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Everything posted by AstralProjection

  1. If we have to wait months for the small list of things you announced, that's pretty weak. We've been 4 months with nothing of substance changing and no concrete info or communication. One more raid, flashpoint, warzone will equate to a week or two of playtime. A level cap raise is a thinly veiled excuse to try to grab more money. Those aren't real improvements to the game, and still leave the gaping holes in its facade unaddressed. It's been the same strategy that's driven this game into the ground slowly but surely. Release what they want, ignore what the fans want, and have what you release be a fraction of the content expected of a major MMO given the timeline.
  2. Yeah, we in Philly call that a "McNabb". They chucked the ball into the stands, nowhere near a receiver, on 4th down and goal to go, with the game on the line. They then proceeded to shrug and say "My bad." and nonchalantly continue on, still expecting to take the public's money.
  3. Same...with job and kids I barely have time to play...and I've still exhausted their content for the most part, BiS gear and nothing to do but Warzones...I have to see the imperial stories still, and I'm almost scared to do that, because then I really have nothing. I've been one of the *******es defending them all this time, and now I will wholeheartedly say to all the doomsayers - you told me so. I believed them, they lied to us, and I was wrong. We're going to get twelve varieties of purchasable jawa pet in the cash shop to make up for this squandering of potential, though.
  4. Yes, and despite all my rage, that is what I'm constructively asking for them to improve. Communication has been one of their biggest failures since day one. I have an autistic kid that listens and communicates better than they have. We don't want more of what's in the game and we already are bored with - we want what the game is lacking, life, realism, and STAR WARS. As others have so eloquently put it, that experience dies with your Story Quest being completed. Then you're queuing for the same Flashpoints, Ops, and Warzones over and over until you get sick of it and unsub. Make the endgame, and the factional conflict more meaningful than chasing a carrot on a stick and you will garner praise, rather than hatred. You have the basis of a very good game here, but by itself it's not enough. The potential...the potential lost is what makes me so sad. Now that EA's claws are on this I fear you're right, it's going to be milked for every last dollar and drowned in its own mediocrity eventually when the license is going to go to a new money machine. Meanwhile it will be a testament to everything that's wrong with our modern business attitude, and nobody at the helm will care, as long as they keep making money.
  5. Thanks for posting. I agree. I was also a Beta tester and we'd been bringing these issues with the game up since Beta. We were ignored then, until the point they had to fire half their team. We continue to make suggestions that are largely ignored, and they continue to fire/layoff/transfer employees to other projects. All of this could've been fixed with EFFORT. Put the same care you put into writing an amazing storyline for all the classes into DEVELOPING GAME SYSTEMS. I'm concerned this seems like an impossibility now. At any critical juncture in development it seems like your staff quit, instead of trying harder. That kind of loser mentality will never succeed, and it proved itself here. The only communication we've ever gotten have been lies denying that the things we're saying seem to be true are true. And then a few weeks later we learn like clockwork that what we were saying has been right. You should be posting in the Suggestions forum 24/7 with the state your game is in. Like I said, if I can manage a couple posts in a day your community members can as well. Posts of substance that show us someone's paying attention to us. If it's too much work to type a short post telling us you're going to take an idea to the development team, hire people who know how to type. Just break the silence already. Make a new resolution that your community members will post something meaningful every day, and your remaining team will post at least once a week with meaningful game info. Stop your gestapo Q&A crap where you refuse to answer any meaningful questions, and your Community Spotlight which is literally NOTHING. Re-posting things we've already posted, and everyone has already read since you NEVER POST ANYTHING MEANINGFUL, giving us no choice but to read our own threads over and over when curious about the game, IS NOT HELPFUL.
