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Everything posted by kif_kif

  1. 1. How do you think your Operative spec is perceived by other classes? Healing. Best healer in the game - very mobile and very difficult to kill both in PVE and PVP. Concealment Mostly useless in PVE due to low DPS. Mediocre or even bad in PVP, although in good hands can play a viable role in the game. Lethality Can do some DPS in PVE and PVP, but mostly useless: in PVE there're classes with better DPS, and in PVP it lacks burst and thus utility - great numbers do not always mean great contribution to victory. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? Healing. Very good and interesting tree to explore, but I ve been playing DPS since the launch and now I don't wanna repeat the gear grind circle. Concealment. Although my damage is a piece of **** in PVE, it's in PVP where I'm truly enjoying my class. Although I'm struggling to top 3 DPS board, I usually do it (unless there's some good PT or mara) and I m not gonna drop my class no matter what nerf you are preparing to me, dear Bioware. Lethality. Again, I usually use it in raids (on those rare occasions I'm taken in ops), in PVP I tried it but wasn't lucky so far.
  2. 1. Open World PVP 2. Less Gear Grind 3. Ops/Scoundrel DPS buff 4. More planets\space to explore 5. Higher Level Cap
  3. Cons Ops here. ) I enjoy rooting Sins/Sorcs when they re trying to cross the Firepit with their Force speed. And then I STUN them! And then I enjoy my favorite Fried Chicken smell.
  4. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    Checked it out - yeah, yu re right, my bad.) TA gives us only +2% damage no matter how many times it stacks. Although I think it's more like "working as intended issue", not a bug. Dunno It''s so nice that the community starts to agree that Ops are overnerfed/need some changes or rebuff. My only hope is that our dearest BioWare will pay attention to what we say sooner or later...
  5. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    Any other userful advice?
  6. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    Well, we got some kind of it - Tactical Advantage - which when stacked up to 2 gives us +4% damage. But that's all of it... Good idea anyway! We can only hope that dev's will finally pay attention to this class and our ideas about it.
  7. To be even more exicited, you should play against TEAM OF STUNLOCKING OPERATIVES! They won't be able to kill you (garbage DPS), but yu ll get 15 mins of stunlock FOR FREE!
  8. Yeah, sure! It's even more imbalanced from the perspective of Ops/Scound.
  9. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    Yu know, sometimes I get the feeling that they want to eliminate this adv. class from game completely by slowely nerfing it and thus making people to reroll. Caz it just causes too much trouble for 'em by our chain stun, or, I don't know, they re all playing Sorcs.) HAHAHA, NO WAY! I ll keep stunlocking ppl to death.
  10. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    I think it's too early to say things like that. We do rely on our relic/adrenal burst dps, yes. But according to the posts I've seen, the new relics won't be, IMO, less powerful than the previous ones. Each 1.3 WH power relic gives + 113 power permanently, so it is + 226 in all. Now the WH relic gives +405 for 20 secs. So, if we compare them, I think things aren't that bad. All I say is that things aren't that obvious (personally I would choose +226 perma power than +405 for 20 secs on 1 min CD, but maybe yu will disagree) and that we have too see those relics in action and we should do some parsing before making such conclusions. Oh, believe me, I do know about 'em after 7 months of playing Ops. ) Although I see this bug at least 1 time per WZ (haven't reported it, good job if you did!), I think it's a minor issue comparing to our other problems... a) Just what I m saying - reduce the CDs of several abilities... Although, actually, we have an Explosive Probe. And after using it Shiv is again not that far.) b) Completely agree, those are serious issues. Dodge/Evasion is garbage. I think it should give some serious protection - be it an ability to evade from all incoming attacks for 3 - 5 secs or, maybe, + 60-70% resistance to all damage types (more realistic, I think). Same with Shield - Melee class with lowest survaivabilty has the worst shield ability. Really logical, huh? Well, it usually takes 8 secs of not making ANY hostile action to restealth, man. Good idea, btw! /bump Although it would certainly arise some "OP NERF EM NAAAAW QQing"...
  11. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    Although I'm not completely agree with you. I ve been playing my Ops since the very start and I m truly convinced that before January 31st Ops was OP due to those stacking adrenals etc. But then it was overnerfed due to QQ issues, yes.
  12. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    Low sustained DPS is only the tip of the iceberg... There re much more, IMO, problems which I won't talk about. In our case, there re 2 possible solutions (my personal opinion, hope yu won't judge it too hard): a) Increasing sustained dps by giving more Armor Penetration (up to 50% from 30%) and reducing the CD of several abilities (Explosive probe, Backstab maybe) OR b) allowing us to restalth more often thus giving us the ability to increase our DPS from time to time. In this case, our DPS would look like more a cardiogram. This is just an idea (maybe a bad one), nothing more. It could be done by reducing the CD of Cloaking Screen to 30 secs or smth like that.
  13. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    I knew it would end badly.
  14. kif_kif

