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  1. Just wanted to invite any and everyone to an Operations channel I've been working on building for a month or so on Pot5. I'm bundling my Mumble server with it. I would like to have a universal place to look for Operations: recruiting, filling groups and the like. Global channels function like guild channels but are not exclusive and can be more task oriented and focused than guild or even general channels. The benefit of using a channel for one purpose and being able to access it from anywhere (while doing dailies, other content) is much more powerful than relying on a guild or god forbid the Fleet. If you like to join us you can add our channel by typing "/cjoin Opschan LOL" We'd love to have you. Feel free to join the Opschan on Mumble. Here's the info: IP port 45678 pw hokey Thank you for your time everyone!
  2. Just wondering if anyone has tried anything similar since the trees were redesigned. Here is a mock up of a mostly lightning with some madness (mostly to get wrath and slightly to get no cooldown force lightning). I've run pure lightning through the ringer and can achieve 2300ish burst dps up front and sustained (read:no buffs) around 1700. I'll update after i respec into this and try it just wanted some opinions before and after I test it out. Here's the rough look of the build: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sorcerer#30-2000320101122221323-1001302031203 I don' t use thundering blast as much as I should but I'm thinking that might cripple the dps without it or another top tier dps ability.
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