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Everything posted by JoeeyyMagzz

  1. I was about to post something starting with, "besides the fact..." then I realized how dumb that would sound considering this is a Star Wars game and you're asking about changing the color of the lightning being shot from our hands... Let me rephrase and say this instead: All classes that do not have force abilities currently are close to 100% affected by color crystal. The force being manipulated by our in-game bodies should not be affected by the color of our lightsaber since one does not have to do with the other. However, I do agree with what some others have said and think they should add some "force color" to the Cartel Market. I would happily pay to change the color of my force abilities.
  2. The game never had 2 million subs. 2 million people bought the game and most played the first free month.
  3. Why do people keep saying that this game failed? Because it's f2p? It has more subscribers now than it did back when it was subscription only, and it's gaining more every single day. Just in my guild alone I had 4 members in the last week subscribe to the game when they hit 50 just for the extra content, warzones, and having the ability to raid. What I will say about this game is that the release cadence feels a little slow right now, but that's only because in every MMO in existence the cadence feels slow when you reach the climax of a story arc. All of the raiders have defeated The "you know who" and now we're just waiting on the next story arc to be released. It sucks, and it's painful, but it's the way of all MMO's. People just like to bash SWTOR because a bunch of WoWhard's who also loved Star Wars kept telling the world that SWTOR was 100% going to be the, "WoW Killer." The game got too much media hype and too much attention, and when it released with only ~1 1/4 Operations, everyone was like, "Where's the content?!?!" Bioware was forced by EA to release an unfinished product and paid the price. When 1.3 was released, Daniel Erickson was quoted as saying something to the effect of, "... this is the game we wanted to release." Keep in mind, 1.3 wasn't released until way later, in June 2012. If it weren't for EA, Bioware probably would have released the game sometime in April 2012 and had all of the content they wanted in the game at release. The game would not have had such a rough start, but I guarantee it still would have still gone f2p, because that's the way the MMO market is shifting. As for being the pariah of MMO's. Yes. Why? Because people expected more in the beginning and were let down. Unrealistic expectations or not, they were let down. I, personally, love the game. I've been here since 2nd wave of early access day 1, and I will be playing for as long Bioware will keep the servers running. I want nothing more than for SWTOR to keep developing and becoming a better game. Don't listen to other people's nonsense. Just have enough self-worth to continue doing something you enjoy, regardless of the opinion's of others.
  4. Written by someone named DarthTHC. Quit smoking so much THC and maybe you'll be more productive at work. P.S. Not really sure what your post has to do with the post you replied to. P.P.S Adding another person to a software development group cannot possibly slow it down unless their sole purpose is to rock out while the rest of the group works, they are paid to program major portions of the software with little to no programming knowledge, they are smashing everyone's workstations, or they are actually a very territorial gorilla who just made it's new home in the office. Adding a person would take the load off of at least one person in the group, therefore increasing the efficiency.
  5. This video was awesome... i laughed pretty hard almost every second of it... good job! This video really brought me back to my counter-strike days of gaming and making the clips of the week for ESEA, and made me realize how terrible at editing videos we all were back then! <---- Wants more!
  6. I guess you missed how every nerf/buff to classes in the game is because of PvP forums? They've been reading the PvP forums since the game released...
  7. I don't think you understand the way network connectivity works. So, let me explain: If you are experiencing server generated latency, then that means everyone else on the server would be experiencing server generated latency at the exact same time. If you are lagging, or running into invisible walls, then everyone else would be doing the same thing and no one would be killing you during those spikes. One perfect example, the DoS attacks that LoL team was launching against the EA servers a few weeks back. During those attacks, we could not fight, chat, or in some case, even enter the server. The fact that you are experiencing lag spikes when no one else on the server is complaining proves that it is your connection, not the server. You can try multiple things to stop this: Stop broadcasting your WiFi SSID, or turn off wireless altogether during play. Any good "War Driver" will know how to obtain your SSID even if you're not broadcasting the SSID. So, if you do plan to keep WiFi enabled, be sure that you use MAC filtering and a strong WPA2 password. Disconnect any self purchased routers from the network and only use the ISP's router. This will allow you to see if it's the ISP, or if it's because of your personal router/access point. If your findings show that your ISP is the cause, call them and have them send a tech out. It is most likely because of the neighborhood's junction box. There might be some poorly punched cross connect, or worse. If your findings point elsewhere, come back and say that on the Support forums. A good idea before casting blame is to do everything possible on your end so that you can bring your findings to the table. If you just jump on the forums saying, "X happened, now Y happens all the time," those are not true findings. That's an observation you made haphazardly and are now certain that's the case, when it's not. EDIT* If nothing above helps you, download the Tomato Firmware for your router model. Install that, and you will see a completely new GUI when you go to the router's IP address (eg.,,, etc.). Under Bandwidth, you can monitor and diagnose any bandwidth issues in Real-Time and even create logs so that you can view bandwidth usage during lag spikes in game. Also, I failed to mention earlier to check your Firewall settings and make sure that SWTOR.EXE is added to the Exceptions list.
