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Everything posted by AngelofCain

  1. FInished makeb this afternoon. will finish leveling by pvp. so far... it looks really good. 7,6k hit on a slinger and a 6k backstab. The roll is nice. think they fixed the bounce roll, either that or I am doing it wrong. But I tend to over use it and get energy depleted.
  2. oh good you are back. come to take my reputation down a notch or two? I miss you.... come play with me again. are you staying knives? or going to go healing again? I need a knifey rival!!!!
  3. rockerz was their sin tank.. Honestly don't think this is the place to try to break down a warzone. but what do I know.
  4. you do that. And I bet you get bent out of shape when you lose or someone does something stupid. I just play for the fun of it.
  5. no we were the top ranked team in pvp on my server with maybe one other. My rating since last I played in ranked warzones is 2147. It takes a special kind of team to use a Concealment Op correctly. THat means the mass of players has to often be the bait. But people go their ways and I just have fun wrecking people in reg warzones.
  6. sorry I never recorded my ranked games, I did stream though. The RWZ landscape isn't super friendly towards ops, but that doesn't mean they can't affect the games. Ganking bads is just breakfast, But I love the dinners of killing the so called best.
  7. not really. interesting idea though. Probably the way to go for 2.0.
  8. sounds creditable, which makes it all the funnier. He actually put thought into this post. Sounds a lot like some organizations I won't mention.
  9. Calling a Class OverPowered, is the same as calling for a nerf. Besides if you played a operative "frequently" as you stated then you should know how easy they are to be squished. Correct everyone is all **** snipers are OP, but thats many the visible's who snipers can turret down. As for Operatives being overpowered, Shield probe at best absorbs 3-4k, even with 10% more absorb that's like maybe 3.3k-4.4k absorb. With the crit nerf, operatives dmg will be reduced, even with 12% crit on dots. Plus you can cleanse their dots rather easily, and it generally does less dmg than a sniper. Lethality Operatives get 2 way's to get TA, not including stim boost in 2.0. Hidden strike and shiv, and a lucky proc from cull. Sounds to me you are making mountains out of molehills, and should stop claiming you understand how OP any class is. Smashers can't smash if stunned and sniper's can snipe if they can't see you. Easily overcome and easily subdued. Plus, their dot's generally break cc's until 2.0 when they get a talent that stops dots from breaking cc, but i beileve it stops doing dmg til cc is broken. And since you brought up the roll, for lethality Ops, it's 25 energy and 12 meter roll 6 meter roll when slowed. This 16-18 meter roll crap is in your mind. So for a fourth of their energy they can roll 12 m. **** how overpowered.....
  10. nah I read it. it's the same nerf operatives crap people have been saying. As for lethality. That tree is so much crap atm, that they deserve to be Fotm. So move on.
  11. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAh...... yeah right.
  12. just min/max your gear, if you are going concealment just get the armorings. I wouldn't worry about accuracy or alacrity for the moment. Or save your coms. or buy medpacs, and adrenals with your reg coms and cap out your ranked.
  13. was fun playing against you guys tonight... give me a pack!!!!
  14. wrong... I take in the attitude that If I am going to lose I am going to take down as many mofo's with me as possible. Everything must die, even me.
  15. that's more of it. that's part of where you make your own dead spaces. But I am glad you picked that up.
  16. so... I guess I will toss out this tidbit of information. Imagine every player has a circle around them...Within that circle their abilites has deadspots if they are facing you. a good example is when a sorc is trying to do overload on you, their ability has a 120 degree cone ability. if you are directly in front of them they will hit you, but if you are standing beside them shoulder to shoulder overload won't hit you. when I say work the angles, that's what I mean. find the dead spots of other classes abilities, and exist within those spots. sometimes the dead spot is 1 meter outside of smash, so if you run in and knife them, then run past them not stopping you can avoid smash dmg. just something to think about.
  17. First rule of PVP: Never PVP sober.
  18. meh acid blade is usually enough for me. if a tank runs away it's my win. it takes more than 8 secs to run to a health pac and back. so I cap I win.
  19. don't as soon as they blow vanish just use stealth!!! the first one to blow vanish loses.
  20. dot's? how many dots are you talking? I don't use Corrosive dart, simply because at the moment it's too low of dmg for the amount of energy it cost. That's why I don't want them to change infiltration. Simply because if I am transitioning and I lose combat but don't have stealth cd up yet I just pop infiltration for a quick stealth.
  21. not quite. It just sounds better than stalk your prey, wait for the ideal moment and cut them until they bleed. Then finish them while their teammates watch.
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