudes and vague cheering that goes on here is pretty sad.

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