  8. Color me confused. I'm not really sure what your post has to do with Tait Watson's post saying that he will be doing the livestream and giving away taun fawn's.
  9. Dailies, dailies, dailies. Run all of the dailies you can and you'll be earning well into the millions per week. Any other way, not too many people would be willing to share since that would be giving away their cash flow niche. My advice, look into Cybertech, Armstech, and Artifice and find your own market that works best for you. HINT: Crafting high level items is both expensive, and a small market.
  10. Wait... So, you're "best" player is going to WoW for more raids? I guess tell him good luck because the only raid worth doing in WoW right now is SoO and that's going to get played out really fast. I came back to this game from WoW because I can't handle stepping inside of SoO again. I guess if he wants to solo old raids, that's fun... for like a week. Oh, and tell him not to worry about jumping right into SoO because all he has to do is run around Timeless Isle for an hour and he'll be wearing full 496's and ready for the Raid Finder. Within 3-4 runs of Raid Finder, he'll be ready for Normal/Flex mode.... unless he has the worst luck on the planet. Within 2 weeks, he will have completed SoO on Flex/Normal. In less than one month he will be ready for Heroic. In 2 months, he will be crying to Blizzard about no more PvE content to run and he's full geared with his Legendary Cape and Heirloom Weapon (that scales to level 100 in next xpac). When will players realize that there is no point in rushing through content? As long as the vast majority of players are not running the hardest content in the game, there is absolutely no reason for developers to push out new content. So, one of two things needs to happen. Either the vast majority of players become hardcore raiders, or the rest of us will have to be quiet/be happy with content we've been clearing for weeks/months before the next Operation is released.
  11. Your problem actually stems from the larger problem that people just don't know/understand the content. I was in a HM Eternity Vault group and watched the raid leader kick 4 level 55's wearing a mixture of 61/63/66 gear and told them all that their gear wasn't good enough!!! It's a level 50 Ops that only required you to be in Columi (56) gear! Basically, it led to a long debate between him and I and I ended up creating a group with the people he kicked; we got along just fine. I also see this with current content like SM DF/DP. A lot of people don't want you in the group if your health is less than ~31k. But, for some reason, they welcoming people that don't have set bonus with open arms! So, run those old Ops for a few weeks and get all the Ultimate Comms gear you can grab and somehow be better than a guy who knows what they're doing.... Basically, if you read the Operation's entry in the Log, it tells you exactly what your gear should be for that Operation. If you are wearing that gear plus some, then bring that up to the raid leader along with the fact that you have done it multiple times on other toons. Showing your Achievements helps.
  12. Pazaak was heavily talked about immediately after launch of early access and it was brought up by several people that it is a very tough feature to implement because it involves gambling, albeit fake or digital gambling. Now, with the implementation of the Cartel Market - which is the nearly too easy way of turning your real money into in-game money - compounded by the fact that there are kids ages 13+ playing this game, I do not see Pazaak coming to this game... unless they have the greatest lawyers in existence. Swoop racing, however, would be an amazing feature that should have been on their crazy idea board from the beginning. Edit - Get ready to be attacked by the "BIOWARE HAZ NO MONEZ!!!!" group of people because you requested a cool feature.
  13. +1 For Roadmap! This is a fantastic idea and I also have seen other MMO's do it. Actually, the first MMO I saw do it was FFXIV after their initial release and absolute failure. It fully outlined their comeback and everything to follow within the first year.
  14. Proxy, Mac Spoofing, IP Spoofing... Google those terms. You can attack from home, your parents house, your grandmother's house, your school... it doesn't matter. But, you are correct in that it is extremely difficult to find *good* hackers.
  15. You have to realize that these people think like children do. They honestly believe that by bringing down the servers, they are somehow hurting the companies. What they do not realize, in their infinite wisdom, is that these companies cannot be hurt by a couple hours offline and the only people HerpDerp is hurting are the gamers. Also, I really do not think they really care about anything because their response to that Dota2 player when he asked them why they're doing it was, "for the lulz". After that, they came back and added because they want to hurt the companies. These script kiddies are only doing this so they can get some kind of sick enjoyment out of knowing that they are bothering thousands and thousands of gamers at the same time. Truly strange and obviously heavily picked on as young teenagers. Probably still picked on.
