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Posts posted by Quintan

  1. I was planning on staying for the free time but I can't even find the will to log on and see 3 people lol.


    My sub renews after the 25th so maybe I will get the free month but at this point it doesn't matter with GW2 beta and D3 in the next few weeks. I would only have stayed if server transfers/mergers were implemented but I doubt that will happen so soon.

  2. I love the PVP in this game an I have tried to hold on and stick around but I just can't find the will to log into this mess anymore. I always had the feeling EAoware devs were in way over their heads with SWTOR since every feature in the game(even after they have patched upgrades) is sub par to that of "any" other MMO's features.


    "We are working hard on bringing you server transfers?" Really?\


    I'm not a game developer but I work with CIS and networking and I can tell you that I know 15 year old kids that can perform server transfers on almost any system.

  3. Actually you are, but kiiling it with kindness as opposed to acerbic flaming is a nice and welcome departure. Is 50¢ a day really that big of a hit for a game that doesn't do everything every other game combined does only better? If that's the turn-off then gaming must be horrifically stressful for you ... because that one-size-fits-all dream game (regardless of price) does not - and likely never will - exist.


    Whatever you say buddy, are you rich? cause I have this beautiful bridge I need to get rid off..


    Then I'll have money to play two real MMO plus SWTOR yay!

  4. ill give you that. there are a lot of features missing that some would say 'makes it an mmo'. the game was pushed WAY too early. . .or took WAY too long to develop different areas of the game lol. whatever the case it is true, the game needed more features, and those features needed to be fully developed(gtn anyone?)


    diablo never was my cup of tea. even in the d3 beta im trying to use WADS to move and tab to target lol. but i do think that changing the way the game was, in order to adapt it for consoles is a huge mistake. but i see why they did it in a way. why make the 'old version' which im sure was ready way before they decided to make a console version, and then have to change the game specifically for the console version. then having to balance(and update/upgrade) two entirely different games essentially. but come on, its blizzard you know they can afford it.


    are you trolling by trying to compare diablo 3 story with swtor story? its like your whole post was logical and reasonable up until that point XD.


    im sure i dont need to say it, but swtor story is leaps and bounds ahead of diablo 3 story. not even focusing that swtor has 8 stories with slight variations(light/dark). . .the story for the class's starter planets are SO much better than what was showing in the diablo 3 beta(demo)


    No I'm not trolling at all, sure SWTOR story has nice cut scenes and more story lines but I played all four Republic side and I find the Diablo 3 story and PvE to be more fun. Don't get me wrong I liked the SWTOR stories a lot but I also found them to be poorly though out and it's too bad really. SWTOR is great, I love the PvP and many other things about it but I just feel like the game features are all sub-par to other games. I feel like every feature is half-aszed instead of better, like they're happy with features being "almost" as good as other games that charge the same or less.

  5. I have been playing the game since the weekend beta and I still do not have a level 50 character. I have multiple alts ranging from 40 -20 of different classes so i can see what their story is about.


    Why should i care about endgame? Its there but it will not go anywhere and i can take my time to enjoy the game.



    So i guess that makes me one of those that perfers the story and hanging out with friends. Oh dang...does that mean i have a life?


    I think the more important question here is "Why do you pay a monthly sub to do something you can do for free?"

  6. [Opinion]


    For me it's about the journey. I've never understood the rush to end game, and the recent trend to flatten leveling curves.


    When people talk about 'old school' all the time, I cringe a bit. I don't like corpse runs, xp loss and de-leveling on death, overly hard play that requires big groups to get anything done. I don't miss 'any' of that.


    I do miss the leveling process, however. Quests really helped with that by the time WoW got their hands on it. DAoC had 'some' of that every level. There were 3 or 4 you could do, maybe get you 25% through, then back to grinding. I always thought then that a game should 'constantly' have quests like that.


    (not that I also don't have a place in my heart for a sand box, but that is another thread)


    What then happened is they started flattening the curves, to the point where we have something like Rift now, which was just crazy. I wanted to do 'all' the quests, because that's what I like to do, and between that and rifts and such, everything was grey. I maxed out and had several zones to go.


    There's a little of that here, thankfully it's a bit slower, but I think it could be slower still. I think the first 15 are fine, but it really needs to get steep from there.


    [again, opinion] I think the 'end game is the beginning' came out of two things:


    1. Gamers that have been around awhile, and many of them playing WoW for 'years', got used to just being at cap, and getting lots of new things to do. Now many of them just expect to start up a new game, get to the end, and have the same amount of stuff to do, otherwise why not just do that other thing?


    2. The newer generation of players trying out MMOs are coming from consoles, and that's 'awesome'! Welcome! I don't want PC gaming to die, and for that to happen, we need to get your excited to try it out and stay! Having said that, you are used to plopping down with Call of Duty et al and 'bam', you are awesome (other than physically 'skilling' up to learn the game mechanics and get better at it as you play). Those games are like getting a maxed out character on e-bay for an MMO and off you go. So they look at us old foggies, and wonder why we want to play a game where our CoD character comes in naked, and we really don't get to 'start playing' for 5 months. :)


    I have no answers. Just some opinions there, and where I stand relative to what I like. Carry on folks. :)


    Nice Book...


    It's clear you have plenty of time on your hands to do lots of journeying around so get to it.

  7. Right, and just because chess is a 2 player game doesen't mean you can't play it solo too but thats not what I'm saying.