  6. I posted it in another thread, but that thread got locked for lack of constructive criticism. I'm giving you some critical, constructive criticism that needs to be implemented immediately to start bailing water our of this ship, and I'm reposting it here in hope that someone at BioWare gets their act together: "Quote: Originally Posted by Ansalem What if you kinda enjoy the game, but are frustrated because bioware failed to deliver on its promises and ruined any hopes of the game every improving or living up to its amazingly high potential that the devs seem to look over any chance they get? where is that option? Think I should keep playing with a growing sense of frustration and disappointment of what could and should have been with this game? Anyone have a countdown until ESO comes out? cause biofail has ruined star wars for me forever. This is worse than episode 1 jar jar binks." This guy sums it up pretty darn well for me. I've been this game's biggest fanboy since it was announced. I was one of the people praying for its release before it was announced. I thought if the people who made KOTOR could make an MMORPG it'd be the best thing ever. I have the TOR peripherals and love them - they're the only part of the game I don't feel cheated by. I have the CE, and enjoyed the goodies inside...but then there was the game itself. They delivered on levels 1-49. Level 50 is where it all falls apart. I still play. My 6 months doesn't end for another week. I'll probably resub for 6 more months because I can afford to, and because I love my guild and we're all huge Star Wars fans and still love playing together. I will tell you that in the span of the last 8 months they have utterly crippled my hopes for this game, though. Amazing developer, super popular IP - this had the potential to be the best game ever made. Sadly, it's not going to be, and EA/BioWare has made that painfully clear now by putting the most pathetic effort ever put forth in maintaining an MMORPG. I'm not talking about the first couple updates, which came out at a solid pace, because they had already been in development. The two biggest things that continue to damage this game are lack of communication, and lack of content. The fix for the content isn't new flashpoints, warzones, or operations. The fix is content that involves the players, like factional conflict, planet development, base defense/assault/construction, and new character creation and customization options (including customization after creation). Things that make the universe feel unique and alive - things that have always come easy to Star Wars. How is it that static movies, books, and artwork can capture that feeling better than a living universe populated by real roleplayers? It boggles the mind, and it all comes back to poor design of game systems and a flawed ideology behind the game - the theme park gear treadmill. It's not a bad model, but it needs more to accompany it, and a WoW Vanilla clone when WoW was years past that stage was not the answer. As others in this thread have said, they can come out with new operations, flashpoints, and warzones in a patch and many players will still be sick of it within a couple of weeks. They're not a real fix to the problem TOR has, and they never will be. The problem is that this game is NOTHING but an item grind with your friends. It's call of Duty with a fraction of the maps and gear imbalance if you're a PVPer, or a real raiding game with a fraction of the skill normally required if you're a PVEer. First off, before anything else, though, BioWare needs to fix its gosh darn communication problem, though. Stop the pathetic, generic Community Manager responses that they'll tell us more when they're allowed to tell us, and when they have more information about the future. No, screw you, BioWare. Post it and make it clear that it's subject to change, and you'll get a lot less hate. Stop treating your customers like garbage, or like you're scared to death of them, and grow the hell up. I don't want to look at the Dev tracker and see a dozen posts about how you're working on getting us more info about your F2P structure. I want to see what you've been lying about doing for the last 4 months. I want to see all this stuff that's so sensitive that you can't even breathe the slightest gosh darn whisper for fear its lofty ideal will dissolve into nothingness like gossamer on the winds upon being read by the forum posters. We know you're going F2P, move the $&*)#@&* on and release the info when it's ready, that part's fine. Let's hear about the content. How you think you're going to put out meaningful content every 6 weeks when you haven't even managed to talk about content for 4 months. How you think this is going to solve the problem that your bandaid fixes failed to solve. A couple new ops, a couple new flashpoints, and 1 new warzone in 8 months, and you think you're going to update us every 6 weeks? You had a bigger staff back then. I call BS. Whether I'm right or wrong though, the bottom line is you need to talk to us, and you needed to do it yesterday. You have thoroughly screwed a lot of loyal customers who believed the outright lies your PR team has been telling since day one. At least back then you still lied to us. Now you pretend we're not even here. It's pathetic that some of us can post on a daily basis from work while getting paid by another company while your paid employees cannot even manage a post or two a day, just from the community team. I'm beginning to think there is no developer team, just a trained colobus monkey picking parasites from James Ohlen's head. MAKE IT RIGHT.
