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Everything posted by Xandarous

  1. People in my guild are never on except for ops and pvp daily.
  2. How is it fair that you can have 20 imperials in the pvp area and only 3 republic? PLEASE explain how this is in the LEAST bit fair? If there are only 3 Republic in the PVP area there should be no more then 4-5 imperials in it either. I cannot get kills or get armaments cause they out number us 5-1.
  3. Did you actually read my post? Why would an imperial player post that? I play Republic.
  4. I currently play on the server Warriors of Shadow. Its usually a "Heavy" server but lately feel less and less like I am playing in an MMO. There are NEVER any hardmode groups for 5 mans in the fleet, never any pug operations of the normal modes. when I queue for a warzone outside of primetime the games usually end due to insufficient players. The only aspect of this game that has kept me here is Star Wars. I like the universe and I love my class play style (Jedi Guardian). Lately though I have been seeing some significant balance issues with melee vs range, lack of player to run things with, and multitudes of bugs and glitches that make me just not want to play. Right now I play since WoW is no longer fun, and other pure pvp games I can only play for so long before they get dull. Bioware, it would be nice to know what you plan to do about the games gradual decline. To keep this game alive you need to address a few issues. -Lack of Republic players. -Looking for Group ON TOP of a global looking for group channel. -PvP balance. Mostly the disparity between melee and ranged dps. BH/Trooper(both advanced classes) and Sorc/Sage damage to durability far to high when compared to melee. -More content. This includes maybe another OP and a PVP planet with more objectives and multiple zones with things to do like the Planetside. More warzones that are a bit bigger. All in all, the game has quite a bit of potential and the people could use more communication from your end.
  5. This is turning into an argument between people who like gear progression in pvp and those who do not. To the people complaining about the valor gain travesty in ilum, you need to understand that battlemaster gear is hardly an upgrade to champion gear and sometimes even a downgrade for some classes since they changed the stats on most of it. I was far from the first lvl50 and I pvped quite a bit as I lvled up. I had to deal with people in full pvp gear and I did not try to go after them by myself. I worked with my team and the people who were higher lvl to get wins. When the 50s only bracket came out I was already geared but NOT from killing lowbies all day. There usually was a fairly even balance between the 2 sides as far as the number of 50s. When my side lost it was from lack of skill. Sorry but all the gear in the world will not protect you from stupid.
  6. Calling it a lie is your opinion. Let us assume we use your system where warzone normalize stats. What stats are we normalizing? Some people like to adjust stats to best suit their play style. Also, people like something to shoot for OTHER than just pvp glory. They like to feel like they are progressing with their character. Gear advancement does that. Also, your system would remove the need for pvp gear and then open world pvp would be about who has the best pve gear. Sorry, but that just does not sit well with me or other pvpers. Like I said above, pvpers want gear progression just like pvers. It brings a sense of accomplishment. If you want to play in a pure 100% balanced system where you can just jump into pvp no character improvement, then mmos are not for you.
  7. People really do not want to work for anything. Still, if they are going to blame something, blame the loot drop system, not gear gap.
  8. You complain about the 10-50 bracket yet seem to forget there were sub 50s on BOTH sides. It was not all 50s vs low lvls. Stop being ignorant.
  9. Force push does not always push someone in the direction you THINK they will go in. Many many times in Hutt Ball or Voidstar I will push someone and they will go in a completely different direction. This needs to change.
  10. People expect gear handed to them way too much.
  11. I still cannot believe people do not yet get it. THE PROBLEM IS NOT GEAR GAP! *****It is the random bag system!!!!*****
  12. Oh...and just to reiterate.... If you are going to complain about something, complain about the bag random loot system.
  13. Just got one today from a lockbox from what I think was the blue colored lock box you get from the belsavis commendation vendor.
  14. If you bothered to actually read, I said I was republic and I play a Jedi Guardian as Vigilance Spec (center tree). To the people saying the gear gap is too large between a fresh and a geared 50. Sorry, but that is how it is. In WoW, a game I played for 7 years it was FAR FAR worse. Especially as more and more content came out. You still have to farm battlegrounds for your base pvp set. In SWTOR, all you need to do is farm a few instance epics, maybe get some epic mods from dailys to not be completely useless. Stay hang around people who are geared in warzones and work with them. YES the champion bag system sucks but that is a SEPARATE issue. Do not blame the gear gap, blame the random system to get the gear. ALSO, there are probably people on the other team JUST as under geared as you are. Seems everyone just wants things made easier for them.
