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Everything posted by golfwang

  1. But the combat system is fluid. How could you take anything else but that from what you quoted?
  2. -Serious Response- I've also played Guild Wars competively, so my perspective isn't so narrow. I'm wondering, quite reasonably, what the future of pvp content is going to be since James Ohlen previously touched on operations but said next to nothing about pvp. A few warzones would be cool, but lets be honest...that won't sate the pvp oriented base for long if at all. I don't see much in the way of endgame pvp content currently. I don't really care about Operations. Do you see where I'm going with this? Arena was not a failure at all, in fact it spawned a very vocal and competitive player base which has become disenfranchised with the current state of pvp in WoW. Piss poor class balancing, neglecting world pvp and horrible BG map design has slowly dulled the allure of WoW pvp. Arena, if implemented at all, doesn't even have to resemble WoW's implementation. I can understand why people would be adverse to the idea given WoW as a reference but we're talking about an entirely different development team at Bioware. SWTOR Is not competing with WoW when it was first released, it's competing with WoW NOW. The pvp content present is enough for a few months (assuming new maps are added soon), but it lacks the developmental depth and variety pve content has. That's fine for now, I'm just wondering what's in store for the future. There are plenty of pvp oriented players who prefer the Star Wars universe and SWTOR experience to WoW. Is it right, or even smart to neglect that base? Arena or not? Even more important than all that is this: THIS THREAD IS NOT SOLELY ABOUT ARENA IN SWTOR. TRY READING THE ORIGINAL POST INSTEAD OF BLINDLY RAGING LIKE A CHILD. The rest of your post was ad hominem nonsense. I don't know why you're so angry bro, you really need to chill out. Maybe listen to some chillwaves? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSrnziapXmo
  3. Well this has nothing to do with my thread and your bias really has no place here. Get over the hate you have for WoW or just don't post here, thanks.
  4. That's clearly not what this thread is about. Troll another thread maybe?
  5. Just read this in another thread, feels very relevant: "MMO's in the past few years haven't been about innovation. They have become a lot like the service industry where it's more important to give players what they want rather than try something new. When an MMO leaves out options provided by other MMO's they lose players. It's all about options. SWTOR does a lot of things well there is no denying that, and I have had a lot of fun in this game, but that fact remains that with SWTOR there are very few options when it comes to pvp. Battlefield should have zombies so players that want them don't spend money on other games... BF3 provides a different service than MW games, but at the same time is trying to take them over and emulate their success. Not including arena in SWTOR is just throwing money away, and forcing pvp players who enjoy arena to find other games." http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=83123&page=3
  6. feel free to disagree, but contribute to the discussion or don't bother. stop trolling.
  7. I'll enlighten you: No MMO can match the fluidity and control of WoW's combat right now. The content, while it is becoming stale, is also there. It's depth has been left to stagnate and rot...though it's currently the pinnacle of design. There are fundamental flaws, but the few things it does right it does better than any other game thus far. This is why you will see it brought up so often on these forums. You might as well get used to it.
  8. Why would arena ruin this game? I can understand players not wanting arena as it was implemented in WoW but that does not mean arena in TOR would be ruinous/poorly done.
  9. That would be a nice cosmetic/quality of life change. Definitely more concerned about the variety and depth of future content though.
  10. ...Why? Do you realize why WoW pvp (while balanced poorly) is currently the golden standard? And please don't troll this thread. thxs.
  11. I know it wasn't advertised as a pvp game and I've been playing since the 13th. I'm not asking for any of the additional pvp content I mentioned to be added in now, or within the month. What I'm wondering is, what's in store? Can the PvP developers working on content answer any of the questions I raised or throw the pvp community a bone the way James Ohlen did for the raiding community? New warzones would be awesome, sure, but I'd need more than that eventually to continue subscribing. Right now the avenues for endgame pvp are: Warzones, Illum and trying to make world pvp work. Thats more than fine for right now, but I can't help but wonder what else is in store, if anything?
  12. Warzones? as is, definitely a mess. Rated Warzones would be nice but I can't help but see it as the equivalent of hard mode flashpoints, if that makes sense. Unless significantly more maps are introduced it's a very shallow way to maintain the pvp player base. Is it Illum? Forgive my ignorance, but how is this planet designed so that it doesn't become an occasional rep grind/item farm a la Halaa/Winter Grasp/Tol Barad in WoW? These areas almost never live up to expectations in my limited experience and become either deserted failures or active for incredibly brief spurts of time throughout the day. It's definitely not open world pvp which is all but dead due to planet instancing and the absence of any incentive...and don't get me wrong, incentive isn't needed. Though if you have none, you need to design questing hubs and planets such as that players on pvp servers come into constant contact with one another. From my experience on Tatooine, it's not the case. So what's going to be the equivalent of operations for pvp oriented players? Arenas are the easy answer. I know many people don't want them in this game, and I read in some thread BW is unlikely to introduce them at all...but if not arenas, what? None of the above is anywhere near enough as is. Reading http://www.swtor.com/blog/sneak-peek-james-ohlen made me wonder about pvp development because it wasn't really mentioned at all while raiders got a very nice preview of things to come. It left a bad taste in my mouth and I hope it isn't a sign of things to come because I can't justify subbing TOR if PvP content is secondary or left underdeveloped. What's going to keep the pvp oriented player base from leaving in droves once GW2 or some other MMO that attempts to cater to both player bases succeeds? What kind of pvp content would keep you playing SWTOR? What kind of content do you not want? What do I have to look forward to at 50 as a pvp oriented player? And these content concerns don't even touch on class balancing and design concerns (like responsiveness). Edit: Please refrain from trolling this thread. Yes, I mention WoW. I'm not concerned with how much you dislike it and that's not what this thread is for.
  13. Unfortunately that modded gear will be inferior to any endgame set.
  14. Well if you read my thread I already have, but thats not viable for end-game pvp or pve sets. We basically have the option to customize how our character looks levels 1-49.
  15. you should specify sith sorc in the title.
  16. Sith warriors/Jedi Knights would look out of place in skirts, and so do sins. I haven't heard a single justifiable reason yet why sins/shadows are stuck in skirts. It just doesn't fit.
  17. you can, but it seems there are no expertise mods to remove...rendering that idea pointless.
  18. edit (vid): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCTjZ-xNRTo I'd say darth maul was heavily cloaked with tread slightly covering his pants, which are clearly visible. its not game breaking, its definitely more of an aesthetic thing...but it feels rather immersion breaking. I'd settle for sets similar to what Maul is wearing in the video, very different than the full on caster robes sins/shadows get stuck with and it fits the class. I know I'm not the only player that desires this. I get messages ALL THE TIME about the pants I wear in warzones/open world.
  19. Seems all the endgame sets (pvp/pve) for shadows/sins are SKIRTS. I'm sorry, but that doesn't fit the look and feel of the class at all. I don't really feel like a ****** melee stealth class wading into battle in a clumsy skirt. Is it too much to ask for sins to simply have pants for their sets? Or a pant/skirt toggle setting? I've found moddable pants and plan on wearing them to cap but I'm going to loathe trading them in for the pvp sets which are ALL skirts.
  20. Planet instancing and lack of ANY incentive is killing world pvp. The other two will probably be addressed.
  21. My sin is at 28 right now and I'm starting to feel the skill bloat. A stealth bar would be very welcome. Imagine my surprise/rage when I made an Imperial Agent alt and saw they had a COVER BAR. ...Really? c'mon son.
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