  7. This guy sums it up pretty darn well for me. I've been this game's biggest fanboy since it was announced. I was one of the people praying for its release before it was announced. I thought if the people who made KOTOR could make an MMORPG it'd be the best thing ever. I have the TOR peripherals and love them - they're the only part of the game I don't feel cheated by. I have the CE, and enjoyed the goodies inside...but then there was the game itself. They delivered on levels 1-49. Level 50 is where it all falls apart. I still play. My 6 months doesn't end for another week. I'll probably resub for 6 more months because I can afford to, and because I love my guild and we're all huge Star Wars fans and still love playing together. I will tell you that in the span of the last 8 months they have utterly crippled my hopes for this game, though. Amazing developer, super popular IP - this had the potential to be the best game ever made. Sadly, it's not going to be, and EA/BioWare has made that painfully clear now by putting the most pathetic effort ever put forth in maintaining an MMORPG. I'm not talking about the first couple updates, which came out at a solid pace, because they had already been in development. The two biggest things that continue to damage this game are lack of communication, and lack of content. The fix for the content isn't new flashpoints, warzones, or operations. The fix is content that involves the players, like factional conflict, planet development, base defense/assault/construction, and new character creation and customization options (including customization after creation). Things that make the universe feel unique and alive - things that have always come easy to Star Wars. How is it that static movies, books, and artwork can capture that feeling better than a living universe populated by real roleplayers? It boggles the mind, and it all comes back to poor design of game systems and a flawed ideology behind the game - the theme park gear treadmill. It's not a bad model, but it needs more to accompany it, and a WoW Vanilla clone when WoW was years past that stage was not the answer. As others in this thread have said, they can come out with new operations, flashpoints, and warzones in a patch and many players will still be sick of it within a couple of weeks. They're not a real fix to the problem TOR has, and they never will be. The problem is that this game is NOTHING but an item grind with your friends. It's call of Duty with a fraction of the maps and gear imbalance if you're a PVPer, or a real raiding game with a fraction of the skill normally required if you're a PVEer. First off, before anything else, though, BioWare needs to fix its gosh darn communication problem, though. Stop the pathetic, generic Community Manager responses that they'll tell us more when they're allowed to tell us, and when they have more information about the future. No, screw you, BioWare. Post it and make it clear that it's subject to change, and you'll get a lot less hate. Stop treating your customers like garbage, or like you're scared to death of them, and grow the hell up. I don't want to look at the Dev tracker and see a dozen posts about how you're working on getting us more info about your F2P structure. I want to see what you've been lying about doing for the last 4 months. I want to see all this stuff that's so sensitive that you can't even breathe the slightest gosh darn whisper for fear its lofty ideal will dissolve into nothingness like gossamer on the winds upon being read by the forum posters. We know you're going F2P, move the $&*)#@&* on and release the info when it's ready, that part's fine. Let's hear about the content. How you think you're going to put out meaningful content every 6 weeks when you haven't even managed to talk about content for 4 months. How you think this is going to solve the problem that your bandaid fixes failed to solve. A couple new ops, a couple new flashpoints, and 1 new warzone in 8 months, and you think you're going to update us every 6 weeks? You had a bigger staff back then. I call BS. Whether I'm right or wrong though, the bottom line is you need to talk to us, and you needed to do it yesterday. You have thoroughly screwed a lot of loyal customers who believed the outright lies your PR team has been telling since day one. It's pathetic that some of us can post on a daily basis from work while getting paid by another company while your paid employees cannot even manage a post or two a day, just from the community team. I'm beginning to think there is no developer team, just a trained colobus monkey picking parasites from James Ohlen's head. MAKE IT RIGHT.
  8. IT'S A ZOMBIE!!! SHOOT IT IN THE FACE!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! Seriously though, I wouldn't mind this. Any more customization is always welcomed, as stated above. Getting to tweak your character until it's perfect makes people happy. (this part not directed at Taloraan) Whether you want to admit it or not, if you're playing a gear-based MMORPG you're just playing digital dress-up with an online dolly. You shouldn't come in and knock this guy's idea like it's horrible.