  15. In an MMO where gear progression is a bases for character progression there will ALWAYS be a gear gap between those who have hit lvl cap first and those who hit it later. When you hit 50 expect to farm gear like everyone else. I play republic and suffered through solo queues, many losses, and fighting people more geared then I am. Eventually I got geared and started beating all those people who got gear before me. I see people complaining about being a new 50 and getting smashed. What about 6 months down the road? The new 50s then will have to deal with a gear gap also. Gear gaps exist, work for your gear, and try to have fun doing it. I know I did.
  16. I am quite possibly older than you are. If you want to make a comment about someones maturity, at least have the intelligence to make counter points. I took the time to make my case and all you do is make a snide comment about age. Calling me a high school-er after I make several points countering yours makes you the immature one.
  17. If you would bother to read and take in what I posted you would have stopped posting by now. I guess my logic was too hard for you to understand and I can see now why people lacking in brains keep posting.
  18. Please make it so only the same number of people on both sides can be in ilum. Getting sick of sitting in my base waiting for people to pull in the insta death zone just to get a daily done. Also getting sick of the imperial zerg always being larger.
  19. Reading these forums makes me straight up laugh sometimes. To the OP, this is a game. Some people will like it and others will not. YES we all know there are aspects that can be improved. Some will, others will not. MMOs are all about improving your character. Getting new gear to make you stronger. If everything was crafted gear then the whole point of the game would be finding new patterns as harder and harder content came out. Sorry but new lvl 50s are just that...new lvl 50s and need to suck it up and grind pvp/pve gear like everyone else. If the gear was crafted they would still be either sitting around waiting for mats to craft stuff or out farming pve mobs to craft it. If mats were obtained via pvp then they would STILL be at a disadvantage to all the people with full crafted sets. Long story short, the system in place might not be perfect but its generally where things need to be. The random token system for pvp needs tweaking, but other then that for a new game made by a company that has no real decent mmo experience its not completely worthless. Add better warzones, optimize more code, reduce the randomness (tokens and crafting), buff crafting to the lvl of biochem, change ilum, and a few other things here and there and they will have one hell of a game. I am giving them time to improve. If you do not like the system do not play. And stop calling it cheating and exploiting, that just makes you sound like a bitter and angry douche.
  20. Thought this was just me...but this happens to me on overhead slash (impale for sith) all the time. Mostly the ability just fizzles even though the animation plays.
  21. Yeah...Guards/Juggs were never even close to this sort of crazy. Yes they have one hard hitting move that only does that under multiple conditions. Ops/Scoundrels can hit hard all the time.
  22. I already posted this once....and people still do not get it. Force Sweep (Smash for Sith) will only hit that hard IF you have lots and lots of buffs up. The ability scales well off them but without them crits for 4-6k depending on amount of surge. THIS IS A GLASS CANNON SPEC THOUGH. Hits hard but gets hit hard also!
  23. Pre 1.1 I hit that hard but it took quite a bit of ramp up time and the correct conditions. It also took pure crit surge gear which gimps my defensive capabilities significantly. Numbers like that are no longer possible in warzones and even when they were it was not consistent. Operatives/Scoundrels are getting nerfed for the consistent out of stealth opener and damage. No ramp up time, just instant bang stun and damage.
  24. I am more in favor or a diminishing return system. If you are at 90% resolve you can still be stunned for a full 4 second stun. This sort of mechanic SHOULD NOT EXIST. I absolutely DO NOT MIND short duration stuns and CCs. What I DO MIND is chaining them on a person and NO DIMINISHING RETURN. I have no idea why bioware decided to go with 4 second stuns that do not break on damage but they need to go. Stuns need to either break on max resolve or DR to prevent someone from losing complete control of their character from 100-dead. 3 seconds -> 2 seconds -> 1 second -> immune is a good system.
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