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Posts posted by Ashnazg

  1. What genius thought it was a good idea on making GSF in the 1st place? You know how hard it is to hit anything with a 200ms ping. I see my shots going through people and not getting hit reg, better yet i see my shots that miss by a mile and still reg a hit a times.


    Bioware i think you need a better system that matches up people by region or GSF will fail, hmm too late i think already since i see people already hacking etc. Also it's funny to see rockets go through objects to hit people and it's happened to me a lot. Who ever made this game needs to be fired, and you know hire people who know what they are doing for a change.


    Blah blah blah, don't like it - don't play it.


    FYI, its just as hard to hit a lagger as it is for a lagger to hit someone. You people jump around my screen like an epileptic clown, making it a waste of my time to even try to shoot you down.

  2. I currently use the Damage Reduction. I thought about switching to Evasion, but I wasn't sure. Max Health, doesn't seem viable for the sting.


    What does everyone else use?


    Evasion here.


    I am a high mobility ship, I die to burst damage when someone lands a series of lucky shots, not to sustained damage like a low-mobility ship might (e.g. strike fighter), for that reason damage reduction and max health are useless to me because I would rather roll a die to avoid a lucky shot entirely, than simply take a marginally reduced amount of damage from it.

  3. I dunno why you would rage quit, you can farm more requisition with a bad team than you can with a good team.


    You can also (arguably) have more fun on a bad team than on a good team because that way you have all the targets you could wish for.


    I've been on both sides of the equation and when your team stomps the other team, it becomes a very boring game. Obviously, equal teams is optimal, but if that doesn't happen, its better to be on a losing team than on a winning team, especially since your reqs are tied to your in-game performance rather than your team's victory or loss.


    You can literally fly sat to sat and farm defensive turrets for massive requsition if all else fails.

  4. Was noticing on my scout, I hug the node a lot so I rack up a lot of objective points and medals, sometimes getting near 800 reqs (without daily bonus). Anyone notice it slower to gain reqs on striker and gunships?


    You get reqs based on points taken, defended, or turrets destroyed, so whichever ship enables you to do that faster will get you reqs faster.


    Scouts allow you to get from point A to B to C very quickly, so you can always be at whatever node is getting assaulted. If you pack weapons with 100% armor pen, you can also 1 or 2-shot turrets and generate reqs very quickly that way.


    However, if your combat mostly revolves around 1 or 2 nodes, there is no reason why you can't earn reqs just as fast with a strike fighter or a gunship by hugging and defending 1 node.

  5. It would be humiliating to lose to a single dps on a healer, I would imagine.


    I don't know about sorcs and mercs, but if they don't drop my operative on an opening salvo, they don't drop him at all.

  6. You can queue as a tank in vengeance spec (and a shield off-hand). The flashpoints aren't challenging enough to a point where your spec would make a significant difference pre-50, provided you have a semi-competent healer.


    Granted, I've only tanked up to Foundry so far since my jugg isn't 40 yet, but I haven't ran into any significant issues tanking in veng spec.

  7. Its always been where you DO NOT receive fall damage. I used to use this in SOA as well. Now I cannot.


    It makes sense not to. If you happen to cast force leap at the pristine time, you should be rewarded. It is little perks like these that add up to make people love their class.




    You always took damage if you leapt while in the air (at least starting on Jan 15th, which is when I first did it on a marauder). You didn't use to take damage if you leapt from a standing start (e.g. you can leap from a platform to a node on Soa and not take damage, but if you leap to the node after jumping, you take damage). I am not sure if the latter is changed now, haven't logged on in ages.

  8. Logged in to take stuff out of my mail to avoid losing it when my account expires in a few days.


    [Jung Ma server] Queued for pvp, got huttball within 5 minutes, rolled face on my keyboard, won huttball [63 sorc in full BM], realized all my friends were offline, game is still void of anything interesting, and realized I don't really give a **** about my items in the mail because I don't intend on ever coming back. Logged off.

  9. 31 pts on lightning tree only for thundering blast....IMHO 13/28 is the only spec for pvp&pve.

    Istant cast,dynamic, force lightning are better then 1.8 cast time,static, lightning strike.


    but going 28 in madness means wasting a ton of points in buffing affliction / CD damage (which are borderline useless for the damage purposes anyway when the other team has decent healers), and death field, which loses out to CL substantially when you have more than 3 targets.


    23/18 ftw

  10. If they want hutball to stay then give us in-game voice. Nothing worse then screaming "pass the ball" but no one can hear you.


    It wouldn't solve much. I would mute you if there was an ingame voice chat, and we'd be back at square zero, with you yelling into nothingness, and me annoyed that I had to mute someone.