  9. I like this idea...only problem is, for them to have an announced features thread, they'd have to announce something more than once every 75 days.
  10. TOR's Model is not really like LOTRO's, in the sense that you have to buy quest packs in LOTRO just to level to max level. What's puzzling me is that TOR is giving the best part of the game away for free, levels 1-50 story. That's the crown jewel of this game. If they had any business sense they'd make level 50 warzones and ops F2P and make people pay to level up to 50 : P
  11. Given the number of complaints from current and past players about the theme-park, WoW-clone MMO style we've experienced in TOR, I think it's safe to say people might want or prefer it, at least a good percentage of the population. People also said PVPers were a huge minority - yet over half the players left this game, and a huge number of them cited a lack of meaningful endgame PVP. I think it's safe to say without BioWare polling us none of us know what "Everyone" wants. What I do know is what makes original, dynamic content without constant developer updates, and what doesn't. As soon as players burn through flashpoints, or play a new warzone a few times it loses interest for most of them, requiring developers to endlessly churn out content, often at an unsatisfactory pace no matter how quickly they do it. With Sandbox style gaming, it doesn't detract from the other aspects of the game, but adds a fun and enjoyable time sink that can actually be used to drive things like PVP, and after the initial implementation it requires very little developer upkeep to keep fresh in comparison to operations, warzones, and flashpoints. It is work at first, but the initial investment returns tenfold over time. Besides WoW there aren't many theme park MMORPG's spoken of fondly. It may be the only one. Perhaps WoW allowed us to swallow the lack of depth because the universe they made was so open and visually appealing - and most people had no connection to the Warcraft universe on a personal level. Star Wars is different - players had a taste of what living in Star Wars was like - and it was enough to keep a terrible MMORPG like Galaxies alive through all its game system flaws and lore-breaking mishaps. People identify with this setting, have their own fantasies about what being a bounty hunter, or Jedi, or trooper in this universe means, and the theme park style severely limits that to a gear grind and nothing more. It's all G and no RP - and that doesn't mean you have to actively speak in character to enjoy the RP aspect. It just means that you have to feel a connection with the world you play in, and feel a real reason to fight for your faction or take part in world events. Housing and base development allow players to do that. It lets you feel like you have a say in the world, rather than taking part in little mini-movies that lose all meaning once you repeat them. The immersion is gone the 2nd time you kill Karagga, Soa, or Kephess, not to mention the 20th time you've done it.
  12. Housing could easily fit into this game, or any game. Jedi have meditation chambers, Troopers have hidden supply caches, Smugglers have safehouses, etc. etc. It would make great sense on a ship as well because of the "Adventurous" feel of the storyline, but that dies at level 50, and probably won't continue on much except for a week or so every year or two when they expand the class stories, if that ever happens. Once you reach 50, you're not on the move, you basically live on the fleet or a couple daily quest areas. The fleets are boring, ugly, and impersonal, and feel less star-warsy that individual housing would. The unique living spaces depicted in Star Wars are some of what makes the universe so vibrant. To take that away you're left with a few generic, metallic bunker style structures like we have now, which are tedious and repetitive after 20 levels of questing, which is a drop in the bucket of the actual game. To answer your questions: 1) Everything is instanced. It doesn't matter if a guild dies. Open a new instance if you run out of space. Easier to solve those old UO problems now with instances and sharding. Buildings could also be guild/factional related, giving you something to attack and defend. Potentially, let the buildings be destroyed by the other faction. Leads to greater meaning for the structure. 