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Everything posted by Flaminica

  1. The Agent's ship has exactly four bunks for five companions, so one of them has to be sharing with the captain. It's a game rule. Jedi companions don't sleep: they meditate on portable hide-away beds of nails.
  2. LotRO solved this issue five or six years ago with a system that allowed multiple players to harvest the same quest node simultaneously. It was revolutionary back in beta and I have no idea why every other MMO ever since hasn't done the same thing.
  3. And this is why some companions *cough* Vector are more difficult to skimp? Are you skimping all of Vector's undergarment-clad bits or are you just employing Occam's Razor and swapping his head onto a different body altogether? Or maybe the truth should remain a mystery because we don't want to make Crezelle cry.
  4. When this happened in my Agent's story it never occurred to me that it was a bug. I just thought my companions were all in bed, there was a ruckus in the middle of the night and they rushed to my aid as they were. I thought "wow, what cool story-telling." Alas, I was naïve.
  5. And if corporate profit is so important to you, just make yours a string of numbers.
  6. If I'm healing your butt, the state of your gear is absolutely my business. What are you trying to hide?
  7. So if you want my character's name you can steal it unless I pay a ransom? LOL no. It's mine. I got it first and you can't have it. Go away and think of another one.
  8. Something about the covered head and bare midriff makes me want to tickle his tummy.
  9. Confirmed. Still bugged as of this date.
  10. Right, because this game needs to add more servers...
  11. My latest Gamer From Hell was a dps Powertech who attempted to tank Boarding Party. When he folded like a lace hanky in the first trash pull I inspected him to see where the issue was. I'll call him Lacey. He had 7.5k hp at level 34 (I had 9.7 at level 38 and I'm the healer). Geared entirely for DPS. Didn't use Guard, didn't use Ion Cell, never taunted. Couldn't hold the aggro of a dachshund if he had a steak strapped to his face. He did have valor 23 though and he figured that made him big ****. After I got punched to death by Do'nair, the Marauder said something like "Wth tank do your job." at which point I whispered "Check him out - that's not a tank." The Marauder gave the tank tanking lessons while I ran back. Lacey whined that yes he was pyro tree, that it wasn't his fault the game made him tank, that the groupfinder was supposed to assign random roles and anyway he only played console games. I decided not to lay into him because it was 2am, I wanted my daily and I didn't want to sit around trying to find another tank if he chose to ragequit, although goodness knows Kaliyo probably would have been an improvement. I got Guarded. Under the circumstances he'd have been better off guarding the Marauder, but really the last thing this guy needed was to get solid aggro because he couldn't survive it if he did. I whispered the Mara "You're the tank. Shh...", and switched focus. The Mara tanked the rest of our successful run and Lacey never noticed. He was too busy whining that this tanking stance thingy was wrecking his phat deeps. And really, there's nothing like a bad PuG for making you up your game. I don't think I've ever made quite so much strategic use of interrupts, defensive CDs and Cloaking Screen. It's easy to get lazy when the team is good.
  12. I have a 50 Sniper, a 50 Gunnery Trooper and a 44 Powertech tank, and none has been faster or easier than my heal-spec Operative. Kaliyo and I can take down anything up to +4s. We solo heroic 2-mans on level and 4-mans at green. I fight when I feel like it and stealth when I don't. When I feel like being social I queue up and get a fast flashpoint pop because I'm queued as a healer. The DPS in those flashpoints are usually Mercs or Marauders so I get stacks of gear. It's all good.
  13. Thanks for all the feedback. I'd agree with the above because it's clear that as it exists now, the system registers abstentions as an automatic 'yes' vote. This means that in a four-person flashpoint, all a team leader has to do to kick someone unilaterally is to initiate a vote when someone is AFK. Either abstentions should be defaulted to 'no' or a votekick should require four active voters.
  14. Most epic moments for me are both in Cademimu. Once when the tank jumped in too soon and locked both DPSers out of the fight, leaving the Powertech and myself to successfully two-man Ortol. The other was when two teammates, one DPS and the tank, both dropped after the initial fight and the Sniper and I cleared the first two bosses with a pair of Kaliyos before we got a replacement tank for the last fight.
  15. I've been leveling a healing Op in the groupfinder and this has been largely my experience. After dozens of runs, my ignore list has only three names - one ragequitter and two griefers. I won't ignore someone for being undergeared, inexperienced or even incompetent. All those things can be fixed.
