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Everything posted by oblongship

  1. Hey all, I am just coming back and I nearly rage quit on my first day back playing my tank Shadow lol.... I wanted try out my Scoundrel Scrapper spec because I remember having fun on him. Currently I am lvl 34 and I was wondering how it was at 50. I really have 0 interest in healing and just wanted to know how viable/good Scoundrel Scrapper is like at 50. What's Good? What's Bad? Is it Worth It?
  2. The ironic thing is the Co-Owner of Bioware actually said that WoW set a standard and any MMO he plays he sees if they broke any of the WoW rules and if they did then they are dumb in his book... I wonder how many he has broken in this game...
  3. You are right, staying quiet and not expressing that we as the community don't like something on the games official forums that the developers read and could use to help make the community happy is a MUCH better choice. I mean why should the devs know how the community feels, we should all just stay quiet and hate the game in peace then leave when we can't take anymore.
  4. Who QQ'd about balance? We said the BUGS were the frustrating part.
  5. As the title states, the pvp in this game is garbage... And what ticks me off about it isn't the imbalance or a lot of the other stuff people complain about. It's the bugs, the un-polished severe lack of production value. There are so many bugs that any person who has never even played a MMO could spot and yet Biofail claims to have an entire QA department to test this game for them. I find myself raging with this game more than I do having fun and it is due to all the stupid bugs in the game, and no I won't quit because I have friends that play and I enjoy hanging out with them, but even that is becoming less and less often as more of them bail on the game. Anyways /rant off Fanboys flame away.
  6. "Vet" in a game that's 3 months old? I lol'd pretty hard...
  7. Watching a premade roll over non premades...fun fun fun...
  8. oblongship

    Bye Guys

    Could you join him?
  9. The more time that passes this game gets less and less "Massive"... Also this game kind of discourages community work...everything int he game except for PvE raids/instances can be done solo so you never really grow community links as you level...
  10. Bioware's GM's have officially said this is working as intended and is not a exploit.
  11. Don't worry Biofail gave all the imps free BM then didn't roll it back...they want them to outgear the republic.
  12. How about you stop looking at armor to determine a fight and start looking at your own skill...
  13. This is the biggest "Please validate my existence" thread I have ever seen. If you pulled 700k in a WZ yeah that's not bad...
  14. oblongship

    Two months in..

    And I am glad you aren't running anything I am paying for. "Oh just give it time, wait it out" Yeah that is EXACTLY what paying customers want to hear. The fact this game was released and is buggy as crap, unbalanced and poorly designed is one thing. For them to put stuff in the patch notes that was "fixed" then you log in the game and it's not then find ninja nerf things that weren't in the patch notes just takes it to a whole different level of frustration.
  15. Kind of a shame because we used to post a lot of feedback there about the pvp and classes changes and it was a little less "clustered" than this forum. Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=319404
  16. I don't think people work for Bioware just because they support an obviously flawed game. I have been accused of working for Blizzard because I didn't like something and talked about it on Rift's forums. Was the biggest laugh I have had in a while, please don't give someone else that same pleasure.
  17. If you think he is telling the truth than this *facepalm* is for you.
  18. This is a border line troll thread...you are baiting people in for obviously a very different reason.
  19. Also if you guys could bump this when you can to keep it higher on the list for other people in the community to see and maybe be helped by I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  20. Hello all, I am not sure where to post this so I will put it in a couple other categories. In Republic fleet a lot of us know that the first mag gun pull up to the roof is very buggy and very frustrating to pull off. So here is the fix (Until Bioware fixes it). When you shoot your mag gun to the point RIGHT before you get to the lip cast a buff on yourself. This will cancel the mag gun effect and drop you right on the platform you need to be on. Hope this helps! (It also works for all the other platforms that get buggy). Have a good one guys/gals!
  21. Hello all, I am not sure where to post this so I will put it in a couple other categories. In Republic fleet a lot of us know that the first mag gun pull up to the roof is very buggy and very frustrating to pull off. So here is the fix (Until Bioware fixes it). When you shoot your mag gun to the point RIGHT before you get to the lip cast a buff on yourself. This will cancel the mag gun effect and drop you right on the platform you need to be on. Hope this helps! (It also works for all the other platforms that get buggy). Have a good one guys/gals!
  22. If you refuse to pvp over obviously wrong facts...why are you on the pvp forums?
  23. Um...You do realize your cover mechanic (not cover in place) works as a gap closer...you roll pretty fast to places.
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