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Everything posted by Doctoglethorpe

  1. I just flat out disagree. Especially on Portman since Ive seen more of her roles. She's too dramatic. Again like a stage-actor. Only movie that actually worked in her favor for was Black Swan. Seemed in-character for her to be like that, like the role was made for her specifically. Not saying the writing and directing wasn't also bad, but lets not excuse bad acting out of some unfounded modesty.
  2. Thread already moved on from this subject but I just have to say it. Idk why people interpret this "not before 2014" to mean "for sure in 2014." It just means nothing this year. Which.. duh. Also, why do people mourn 1313 so much? All we had of it was a tech demo. Knowing LucasArts it would of been mediocre at best. Sure, the idea of it sounded lovely, but when have they ever delivered our expectations in the last decade? I mean, Force Unleashed looked amazing before it came out. Then everyone playing it and realized "oh.. yeah.. meh. I guess I should have expected that." But now we get saved from that experience repeating and everyone is crying. You silly short attention span folks.
  3. The PT is beyond redeeming without anything short of complete re-writes and re-shoots with new actors and definitely new directors. I mean by re-write I don't mean the essential plot needs to be changed, but just about all the dialog should. Its so... contrived. Most of the time I think I'm watching a stage play rather then a movie. They don't talk to each other like real people talk, they talk like they are reading a script. Yeah, they always are but good writers make it feel natural. That has a lot to do with **** acting too though. Both need to be fixed.
  4. 45m-1h for all three classic dailies (not regular belsavis) will net you like 300k+ When you add Gree event you go up to over 400k+. Do the FP and group finder dailies and space mission and you can make over 500k a day. I think people mix thigns up when they say its like 15-30 minutes for 500k. Its 500k a day, about 15-30 minutes per daily zone, not counting makeb. Nobody makes 500k in 30 minutes, idc who they are. PS: Soloing daily zones nets more money then grouping it, and really doesn't take much longer. Because in groups you split mob drops, which do add up to like 50-75k overall on top of the quest rewards.
  5. My GTX 570 runs it pretty well. Could be a little better but its beyond good enough. Your card wasn't that bad though. Unelss yor aiming for pure 60fps/1080p at max settings it could be something else in your pc holding you back, gpu's arent everything. Whats you CPU, PSU and RAM?
  6. Customization is nice but its fluff. Apparently expensive fluff. Transfers are crucial to me. I just unsubbed and wont be back until they release it. I'm done pay2waiting.
  7. I'm not sure what the correct answer is, so I'll just vote "present" like a good senator.
  8. I love when people finish a long opinion post with something like that. Basically "Ive got the last word now, /discussion." If you really believed it was pointless to argue then why post to begin with eyyyyyyy?
  9. Bane trilogy is good (kind of over rated on these forums I think but not by a whole lot). If you like Plagueis I recommend other Luceno books (thats the author). Labyrinth of Evil does for Ep3 what Plagueis did for Ep1. Its not as good, but its still great and gives that deep insight to the movies that really do wonders to flesh out the story more. Rise of Vader is also good. I'm only half way through it but its pretty interesting. Haven't read Cloak of Deception yet. Plagueis is still my favorite though, of all SW books not just Luceno. You may have cursed yourself by reading that first, if your like me you will find every other book just not quite good enough and yearn for that bar to be reached again. *shrug* Speaking of Ep3 before, the novelization of that movie is amazing. It makes the story so much better, I can safely say going by the written version of Ep3 makes it my favorite episode of at least the PT if not perhaps the entire saga despite the movie version actually coming in a distant laughably dead last. If your the kind of person who hates the PT but wishes they didn't I'd really recommend that. If you like the PT, idk maybe reading it will make you realize how bad the movie is lol.
  10. I stopped reading there. I shook my head. Then I typed this.
  11. You wear a blindfold or something? If by "let them do what they want" you mean micromanage them and force them to add unnessisary **** to games and bleed resources from more critical areas of the game to make it the executives good idea of a game (see hollywood influence) rather then the actual developers idea of a good game, then yeah. If you don't think Bioware have changed since EA took over then your living in a cloud. Just compare ME1 to ME3 and DA to DA2. Difference is obvious. Less rpg, more action. Ruinous budgeting. (da2) Unnecessary multiplayer and Microtransactions. (me3) Etc.
  12. Unless it was another MMO its not really competing with itself. In fact, they could make a single player game that ties directly to SWTOR and maybe gives people benefits for playing both. That would basically be an advertisement for swtor that pays for itself.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lytZ7fYOlgU
  14. Your guild, wife and self are bad at space missions then. I feel like a broken record but the only difference with the new heroic ones is that they have a tiny learning curve. Once you figure out when to do what they become almost as mindless as the others. But no you cant just shoot at everything for a free prize (well in a couple you still can actually), but the others it takes a bit of tactics. A bit... as in knowing when to use the emp and deflector, thats pretty much it. Once you nail that theres nothing to them. Figure it out (it takes like 2-3 tries if you have any critical thinking skill) or just look it up online. If anything they need to be harder. They still pose no consistent challenge, only an initial one when you learn the script. Thats what they really need to do, make space missions unscripted, or at least more procedurally generated. That would make it consistently challenging, thus actually worth replaying.
  15. The JK's legacy set is almost identical, just wear that.
  16. I don't think it was boring that's for sure. If you think Plagueis was boring then I'm gonna assume you haven't read many SW books. Of course I enjoy the politics, scheming and character building conversations in books rather then action scene after action scene. Written action is usually dull as bricks unless its stuffed full of extra details like good dialog or internal thoughts of the characters participating in it to the point the action itself is just the outline of the picture being drawn in your head. So if by boring you mean not enough action then I would laugh pompously at you. ;p
  17. Hold it back a few months to claim they had to do some "work" on it, then bring it out when most people forgot it was gonna be free. Easy cash money. Of course, I'd be totally down to pay for it, if I actually could get a name I wanted. I don't think they are redoing their name system to allow people to have the same names yet, and until they do I can't get the names I really want, so I have nothing to pay for. If they don't at least let people preview names and know whats available before paying to change names then theres gonna be a LOT of ************ on the way.
  18. Last free update of significance was the Gree event in Febuary.
  19. Stop waiting for it. It will happen once most people who care have given up and moved on. I know I'm not letting my subscription reoccur now until it does. However long that takes, whatever. Idc anymore, I'm done trying to talk to a wall. And if it ends up being really expensive after all this, lol. Thats all I can say. lol.
  20. Since when did they ever do anything right at midnight of a special day? Come back when the sun is above your head.
  21. Well, it is and it isn't. Its the parts of the last season that were close enough to completion to not get canned. So... half a season. Give or take.
  22. It was implied that it was gonna be the final season anyways so naturally whatever they had would be wrapping things up. They said some questions will be answered but others wont since only a couple of the arcs are being finished.
  23. You people are bad at gearing tank comps if you guys can't keep them alive. Or maybe your dps output is bad and you cant kill fast enough. Or maybe I don't rmember what its like no have low presence. But I used Kaliyo through my entire sniper playthrough (well except the part I couldn't) and I didn't have an issue with her dying very often. Best part about tank comp, they soak most of the damage but instead of having to channel heal after a fight you just hop on your bike and when they respawn they have full health. Also less repair bills.
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