  11. Since I have hit 50 I have spent alot of time trying to gear up my PVP sets and so far have grinded to full Centurion with a couple pieces of Champion gear in there as well, but I wanted to take a break from the PVP grind and try out some of the HM Ops and Flashpoints, especially since I want the Rakata 2h Lightsaber for my main weapon. My real question is this, I know you should work to grind up the PVE tiers to work towards the hard mode, but in all honesty, are HM's doable in PVP gear or is there really that much of a difference between Tionese/columi and the PVP sets.


    If I have to grind the dailies to get started from the bottom, no big deal but was just curious if I really need to start from the beginning or somewhere in the middle and play catchup.


    If you have full champ, you can clear hardmode operations fairly effortlessly.


    Assuming your other 7 aren't ******* anyway.

  12. Sigh how is that off topic? I gave you an example of how critics and even "biodrones" are more constructive than haters.


    Again, you cannot possibly believe that this




    is constructive. There is nothing constructive about that. If anything, they are just as constructive as the biodrones quote you said.


    It indicates that there is a problem with a purple jabbawock. If there are 1000s of such posts, Bioware knows theres a significant problem with a jabbawock, and there is a good chance they already either know what the problem is, or one of these 1000s posts had a detailed description.

  13. The game's content can and has been beat without the build/rotation tuning such meters are needed to do.


    A more appropriate analogy would be to compare the game to a car that doesn't have seat warmers, sunroof, or automatic seat positioning. I.e. totally optional features.


    The car drives - no question.


    Those features are about as optional as windows, safety bags, and dashboards are on a car. You can drive without all those too, but your experience won't be too pleasant.


    Raiding content in this game was done on an exceptionally amateur level, and people have beaten it in spite of the horrible interface, lack of any metrics, and lack of customization options. To continue the car analogy, its like taking a complete beater for a spin around a parking lot. Sure you can do it, but are you gonna enjoy it?

  14. So at some point we'll get a game that doesn't focus on a hero who goes through a journey of self realization and unites a world/galaxy of aliens/people/races to combat a faceless villain?


    Perhaps. One could hope that they add some diversity to their storylines. Maybe new blood (if they hire anyone) will inject the much-needed novelty

  15. They do this so if you're in the middle of a boss fight you can't release and rejoin the fight because if you notice they don't always lock the room where the fight is, as in WoW when you're not raiding the room isn't locked out and would make the fights a lot easier becuase if the tank and healer are alive they can rephase in the FP and rejoin the fight. Not sure how it works on here because i havent done that many FPs but i know some MMOs dont let you phase in when people are in combat


    You can't do this in raids, but you can do this in many flashpoints.


    I still have flashbacks from spawn zerging Boarding Party HM in beta.

  16. Actually, no. See, the way it is punishes wiping just a little bit more and discourages reviving the instant you die rather than waiting for the fight to end to see if the group wins without you. And for the way some fights work, it keeps you from running back into the fight when you die and revive.


    Or they could create a mechanic that stops people from entering boss room when a fight is in progress. E.g. a crate moves to block the way, force field goes up, entrance caves-in, etc. That would require actual creativity though.


    As it is, the only people punished in your above example are those with slow computers. Creating additional angst and frustration amongst the playerbase.

  17. I have said it before, and I will say it again.


    All the features that are heavily requested do not make or break the game.


    Do you honestly think that somebody that absolutely hates everything about WoW will play it just because it has a combat log?


    If you need to quit this game because of no combat log, it is not the game's fault.


    I can drive a car with no dashboard...for a while, but I can't drive a car with no dashboard, no wipers, no windshield, no safety bags, no chair upholstery, and a broken sound system.

  18. Whats the big deal really? it would save people about 20seconds but could take a developer 2 weeks to code


    At the end the day its just pixels on a screen


    Because its pointless.


    Because on older computers it causes a lot of a delay.


    Because people used to crash on zone-in a lot.


    Because it makes no sense lorewise. How the hell do I get back to the fleet after I die on Malgus's station and more importantly how do I fly back out there? Ditto for Foundry, ditto for Black Talon when you're boarding the enemy ship, etc.


    [edit] before the rabid fan-boys tell me it makes no sense to get revived period, I agree. But at least it makes more sense that you would get revived at a -local- healer droid, rather than one that is many many light years away.

  19. causing him to be immune to all CC for the next 20 seconds,


    Unless they fixed something in the last month (haven't really logged on), the immunity is only to stuns and long-term CC.


    The immunity does not apply to a) force charge root b) sorc root from top tier madness spell and similar rooting effects and c) blind from the shield collapsing (not sure about this one).


    Also not sure whether or not it works on knockback root since it makes people immune to knockbacks, but I am not sure if it would make them immune to the 2ndary effects (the root).

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