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Everything posted by ichebem

  1. ofc... and thats the reason why you dont get a linear benefit out of power. But its not important, i am more interested in the question: "How much Crit do you have @your Gear without Augments?"
  2. OFC i am considering Force/Tech Damage. Correct me if i am wrong, but most Abilities scale with Force/Tech Damage and not with Power. Example: If i have 2000 Force-Power, and add 100 Points of Power, this will mean, after that i will have 2023 Force-Power. So there is a Force Power gain of 1,15% But if i have 4000 Force-Power and add 100 power Points, i will end @ 4023 Force-Power, which is only +0,575% So Although Power has no Dimishing return, it does not scale linear, it depends on your gear and on how much power do you already have. Or am i wrong? Furthermore there is a DR @Crit. You wrote about changing augments from Power to Crit & then you compared tooltips damage. Question: How much Crit is on your Gear without augments. (Cant imagine you have a gear without crit, because this would mean you have tons of alacrity, which you obviously dislike).
  3. I still dont get it. Ok. i can accept with full Crit. There is a DR, its worse than full AP. But i cant imagine, that AP is the better stat. Ofc there is a certain point where AP gets more value than crit, but i expect this point @around 1000/1200 Crit rating. So, how many Crit does your gear have? we are always speaking only about the augments... if you have already 1000 crit @gear, and than put another 1000 @ augments... ok. Power would be stronger... You should also take into consideration, that power doesn´t give you a linear boost. Ofc there is no DR return. But if i add 20 Force-Tech towards 1000, or towards 2000 Force tech, is a huge different in gained dps. if you think "%"
  4. Have you calaculated with half crit / half power? and what about "Mainstat" (or whatever it is called) ?
  5. Hm M8, You miss some things i guess. For PvP Combat Medic you need at last: 33 Keybinds. (And even 37 would make sense) (and this is without stances ...) I dont play the other classes so intense like my merc, but is there any class which needs a similar amount of Keybinds? Just asking.
  6. just go naked and compare without gear. I guess it will be still strange without gear, so you know it has to be about datacrons or companion buff. It could be because of the gear, too. Espacially the new Mastery... so i think the check without gear, could be a first step to solution.
  7. could it be companion buff ( +1% crit & so on for a 10000/10000 companion?). And yeah, i know they changed companions, and literally there should not be this buff, but it was always bugged, there were people who could get 2% off all stats (for an Imp & a Rep Char, 2times Companion Bonus), and other only could get the bonus 1 time, although they completed Companions for Rep& Imp... so there could be the reason for the different numbers, i guess
  8. hm... please show me the Merc or Commando which has done 5k HPS, from my point of view, that was not possible..
  9. Wo hast du denn die 40% weniger Schaden her?
  10. .. ok. I am not sure with this. But i miss some Players in the leaderbords. I dont know the leaderboards exactly, but at least i know the top 15 Players of my class in solo Ranked. I am missing 4 of former Top 15, and no, they didnt dropped, they just disappeared. And in the overall Top 100 of Solo Rated, i am missing sth around 20 Players... Imagination or real? Did they disappear?
  11. Yeah Matchmaking sucks. I am one of the "Toprated" guys i guess, and i hate this matchmaking really. I get 1-5 Rating per win. For a loss, i loose about 15-25 Rating. So in Fact i need a win / loose ratio of 5-1 to climb.... While waiting over 30mins for a pop, its just annoying. Do you think such "Freewins" make Fun? No! And in fact i play 5 games, which i cant loose, then one Teammate has a disconnect or sth else, i loose 1 game, and below the line i wait 3h, play 30mins, and my raiting is the same. Really great.Thats no fun, it sucks. But thx Bioware for this glorius matchmaking.
  12. Yes it is! And Thumps UP for this fantastic thread! I am reading since the beginning and enjoying it.
  13. i did not mean the way you are kiting, this is probably the only thing where i act in a same way like you. But by choosing which skill is used now, and especially by playing offensive move, i play a much different style than you. For example i did not see one offensive move by you (ok you use Net.. what else)... And yeah, you use Medical Probe, sometimes multiple times in a row, i dont know why^^.. i wouldn´t do that, but your solution works in the published games, so everything is fine, and you did well..
  14. saying a guardian hast a strong defense, sounds like a joke. he has much def-cds.. but no strong defense.
  15. sorry i dont see the big buff. its ok, its nice.. but we speak about 4 attacks.. this could be 4 dots.. or anything... thats not so much.. its a buff yeah, but we needed much more & our other specs, like bodyguard or IO get even less than this buff. I dont unterstand it. -.-
  16. ... hm.. interesting.. your are playing merc heal in another playstyle than me. Sadly we see you in this compilation as good as not against madness shadows. And we must keep in mind, its a compilation. You had some nice moves from my point of view, but you missed really many oppurtunities to do an awesome move... .. and last 2 games has to do nothing with Ranked Warzones.. looks like freewins (just by matchmaking, lol). And i am not sure, if you are using the strengths of a merc right.. but well.. was really interesting to watch, and to see such a different playstyle than my own.
  17. You know when 3.0 was released, dont you? I just rescreened the screen with Data-Info (original screen was from 7th December..) ... you can see the level (60) in Target of Target Frame... http://puu.sh/gjepK/7180ccb193.jpg And If you wanna see RankedArena 4k HPS, here: http://puu.sh/gjejB/866559a66e.jpg btw.. i have a screened Arena with 3,9 HPS, which was a regular Warzone an no Ranked match.. dont know how this counts for you..
  18. go on posting in PTS-Thread, we Mercs, need changes. Hope Bioware will get it.
  19. hmpf.. ok. At first i have to mention, that i play as good as no normal WZ @ My Commando heal. (Last in December i guess with really bad gear). But i hit multiple Times over 3k HPS. Best in a normal was about 3,6k HPS i guess, but doesn´t have it screened. Just have this screen for you (which was screened because the Sage was over 4k HPS): http://puu.sh/gjdK3/7fa2c9e203.jpg in Ranked Warzones i hit multiple times 3,8k HPS, 4k HPS seems to be really hard as Merc/Commando, but i hit for 4k HPS in regs, too.
  20. hell. shout without knowing everything? It was fixed @ first day of the Season. Not Fixed: Kolto Bomb slow of Commando. Merc Slows, Commando not. And this *********** slow is an unbelievable big disadvantage. Sounds like little disadvantage, but for me its the main problem on my Commando that i cant kite. @ my Merc i can. Bad Joke, that this Kolto-BomB-Slow Bug is not fixed for months.... thx Bioware, btw.
  21. ichebem