2) Not sure what you're driving at here? Permissions lists and things like that have solved inactivity issues for a while. See above as well, they can be deleted after x amount of time, new shards can be created, or they can be destroyed through a combat system. Keeps defunct structures cleaned up. In CoH you chose a window your base was vulnerable when your supergroup had a base upgrade that made it vulnerable to attack. If you weren't on to defend during that time people could storm your base and do damage to it or destroy it. 3) They don't have to be on Separate planets. In fact, some development areas could be for building bases, encouraging PVP conflict between the factions. Right now, everyone's on a Separate fleet, and rarely leaves. How is that encouraging PVP? Oh, right, it isn't. This system could be designed to account for that in a way current development hasn't been. 4) Ghost towns are a result of a defunct game or a poor housing system. If it's implemented right, like in the days SWG thrived, that's not really an issue. Towns will wax and wane, some will disappear, others will rise to prominence, just like in real life. Not sure what the issue is there. Not sure what the allure to a crowded fleet is either, there's no need to be afraid everyone will stop logging in suddenly. Personally I'd rather not read the general chat spam or adjust my filters. The whole point of this is to give players the opportunity to build something meaningful as a group in the Star Wars Universe, to create a personal bunker or a guild run fortress to protect your faction's interest on a particular planet. There are numerous ways this could promote PVP and factional interaction. The more guilds/players develop a particular instance on a planet, the more their faction could gain control over that planet. A mechanism for damaging those structures could allow the balance of power to be turned. That would make this galaxy feel like it was at war far more than a few more lame giant boss battles that will be old after one kill. This forum is for suggestions to make the game better. BW has said a lot of things that haven't been true, I see no reason why they couldn't realize they made a mistake and bring some version of this into being. Shooting it down and saying it will never happen defeats the purpose of suggestions forum. Housing worked best in UO and SWG, but the existence of a GTN does not exclude it from working here if the system is designed to take the war in the galaxy into account.
  13. 1. New Races (easiest addition to bring life back to the game. Must be multiple, one is a slap in the face with the time you've had) 2. Player Housing Instances - make worlds able to be developed...open instanced map for player housing 3. Factional/Guild bases - promised these, no talk in a long time. Capital Ship battles AND instanced zones for building bases, possibly shared with housing instances. Base defenses/raids regular. 4. Real customizations of player ships, not just the cheesy legacy stuff. Interior modifications/upgrades. 5,. Factional Control of Planets/Zones Long Term - 3rd Faction.
  14. Exactly. If it weren't so right I'd be laughing. I defended BioWare's lack of communication pre-launch, because they've always been tight-lipped. It's coming to the point where a little communication could help their playerbase immensely, and they're still keeping their mouths shut. No communication is much much worse than being ridiculed for what you do communicate. It makes people like me who stick up with you formulate their own ideas, and begin to ridicule you anyway. This just looks like a runaway ship with no captain right now. Stop being scared of your customers and treat them with respect. You have a lot to learn about customer service at EA.
  15. SWG Died because it had horrible combat, and it was forcibly shut down. If SWG had combat the quality of TOR's, it never would've declined at all. The problem with your idea is that people get utterly sick of running flashpoints and ops, and just leave the game. I've been one of the most die hard fans of this game since day one, and I'm very casual, only can play for a little time each day, and don't play every day. I've still got fully augmented war hero gear, have done all the ops, and don't care to endlessly run them for no reason. After the first time operations aren't interesting. After the first kill they aren't challenging. They spend months developing a single op and warzone, when they could be making content that perpetuates itself. Every time I see a single new operation announced, I die a little inside, because I know it will keep most players busy no more than a month or two, and that's not a month of steadily logging in. That's a month of showing up just to run your raids. Eventually players wisen up and stop paying the sub or logging in, when they realize they have no other reason to log in other than to do their daily chores or run a raid. Housing/bases are player generated content and potentially PVP, and that will stay fresh far longer than any one map. Those months of development time squandered on ops and warzones that just lead to an eventual level cap raise are poor design. I can't answer you why people still play WoW, other than that they invested so much time in it while it was the major player in the market. There's zero substance to the game. It's a hamster wheel, and at this rate, that's all TOR will ever be. A hamster wheel with expensive voice acting.
  16. I second this idea. The biggest thing this game needs is instanced maps where players can freely develop, including placing houses and guild/faction bases. It would take your game from boring to fun in the blink of an eye.