    Nerfing OPs

    Oh, God, thank you, thank you for these words! Will you marry me? Seriously speaking, DPS Ops need some serious buff. (I guess I'm gonna be tortured for saying that)
  15. I DO agree completely with the OP. To begin with, BW should give the class at least 50% armor penetration. At least. And I'm not even mentionning "Evasion" issues etc...
  16. Nice vid! The best part IMO is approx at 4:20 when you kill 1 Heal and 1 DPS by CCing them in turns . )) Although I ve noticed that you use sometimes Debilitate right after Hidden Strike therefore losing 1.5 sec stun. )
  17. I ve had this issue with Backstab several times, Laceration seems to be ok though. I think those are mostly Internet connection issues, or smth like mentioned above.
  18. The new one is faster so I like it, maybe it ll let us save those 0.5 sec in our rotation.
  19. kif_kif

    OP Operatives

    Yeeaaah! Let the Ops QQ begin again!
  20. 1. Situational? What do you mean by that? In what situation would you use 3.5 sec activated ability (1 sec taking cover + 2.5 sec channeling) - I mean "Snipe" - that does 2k - 2.5 k dmg at max (usually much less)? Or Overload shot, consuming 17\100 energy BUT dealing 1 k dmg? - I m sure you would use Shiv or our DoT or smth else but not this piece of a ... ) These abilities could be used in some rare situations, but if we look at them from the general perspective they re still useless compared to our other abilities.) 2. Considering the fact that we get +50% speed boost after using Cloaking Screen, I think that devs MEANT it to be a GC. ) I don't know how you use Cloaking screen, but it actually allows to shorten the distance between you and the enemy, which means that it's a GC.) 3. Lost the right to comment?) LOLWHUT? Tell me honestly, how, how often and what for do you use cover while playing an Ops? (except the cases when yu want to activate Explosive probe)
  21. Moreover, I think that the stupid "Taking Cover" system should be removed for Ops/Scounds. Caz it's just useless, deprives us of mobility in PVP and prevents us from using another quite good ability - Snipe/Aimed shot. I d rather stay on my feet and be able to move to direction I want to move rather than rolling to a random "cover".
  22. I agree with that. But: - going back to 50% AP doesn't change the fact that we got several mostly useless abilities - Ima ok with being kited, I can live with that.) But we got to be given a better ability to resist to kiting, because we re currently the only class with a HUGE CD on a gap closer while doing the same (or less!) amount of damage.
  23. Dear Devs/Community! ) Many people say Ops/Scounds were overnerfed during latest patches. I do strongly agree with this statement. Imo, we got 2 main problems currently: DPS and Gap closer. Of course, I'm not talking about buffing our DPS directly (God save me from the QQ madness that would become after this! ). Although, imho, a +10% armor penetration to Acid Blade would be really nice of you, BW.) 30% AP while some classes got up to 100%... hmm. And due to the fact that our classes have one of the lowest DPS (1200 in average) in the game this would be №1 step to resolving this issue. Another thing,imo, that could resolve the DPS problem is the use of Snipe\Aimed Shot and of Explosive Probe/Sabotage Charge. Reducing their CD by half - to 1.5 sec (channeled)/15 sec would be №2 step in approaching our current troubles. Also, we got 1 VERY USELESS ability - Overload shot/Charged shot - which does 1k dmg and Consumes 20% of energy. It should either be removed due to its pointlessness or redone. Well, the second thing REAL concern is our "gap closer" - Cloaking screen\Disappearing Act. All we know that getting out of combat takes ages. If it's 1vs1 in WZ, it s much easier now to kill an opponent (or to die) than wait for those damn 8 secs of not doing damage (and if we take into account that everyone uses DOTs...). So, let s say fights happen in WZ every 20 - 30 secs in average. We got 2 min CD on our "gap closer". So we can use it in only 1 fight out of 5. THIS IS NOT FUNNY! The class that could be the most easily kited has the longest CD on its gap closer. BW, don't you think there's some contradiction in it? TL;DR So, in general, I propose: №1: -50% CD on 2 abilities - Snipe/Explosive probe. №2: +10% armor penetration to Acid Blade(probably) №3: Reduce the CD on Cloaking Screen to 30-40 secs. These changes would improve our LOW dps both in WZ and PVE and make us more valuable for the team and guilds! I don't think that these slight changes would break the game balance. And you? Any thoughts, suggestions, QQing and "The class is fine, leave it as it is because it's just fine" comments are appreciated.
  24. 1. Decent gap closer for Ops\Scounds - smth like Shadowstep or reduced to 30 secs CD for Cloaking screen. 2. Improved Sustained damage for Ops\Scounds - let us use Snipe and Explosive probe without taking cover and reduce their charge time/CD in half (1 sec/15 secs). 3. More warzones. 4. Ranked WZ for everyone, not only for premades. 5. My own gangsta battleship with blackjack and twileks.)
  25. Sorc with 900 endurance and 1100 willpower. Around 11.5 k health and almost evry gear slot green. We've won that game cause others were in full WH, but nevertheless... Bioware - it's time to limit access to lvl 50 warzones to players who have less than 900 expertise!
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