  16. A silly question perhaps, but if a team leader initiates a votekick, how do you vote 'no'? Here's the situation: Daily run through Boarding Party. Jugger tank (the leader), a DPS Merc, a Sniper and a healing Operative (me) - all in the middle 30s. It was a smooth run all considered. The tank was a cowboy who liked to run ahead and the Merc liked to wander off and solo trash mobs, but I've seen worse PuGs. The Sniper was steady and reliable. We had no wipes, no deaths, no crises. During the last boss fight, the tank initiated a votekick against the Sniper for absolutely no good reason. I didn't even see it at first because the status text scrolled underneath my chat window and because - hello! - I'm busy healing a boss fight! I healed, dodged and cleansed while swearing and dragging my UI boxes around and right and left clicking on the Sniper's portrait, the countdown timer and the status warning. Nothing. The guide here claims there is supposed to be a pop-up box but there wasn't one. The poor guy got kicked and i couldn't stop it. During the final cutscene I asked the tank "Why did you do that?" and he responded by initiating a votekick against me. I spacebarred and exited before the timer ran out. Afterword I whispered the Sniper, apologised for not halting the vote and told him I'd happily run again with him any time. The Juggernaut and the Merc got ignored as griefers. So, how do I stop that happening again?
  17. Short answer - a well-geared one. Cynical but true. In my experience all three flavours of tanks have good and bad qualities but all of them can be mitigated by not leaping into combat in level -8 green crap. Powertechs - Good: Toughest overall. Tend to dribble away health in ticks rather than bursts. Bad: Opening with Death From Above while standing in the middle of the team, dragging mobs and AoE over everyone's faces. Advice: Please stop. Assassins - Good: More rare but tend to be more competent. Bad: The under-geared ones take damage in huge scary near-unhealable bursts. Advice: Put some pants on. Juggernauts - Good: Also take damage in bursts but smaller ones mitigated by the better armor. Bad: Running ahead and Force Leaping into combat and well out of healing range, then squawking for heals while the team runs to catch up. Favoured class of cowboys and children who want to be Jedi, hence highly unpredictable in quality. Advice: Slow down.
  18. It will depend a bit on the class I suppose. I have a light-side Sniper and a dark-side healing Operative and while both may be Agents the playstyle could not be more different. Playing dark instead of light has entirely altered the story progression as well, in tone if not in content. It doesn't feel redundant at all. On the other hand I don't know that I'd want to level a second Trooper regardless of advanced class because dang, that story was dull any way you play it.
  19. Oh crud I hate that. Dear Juggernaut in Cademimu last night, your healer needed those boots more than Vette does. Sweet Jaysus on a cracker...
  20. My worst run-in with the group finder to-date was more lolsom than hellish. I loaded into Mandalorian Raiders on my healing Operative and found myself with a 23 Sorcerer, a 25 Powertech and a 26 Sniper. I was high-man at 27. I knew something was wrong when the "tank" folded like a wet hankie in the first pull, and I use the term "pull" literally because his preferred tanking method was to grapple an elite and pull the whole spawn into the squishies. We wised up and kept our distance from him after that. I checked his gear, which looked ok at first glance, but at the second I realised he was entirely DPS speced. Our "tank" (makes that wiggly finger gesture) had the lowest hp on the team: fewer hitpoints than the Sorcerer, who was two levels lower. The rest was a hilarious and awe-inspiring display of everything that anyone can do wrong on a team. Running ahead? Check. Breaking CCs? Check. Ignoring ambushes and abandoning the DPSers mid-fight to tackle the next spawn? Check, check and check. Seriously, he was the most dangerous boss on the whole map. Me (post-ambush): /w Sniper "don't worry, ill save you from the tank." Sniper: /w "LOL".
  21. I rolled a new healing Operative just to level up using the group finder. It's still not an insta-pop when I queue but it's quick enough most of the time. I average a five-to-ten minute wait during peak times but maybe a half hour or more in the early mornings. I work swing shifts so my play times are all over the clock. One problem is there's still lots of people spamming for flashpoints in fleet chat instead of using the LFG. People like me aren't around to hear them though, because the nice thing about the LFG is that I can go run space missions or class quests or something while I wait, so I'm not loitering around the fleet waiting to heal random PuGs. When I am at the fleet I always hear somebody over and over asking "LF1M healer for (filll-in-the-blank)" and I don't respond because - oops - my queue just popped.
  22. On my healing Operative I would like to see true target forwarding, like exists in LotRO. Meaning if I have a boss targeted and fire a heal, it heals the bosses target, and vice-versa aiming attacks through the tank. This is not (as some people would argue) out of laziness; it's a question of economics and efficiency. If a fight is going well, if I'm not needed full time for heals and buffs, and aggro is not an issue it would be nice to be able to pop off a few shots in my rotation. As it stands now, I can't do this because if my tank takes a burst of damage or the boss needs a quick interrupt, I have scramble to change targets and even with focus that can take a split second too long.
  23. I can think of things we don't need -- Like add-on nazis kicking people for not having the current "must have" mods, or mods that break and need to be reinstalled every time the game is updated. Oh, and I also don't need an outbreak of mass hacking and bank robbery because Curse.com pushed a malware-infected mod to a couple of hundred thousand accounts - again.
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