  17. Personally, I think the good it would do for this game would far outweigh the minor damage to the story and aesthetics that would come about from adding more races. This would be an easy way to bring back a lot of players and get them playing your alt game excitedly - people are dying for more Star Wars races. I already posted this as the first step in my plan to re-energize this game in this forum. People will gladly not show helmets to play one of these races, poll us if you're unsure. People will gladly accept a generic alien tongue for voiceovers just to get to play as the new species'. I am a huge fan of the story, but you can't let the story throttle the future of your game. It's already been shown that the story alone is great the first time around, maybe even a couple more, but it's not enough to keep players. Just as you sacrificed logic for your legacy race unlocks, do it for your species availability as well, and it will improve the overall fun factor of the game in a really simple way. You have the models. Your character creator isn't so heavy with options that it would take forever to make these races available with some variation. Please, please, please add more races.
  18. Roots are your friend...what most of the folks are telling you in this thread may sound like criticism, but most of it's true. The gunslinger/sniper class is great. Yes they are the same, essentially. One can't be good and the other suck, unless you don't like pistols vs. rifles or something, and that's an aesthetic. I play a Sentinel and a Gunslinger, and I can tell you that your class is the counter to a Marauder...mainly because of knockbacks and roots, which are off resolve. If you let a Sentinel/Marauder stand there and whale on you you're going to die. If you're managing your abilities right, they won't be able to leap to you or knock you out of cover, and by the time Hunker Down wears off they'll be dead. When they do close the gap, knock them back and root them, roots ignore resolve so they always work. If you're going to PVP, consider talents that improve cooldowns and durations of roots, hunker down, knockbacks, stuns, etc. That will make your life easier. Not only can you do very high DPS and go unnoticed as a Gunslinger, but you have the tools to really control where people can and can't go in a Warzone, not to mention you're probably the best class to cap doors/nodes because nobody can leap to you half the time. Getting at least 1200 expertise will help, if you don't have that you're in trouble, and you're going to lose a bunch before it gets better unless you have some powerful friends. Picking your targets carefully will also help - if you can find people already engaged in combat who are less likely to turn and kill you when you shoot them, you'll be able to mop up the battlefield easily against stupid teams. Stay inconspicuous, and don't let them know you're hitting them until they're dead.
  19. Hey BioWare...long time fan of your games here, someone who wanted to be playing TOR for many years to come. Problem is, if you get bored with Warzones or Operations in this game, there is literally nothing to do for most people. The game lacks substance, and that's why you see people jumping ship so steadily. The story is excellent - you delivered everything you promised there, but most people have seen all the quests now, except maybe a handful of story quests for either faction, and are now getting bored with what's left...four warzones, or a handful of operations and flashpoints that they've already done. So how do you fix it? I've played practically every MMORPG since Ultima Online launched, and stuck with all of the good ones. What those MMORPG's had that yours is currently lacking is a feel of realism, to their worlds, and to their character. The easiest way you have in front of you to bring lots of people back and get them playing again is to cultivate their connection with their character. The way you do that is by introducing new species. Not one new Species, like the Cathar. They're a good start, but If you go live with just one new species you will gain no ground. You have races like Kel Dor, Togruta, Rodians, Nautolans, Bothans, Nikto, Iktochi, Weequay, Chagrians, Kiffar, and many more that are all humanoid races without any crazy body shapes or limbs and have models already. Your players would gladly hide a head slot item to get the chance to play one of these beloved species. They'd gladly re-roll alts to do it, and take part in your great story again, which is really the crown jewel of this game, and what you've intended for us all along. The character creator was a big mistake at launch. Star Wars is loved for its diversity. You have a character creator with very minimal options and even more minimal species selection. You can rectify that mistake now - whatever new raid or warzone you're building, I can tell you that one is not enough. Your players will be sick of it in a month, because there will be nothing else to do in your game but run that raid or warzone until it gets boring. Shift your resources, release SEVERAL new races, and