  16. I don't understand how in my first year of college they taught us like 10 different methods to protect networks against DDOS attacks, and that was eight* years ago. Fast forward to 2014, EA, Sony, and others still cannot protect against DDOS attacks... they need to hire some new CCNE/CCNP's and get their networks straightened out. Heck, a Security+ should be able to figure it out... Then again, they probably only have people straight from college with no certifications working for them, that would explain a lot of the faults.
  17. Hitting all of their servers, at the same time, in different parts of the world?
  18. Does anyone know if the servers were restarted for maintenance at all during the holiday? If not, we know the cause. If so, I think they let the intern have control for the night shift... and boy is he having fun!
  19. when you log back in, you will be back in your guild. Just completely log out and close client, then re-open
  20. Feel sorry for me? I've been playing RPGs since the text MUD days. I've played pretty much all American - and some Asian - MMO's. I've been here playing this game since testing days. I stayed and subscribed through the launch and the years following. I've seen first hand how far this game has come, and I know it will continue to improve. Maybe I am ignorant, who knows. I do not think for a second that this game is perfect by any means, but bashing it the way that you and others do on these forums is ridiculous. Gamers should always expect more from a game, because that's the only way it improves. But bashing a developer when they added brand new features to an existing game (read: improving the game) is completely insane. P.S. Insulting someone like that is pretty much the way children end a debate, so good job on that. Making me wonder why I even replied...
  21. #1. Again, you keep saying that, but there is no written record of any of that being said. No developer has ever posted on these forums, or anywhere for that matter, that there will 100% never be any more story. If there was, Google did not show me that, but it did show me random people like you making wild assumptions that there will never be anymore story. #2. How is the space system sub par? From what I've seen, it's pretty much the most played mode in the game right now. I think the new space pvp is awesome, and a much needed change of pace from regular warzones. Adding an entirely new way to play the game could not have been easy, and I think they did an awesome job. Do I want more from the space project? Yes. But, I also realize that they added an entirely new gameplay mode to the game, so I didn't expect the world. I do, however, expect at least every other patch to build on the space game. I don't understand what you expected from this right out of the gate when they had to basically program a game inside of the game. #3. Small development team? This game had the largest development team in gaming history. We don't know how many people Bioware had to layoff following the game's release, but there's no way they reduced a development team of ~700 to anything that can be considered "small" unless they went completely bankrupt, which they did not. Just because the only people we hear from are the Community Team members, and random "News" from the Lead Developers doesn't mean the development team is small either. It just means that they tightened up a little bit and added a filter between community and developer, which was very smart I might add since people were getting banned from forums left and right for sharing negative thoughts about the game. I'm starting to think that you hate this game just to hate it, or you at least portray that in your posts. I'm wondering what more you want from this game, because you seem to just jump onto people's threads and bash the idea and the development team without posting anything useful to developers. I loved basically all of his ideas, but he was pretty combative towards the community, so I can only assume that's the way he was with other management. They removed all of the old posts from the testing days so I can't quote them, but he would belittle people on the forums if he disagreed with their logic. It was crazy how defensive he was about the game, even during very early testing.
  22. They haven't said 100% no to either of those things. It hasn't been done yet and no are completely different things. Until I see a Dev post saying these things, including the mobile app, are dead, I will continue to have hope for them. And you say there is no money for development? Did you miss the space project that was 2 years in development, through all of the firings finally coming to life with 2.5? You think that was free for them to develop? All those man hours cost nothing?! Before you spew the same non-sense your fellow community posts as facts, why don't you think for yourself and decipher the bs from truth.
  23. Except, you're missing the part where at the last EA earning's call, EA stated that just in the last quarter, this game increased profits another 35% on top of the massive 100% increase it saw when it first went F2P, and all of the increases since. This was also the first time that EA was not embarrassed to release the exact amount of money and players the game has currently earned at an earning's call. They have been literally rolling in money with the Cartel Market. The game is doing better now than it ever could have as subscription only. I think you need to come back to the present, it's not April 2012 anymore. So, I ask again, where are my App updates?
  24. Maybe not, but if you read the rest of the thread that's what it turned into. My reply was overall reply. Thanks for your comment, though. Edit: And again, they just gave us double xp for Thanksgiving which lasted 4 days.
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