    When you subscribe to a mmo, you're trading off what single player games do better to "join raids and such."


    Thats why not.


    It's just the large number of MMO new comers that play SWTOR, they just don't understand... yet...


    It takes more than a year to really get to know the ins and outs of how Massive - Multi-Player games work.


    That being said SWTOR is about 69% MMO, 31% instanced single player game.

  8. Simply by your statement i can see that you are not a mmo old school. The journey in all mmos is one of the best things about them, even in wow but people mostly ignore it these days simply to do raiding thus the way bliz are giving out 80's like candy to enforce that feeling amongst there hardcore subscribers.


    And to state that no serious guild would take a player that loves story and lore is so wrong its beyond discussing. Endgame is a part of the game, not the whole game just a part of it. But do enjoy D3 toodle pip.


    Whatever you say lol... You took my words out of context btw and you're quote merits no other response.


    again, you're assuming that this game was made for the hardcore mmo guilds/gamers.


    that's like playing hello kitty online and expecting end game raids(or whatever else they have there) is what everyone is interested in.


    this is a theme park mmo, always has, always will.


    im sorry that you confused this game to be something that it isn't(assumptions suck, but there was plenty of info given out before release to show you this wasn't going to be that kind of game).


    i do hope you enjoy diablo 3. i played the beta this weekend and ill tell you that it is NOT fun lol. maybe if you want to play it on a console, since the whole game's design/mechanics where changed to fit a controller pad and is not very keyboard/mouse friendly.


    i just hope you dont start assuming too much. . .like you did with this game.


    I agree with you SWTOR isn't for HardCore players but I didn't assume anything about this game it's just not a complete MMO by a long shot.

    While you are not as clueless as some here I have to say that i disagree about Diablo 3. That game is simple yet so amazingly fun and entertaining!, The "story" is way more fun than anything in SWTOR.

  9. All the people in this thread that say the "journey" & the "story" is what drives them are single player gamers and obviously not experienced MMO players. No experienced MMO guild concerned with PvE progress will ever want the player that wants "story" and "journey" in their raid team that's for sure, maybe as friends or family of a raider but that's about it. End-game is supposed to be the biggest part of the game in an MMO but that's not the real problem SWTOR is facing today imo, people are just getting bored of having no one to do "anything" with since a majority(definitely more than half) of the servers are very light pop.


    That being said, PvE is so bad in this game that endGame doesn't really matter to me. I'll stick to pvp until D3..

  10. The one where Stephen Reid says is only the beginning and will propagate through for everyone according to the orderly, non-server-crashing plan? Yes, I am.


    I can't find that quote anywhere but I'll take your word for it or maybe you can shoot me a link. I hope you're right and they work something out soon, I know I was a goner but I respect that they gave every one a free month so I'm giving the game another shot. But they have to do something, I can put up with bugs but 26 people on the fleet on a Saturday night is hard to get over.

  11. Okay you keep saying that but have no empirical evidence that the game is declining, yet there is empirical evidence that it isn't (a Bioware employee telling us so)...it's kind of like me saying I know those guys that has been working on the same telephone pole in front of my house are with the CIA. :rolleyes:


    The game is not declining, there are a lot of people still buying the game. However, way too many people are quitting in frustration so it's keeping the pop about even i would think. Customers that un-subbed can still be won back if things get better soon though.

  12. So I notice we have the same five or six people posting over and over again how the game is fail on this thread and have been doing so for days.....meanwhile most of the servers are still standard or heavy despite the Diablo II open weekend and the open Tera beta.


    In further reading it's been pretty much proven time and again that the OP's statements are false, and his links are bogus misinformation as Daniel Erickson just said two days ago that the population hasn't dropped.


    But yeah; doom, fail...The sky!!! she's a falling!!!!!!!




    I wouldn't say "Doom, fail" etc but my server is usually listed Standard at peak times with 20-40 people in fleet and about 100-150 in faction. Ques can take long even during peak hours on our "standard" pop server and there are many servers listed as light pop. I just think that a large part of the community is being affected and that sever pop is a bigger issue than legacy or rakghoul plagues. Yes, they said they're "working" on server transfers and that is clear but I think the way the entire problem is being handled has been unsatisfactory and has created a substantial amount of negativity. I know some people are on servers with decent pop but in my server every one talks about the "server pop problem" and we're listed "Standard". Anyways, I hope everything works out in the end... I've seen a lot of people go but there are still some good players around...

  13. I think EAoware took a huge step in giving customers a free month, aside from hiring help it was probably the 2nd best thing they could do for us & for the game.


    I love the PvP i this game and although I don't care for the PvE, stupid plagues(Who was the genius that thought of that?) or Legacy crap I would stay just for the PVP.


    However, I must have some eta for server mergers/transfers by the time my free time runs out or I'm a goner for sure cause I'm wasting way too much time standing in line for WZ...


    I think it's clear that EAoware has made plenty of questionable decisions but they can still turn things around if they stop wasting resources on features that are not essential while 75% of server communities falls apart in front of their eyes.

  14. I have been a big critic of the shortcomings of this game but even I can say that I would not be so displeased if Bioware would just communicate the truths about certain situautions to their customers. This secretive, deceptive, crowd-control is not working very well for them and will create disloyalty from existing customers.

    I think Bioware is failing mostly because of the way they are ignoring some of the player base when all players should be equally important.

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