do it soon, and you will see revitalization in your game, not in a grand scale, but in a very measurable way. As a perk for this character-based update, you can do two minor things as well - Armor dye, which has been an MMORPG staple for a while now. Someone loves the Bladefury set, but wants that cool Cyan effect on parts of the armor changed to red, or green. Let them dye parts of the armor. MInor change, leads to major satisfaction with players. It's part of that feeling a connection with their character thing. You had a good start by making all gear augmentable, accessible, etc in 1.3. Keep it going. That kind of thing makes players happier on aggregate than a new map. Throw in some free extra character slots as well as a gift for your player loyalty, those of us that have stuck it out through a clearly mismanaged launch. Yes, I've been defending you for months, I'm finally to the point where I can't anymore. Your combat is fun, but lacks meaning, other than getting new pieces of gear. Star Wars is all about greater meaning. We want to make our own. That's the band-aid to stop the bleeding. Your next step is going to be to address the lack of things to do besides raid and run warzones in your game. While players are enjoying their new alts, you need to work on getting out two things - the guild capital ships we were promised, and instanced player development areas, where we can either build housing, or bases for our faction. This should be pretty easy to add - each area would be a clean slate linked to by the Orbital Stations. Your highly instanced design actually supports modular additions like this. Take advantage of it. You may not have planned to allow players to develop planets, but that's what people need to stay interested. A fun time sink is not item rewards that take hours of grinding the same maps you can't come out with fast enough. A fun time sink is personalizing your guild's new home, with cosmetic features and upgrades. A fun time sink is figuring out where to place your guild's new base, and how you're going to defend it from attack. If you're looking for something to Copy, City of Heroes had a pretty good base raid setup, and so did SWG. Schedule times your bases are vulnerable to attack, guild is there to defend it, enemy guilds take it down. What was the point of picking enemies we want to play against if we can't face off against them with any meaning? That suggested you had something planned, but it's obvious there's nothing. I can't choose to queue against my enemy guild for a warzone. Everything about warzones is random and impersonal. People enjoyed SWG PVP so much even with a TERRIBLE combat system that was light years behind TOR, because they could develop real rivalries with enemy guilds, and then take it to them where it hurt, their city or base. Next, when you release Warzones, they're less complicated than a Call of Duty map; if you're going to come out with them every few months, you need to be releasing at least 3-5 maps. I understand that Operations require more work, but a Warzone is just a map. We'd rather see more, diverse maps, with more planets, even if it's repeat game modes, just to have something different. You have very fun combat, just give us new settings to do it in, new terrain to hide behind, and we will smile. And finally, keep developing that secret space project as the coup-de-grace expansion to bring millions back to the game. Get these band-aid fixes in first, then drop that bombshell within the next year or so, and you will see your sub numbers steadily climb. The competition coming out now doesn't have the staying power that your IP does. Don't squander the IP like Sony did. You have dedicated fans across the globe wanting this game to be something great, something more than a WoW file-copy with a great story and voice acting. There's still a chance to redeem this thing gameplay wise. That's an earnest request, from a longtime fan of yours, and an even longer-time fan of Star Wars. I hope you give my ideas some consideration.
  20. Yeah, they're tied : ) They couldn't make one cheaper than the other or we would've cried imba. But they're both an easy way to get a nice +41 crystal.
  21. This is false. You can upgrade the crystal from a vendor on your capital city. Cheapest high-end crystal out there IMO. Any Naga is also an awesome mouse for gaming, and a big advantage over players that don't have them.
  22. It's amazing how many folks are willing to blame BioWare for their own inability to read. Nobody should've assumed their server was transferring today based on all the info they posted. The process was beginning today, not completing today, not available to everyone today. Stop and take a deep breath.
  23. QFT. Let's not forget you can toss some skills backwards as you run away in this game. There are plenty of specs that can deal damage while kiting. I know the one way that never works to kite a Marauder, and it's facetanking them, or standing there trying to heal through it. Go hump a pillar or bring them back to the rest of your team.
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