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Everything posted by PumaI

  1. The games I played against you guys post 2.7 (Sorc/Merc) I felt were fairly competitive given that that was my first time queueing ranked on my sniper and mud was just teaching me the ropes of my role. Tbh I'm not sure why people cry about "tunneling" and "double" group compositions. Guard is the hinge for a teams defense, if the opposing teams tank is weak, it makes sense to focus your strategy around the tank. Me and itchy found double healer to counter tank tunnel and went on a 50+ game win streak. In the end, the teams that are the best are those that can adapt strategies into their comps, the ones that cry about strats will transfer servers to find ones with archaic strategies that they prefer or find a new game and move on. Either way, pot5 benefits from the people that stay to create a very competitive environment. TL;DR: I didn't read anything in this thread and decided to take a wild guess on the topic
  2. PvP got boring, I miss 8 v 8s
  3. Hi, I'm a sniper with nearly full arkanian gear, I have some experience with the new operations (post 2.0) but not much. I really would like to join an 8 man raid group that is relatively new so we can learn the fights together. I can raid pretty much every night from 8:30 EST on (Dining commons doesn't open until 8 for dinner). Any question message me in this thread or send me a pm, thanks!
  4. Well, they can't be a pvp guild or pve guild, I think the only spot left is rp?
  5. Are you still coming to Tea time with Ary'a?
  6. Hey, I would like to cordially invite you to http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=708788 Hope to see you there : )
  7. Some very interesting back stories so far to be sure, I can't wait to see them fleshed out on sunday. I would host a fashion contest, but seeing as how my outfit is the best, I don't think it would be fair to anyone else, I suppose we can try it though
  8. After intense deliberation with my master of ceremonies and cronies I have decided to host a monthly pot5 rp event. This is only the hottest new pot5 attraction to bring new rpers to our server. Next week at 9 pm EST on Sunday the first of many rp extravaganzas will occur, streamed by Shaftyoda, the master of ceremonies (Mostly just so he can get cc). To reserve a spot at this event, please post a short description of your characters back story which I will showcase below. On saturday I will post the location of said event. Hi, I'm Ary'a a sassy scoundrel turned operative from hoth who doesn't take no for an answer! I like to drink sunkist and get easily sugar high after eating several skittles. My biggest dislike is copy cats and I love to take long rp walks upon the grimy slopes of Hutta. Note: Please bring your own beverages and snacks, we're not all rich pvers!
  9. I heard matchless stopped queuing group because ractis gets mad a lot
  10. Group queue is all that matters glory dear
  11. Send a whisper to my scoundrel healer when I'm on, Hashtagcups, I'd be up for helping a new guy out : )
  12. Our team is throwing in the towel for arenas, several of my team uninstalled tonight and won't continue playing swtor. So I guess It's my job to wish all the other teams to have fun and keep queueing for what's left of swtor pvp : ) I'll still be around, so if anyone needs an op healer, pst! <3
  13. I have implants made by Luck, your argument is invalid.
  14. We def would be happy to have more competition here : )
  15. My team currently stops queueing around 8:30 pst
  16. I you rename it to Operative channel instead of operations, you have me. :3
  17. Detective Soulcaster on duty!
  18. Dang, Mudclots team... I did not try hard enough
  19. PumaI

    Team Leaderboards

    As the title suggests, are there any plans on ranking pvp teams as well as players? I would really like this feature more than single player rankings... Thanks!
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