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Everything posted by Xukuth

  1. Exactly! But people will defend biowares action to no end even when they know how ridicules 3 days of patching in a row is. These are all things that could of been fixed in one patch or avoided completely by testing the patches better.
  2. Stop being a biodrone, Just because someone wants to get what is being paid for doesn't mean they hate the game and want to quit. They simply want what is being paid for. You order a cheese burger you want a cheese burger, you don't want a hamburger without cheese two days later.
  3. Yeah except they are not fixing the major issues that people want fixed now. All those issues are things that will have to wait for a major patch.
  4. Did I complain about the bug fix's? No, your being stupid. They can do what every other MMo did when they was fixing bugs.... Fix them on that one set day a week the servers are going to be down anyways.
  5. Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETO3-MxMe2Q ^ This is someone in this thread I won't say who.
  7. Funny, I've played WoW for about 5 years and have been and infact still am a die hard WoW fan. I'm just taking a break waiting for the new Panda expansion! Its gonna be great! however.... SWTOR does have more places to go then WoW does if your not so OMGAHD i can't explore the desert that has nothing in it.... And instead look at that desert as the "Fatigue" zone. Some of those areas may become opened in later patchs/expansions. Just like how WoW opened up new lands in their fatigue zones. I'd wager there is the same amount of land to roam around on in SWTOR (if not more) then in WoW. And probably the same amount of "Fatigue zones" if not less.
  8. Fatigue, your turn. Oh wait whats this? WoW has area's that can't be explored? lolfanbois
  9. I don't think those who are complaining really hate the game (though some may) I believe we just have a disdain for some of the imbalances and bugs. IMHO Nerf JC/SI/Smugg/IA buff Trooper/BH/JK/SW. Specially take a look at the commando spec.... one stun on a 2min timer one cc on that same 2min timer. Squishy as heck and damage is good but JC/SI does way more and have tons of survivability tools. Something needs to be done to bring these classes in line with each other... Sorry to rain on your parade and all its just Those of us who complain actually love the game too we just want some things fixed. So we can enjoy what we love.
  10. I think you misunderstood, I'm not saying they have more players I'm saying they win way more. Which implies some sort of imbalance either in terran, skill's, resources, or weapon usage type. Something is giving the empire a advantage.
  11. How can I post a citation on things I found on my own? I took a small sample size. I did 20 warzones on 10 different servers (200 warzones total) Out of those 200 warzones only 1 of them had a decent ratio and by decent I mean one that exists. On this server I managed to win 5 out of 20 war zones. The others was 1-2 out of 20. By this I got rather bored of leveling characters and constantly doing it only to lose that I stopped once I found one with at least a little hope of winning and stuck to that server. But now the above mentioned problem is happening. Sith are getting more gear because they are winning more games....causing them to guess what? Win even more games!
  12. You can't honestly believe its because the empire is more skilled. Thats the most idiotic argument I have ever heard considering this is a massive issue across the majority of servers. I suppose your saying the majority of players that play republic just can't pvp? Thats statistically impossible.
  13. Is there any plans to balance pvp more? Currently the empire ALWAYS wins. And this only has gotten worse. Because the empire always wins they are now fully geared some even have battle master gear. While most of the republic are still in quest blues and greens trying to get champion bags with gear in them. To make matters worse, the Empire are now joining in as guild groups of nothing but fully geared players the republic has no chance. Granted there are a few players on republic that are now also doing guild only groups which is making the republic Q times even larger unless you manage to get into one of these groups. Its too late to make the two sides more even the empire has already got all the gear... Unless they give some sort of bonus for being republic extra commedations to help you gear up. Warzones are going to now and for ever suck and be ruled by complete Sith Heads.
  14. TRollll in the dungeon theres a trollll in the dungeon!
  15. Xukuth

    Sith Sorcerers In PVP

    BH/Trooper does not do the same damage..... Here is some very large differences Bounty Hunter bar builds up from 0 and the resources are much easier to manage and can even get off more abilities before they have too much heat compared to the trooper who is instantly out. Bounty hunter has 2 weapons trooper has 1 the two weapons makes their Cylinders much more potent then Cells... Yes I played both classes I have taken note BH > Trooper. SI is superior to JC, their animations to damage time works much quicker then the JC's animation to damage time. Making it a lot easier for a SI to weave abilities together to cause much larger damage compared to the JC who's abilities hit much later and could cause that heal to go un interupted. I have not played the other 2 classes on both factions but Riddle me this.... If you truely believe both sides are 100% balanced around each other... Why does the empire win the majority of games on every server? I'm sorry I know a lot of people suck but the players who play republic can't all suck as bad as your implying this has to be a Design flaw think about it.
  16. Because you can't go in and type what you want on your emails right? Look at the horrible spacing on that message its a fake.
  17. Talk the empire into losing more warzones, and the Republic will Q more. Alot of republic people have decided to stop playing war zones until something happens that will balance the two factions better. Don't tell me the two factions ARE balanced because thats BS. If the factions was 100% Equal in every possible way including the map layout. You would not see the empire win almost every match on almost every server. Hopefully Bioware is taking note of the win/loss ratio and will address it until then republic will continue to not enter warzones. Have fun playing huttball.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong.... But I believe Ewoks have not yet been discovered and will not be discovered for another 3000 years.
  19. Its for your protection! Bioware doesn't trust us with non-rubber made characters.
  20. Ugh no empire wins too much as it is without full premades. Do this and no pug will ever have a chance ever again.
  21. Sound? Really sound? Out of all the things you can get upset about... You choose sound?
  22. To be fair, this is exactly what raiding is like. PvP progression is mimicing PvE progression whats wrong with that?
  23. Oh hi, its this thread again! I remember it way back before launch. Hope no drama comes into it this time.
  24. You are currently losing 4% of your game time. Woud you like your fraction your $.001 back each month? The one penny a year? I laugh.
  25. Uhm.. Sorc's don't need a Buff they need a nerf.
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