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Everything posted by Crimsonorion

  1. The chestplate is from the 4 heroic on the Voss Bonus Series. The cyber Mercs or something
  2. Never played WoW but thanks for the reply
  3. So with the Ilum Datacron patched today I finally got 67/67 Datacrons and...nothing. My Codex is still missing ALOT of entries and I didn't even get a title. Is this a bug or..? I mean I wasn't expecting much but a title or something would of been nice. Also I'm assuming the lack of certain entries means the Datacrons they came from are bugged [However they still give the stat + and count towards the achievement]
  4. Just did all 5 Ilum Datacrons, actually counted and I had gotten 5 so checked my codex after getting the Aim one [Requires you to go thru an exhaustion zone to get etc] and it said Ilum: Datacrons 4/5. So it didn't count one of the datacrons and I can't go back and try again since it just gives me the "This Datacron no longer responds" message. So is this a known bug or..? Also if down the line BW fixes bugs with Datacrons you've already gotten are the changes retroactive?
  5. End of the Jedi Knight Story, really you stick me with T7? JG's can't tank cause they are broke and Jedi Sentinals are DPS so in the same boat, and you stick us...with T7 with no way to swap companions... ....stupid Whole story so far is awesome...but T7 is not a good choice
  6. Anyone know the best or a "good" Powertech BH tanking skill tree? Thanks
  7. Anyone know what the best skill tree template for a BH is?
  8. Already sent in a bug ticket just wanna see if others got this bug, I'm Level 31 and was doing Balaros Space Station Assault [space Mission] I had all Mark 3 parts and wanted to see if I could blow up the target on the bottom axis of the space station, well after alot of missles I did, and I got "Bonus Mission Complete: Blow up the Comm Relay" ....and my game just froze. Had to exit to desktop. Tried again and it blew up after alot of missles and the game froze again, Sent in a bug report. Anyone else seen/heard about this?
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