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Everything posted by TheRealDestian

  1. Mountain cat or attractive older woman?
  2. Yeah, this is definitely an issue. I've made suggestions for things that I definitely don't expect them to actually put in, but would be neat if they did. This was a minor change and a HUGE PITA, especially in PvP. You need to reactivate sprint every time you die, which means sprint NEEDED to be on a hotbar, taking up an unnecessary space.
  3. I made and bumped this thread like a mad SOB: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=226486 In the 1.1.2 patch notes: "If Sprint was active when a player died, it now remains active when the player is revived." Thanks for listening, BW. (Cue whining about "BW hasn't listened about ______", ignoring the fact that changes take time...)
  4. haha! you beat me to it! YAAAY!!!! :D You'll sometimes want sprint off when making tricky datacron jumps, but that's typically it. Point is, I can now pull it off my bar forever and only shut it off when I'm doing some tricky jumping.
  5. It's not so much the repetition as it is the recurring lines that most people wouldn't say more than once. "You're about to see a real hero in action!" is something I could forgive someone saying ONCE in a moment of zeal. More than once and it gets silly.
  6. I think it's not overt enough to register. The real problem lines are the ones that sound like cheesy one-liners that get said again and again.
  7. ...which just isn't enough. /signed
  8. Not familiar with the apartment boss, but yeah, there's a missed opportunity here, for sure.
  9. I'd just like to see some of these great NPCs again. Some of them seem really neat and then, BAM, they're gone into the ether only to send you exactly one single mail again later.
  10. As long as each time a character says a catch phrase, it would be different enough in timing, annunciation and pitch from the LAST time they said it, I think that alone would be enough. Like Accoustic said, "The problem is that during dialogue it seems like natural conversation, natural conversation, hold up a micro-recorder and play back a response I recorded earlier, natural conversation...". Though, what kind of guy is my smuggler? He keeps saying "You're about to see a real-life hero in action!" like he heard it from some cheesy 80's action flick, adopted it as his own and for the life of him cannot come up with anything NEW to say. If Han Solo had bragged about himself relentlessly like that, the audience would've hated him to the point Harrison Ford would've never found work again.
  11. Yeah, the emails are nice, but after dealing with an NPC you may be fond of, they just kind of drift off into the ether and are never seen again.
  12. That's a far less offensive line than "You're about to see a real live hero in action!". I didn't tell my character to be a bravado-filled ****...
  13. Perfection, no, but sentence splicing is hardly perfection, and it's extra ironic that they're using it in huttball announcing already...
  14. It's rather ironic that you say this because one of the biggest issues I've seen is that a dialogue choice will read something like "It may be difficult, but I think I can do this." and upon clicking it, the character says the same "Dangerous jobs are what I do best! I'm in!" line that he's said a number of times before, even though the two were in no way the same thing. Nothing is worse for trying to develop your character a certain way than to have to hit esc to back out of a dialogue choice because it didn't at all match the text and what you WANTED your character to say.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised, which is why sentence splicing would've made all the more sense... :\
  16. "Providing expert artillery support is all part of the service, master!"
  17. You're right: this would be a PERFECT "endgame wrapup" mechanic. At the end of DA, you got a text rundown of the aftermath of pretty much everyone you affected throughout the game. In SWTOR, you could see this happen firsthand through random hangar encounters.
  18. Actually, the character IS repeating these catchphrases to the same person each time: THE PLAYER. If your best friend uses the same lame jokes with EVERY person he comes across, every waiter, bank attendant, etc., although the jokes may be new to them, they're hideously overused to YOU. Pretty soon, you wonder why your friend doesn't come up with some new material or why he himself doesn't get tired of repeating the same bloody thing over and over again. Again, use sentence splicing: it takes less space, can be used in MORE situations and isn't lame and cheesy like catch-phrases. Catch phrases like "I have a bad feeling about this" should be used once in the game and ONLY once, period.
  19. So if the graphics glitch, I should just shut the monitor off?
  20. That's just it: short quips are preferable to long catch-phrases that are horrendously out of place and obvious reuse. If you're going to reuse sound clips, you should figure out how to mask it as much as humanly possible, not throw it right out in the open by having a class use the SAME god-awful catch-phrase over 30-40 times throughout the course of the game.
  21. That's not an apt comparison. I don't have a problem with "Sure", "No problem", etc. It's the catch phrases that need to die. Imagine if someone asked you if you could do the dishes and you replied with "Doing dishes is what I do best!". How many times would you say that before they want to smack you?
  22. And "full voice acting" isn't the same as reusing the same voice clips endlessly. Look, I wouldn't pick at this point except for the fact that A) it's HORRIBLY noticeable and immersion-breaking and B) Bioware DID tout the HELL out of this being the FIRST FULL-VOICE ACTED MMO!
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