    T3-M4 pvp

    Wo haste denn diese 20% weniger Base-Schaden-Nerf her? Stehe gerade wohl minimal aufm Schlauch, den sehe ich nirgends...
  22. ichebem

    T3-M4 pvp

    sorry Lynoc, aber ich sehe da nichts, außer hochtrabendem ********, der größtenteils am Thema vorbei ist. Du hast zwar mit allem was du sagst Recht, die Aussagen passen aber leider absolut nicht zusammen, und gerade das was du verschweigst ist das Interessante. Und mal ganz ehrlich. Die Op-Heit einer Klasse definiert sich doch nicht darüber, was für Leistungen irgendein Bob mit ihr erbringt, sondern ein guter Spieler. Und beim derzeitigen Fronti, erbringen Bobs schon zu gute Leistungen verglichen mit anderen Tankklassen, ein guter Spieler erbringt momentan mit dem FrontiTank aber Leistungen die in keiner Relation zu irgendwas stehen. Du hast vollkommen Recht, wenn du sagst, dass der Fronti schon immer der DPS-Stärkste Tank war, und von mir aus soll er das auch bleiben. Aber die Kombination: DPS-Stärkster, Defensiv-stark, Beste Hardstuns, Bester SingleTargetBurst (mit zum Glück sehr hohen CD) in einem aktuellen Hardstun-Zerg-Meta ist einfach zu viel des guten. (man kann über die Defensiv-Stärke diskutieren) Es geht letztendlich immer um die Kombination von verschiedenen Aspekten die eine Klasse so stark macht, das Problem am Dot-Assa ist auch nicht allein sein Schaden, sondern seine abartig hohe Survivability gepaart mit ner guten Moveability, und eben absurdem Schaden. Der Hüter in Season 2+3, also zu Hardswitch-Zeiten hatte auch ein verdammt gutes Paket, AOE-CC, DefensivStärke, aber es gab eben, wie du selber erwähnt hast, auch etwas was für Schatten / Frontis sprach, auch wenn das auf T3 quasi keine Gruppe genutzt hat. (Fronti DPS-Sau / Schatten Port). Letztendlich war Hüter die Wahl und das beste Gesamtpaket, wobei dieses Gesamtpaket den anderen nicht ansatzweise dermaßen überlegen war, wie es momentan ein Fronti ist. Es gibt halt einfach nichts, was eine andere Tankklasse besser kann als der Fronti. Und dadurch ist der Schaden vom Fronti, den er schon immer hatte, einfach nur lächerlich. Da ein Tank, aber ein Supporter sein sollte, und die Balance zwischen Support und Offensive das Schwere ist, sollte es dem Fronti meiner Meinung nach schwerer gemacht werden DPS zu drücken. Alternativ, sollte halt seine Support/Tank Fähigkeit beschnitten werden, aber das Paket wie es momentan auf dem Markt zu haben ist, ist .... ich wiederhole mich. .. Diese Balance zwischen Offensive/Defensive ist momentan für einen geübten Fronti viel zu einfach zu finden, und vor allem liegt der Schwerpunkt viel zu offensiv. So sind gute Tankleistungen und DPS auf DD Niveau möglich, und das sollte eben nicht möglich sein. Wenn ich DPS fahre, dann muss meine Defensive massiv leiden. Momentan leidet sie nur marginal. Ich mein gönn dir ja, dass deine Klasse OP ist, bin mir sicher, dass der Kommando auch nochmal drankommt. ehm NOT, aber bitte stell dich hier nicht hin, und tu so als wäre alles ok und balanced und du einfach nur der reinkarnierte God-Mode-Player, so kommts nämlich gerade leicht rüber . Der Fronti ist Op. Warum wurde dutzend mal gesagt. Das Paket ist zu stark.
  23. 15% passive surge for all heals. +10% semipassive i guess... (not sure & cant look up ingame at the moment)
  24. Well.. a little bit wrong the first 20 are: Powertech Assassin Powertech Vanguard Operative Assassin Shadow Powertech Vanguard Powertech Shadow Assassin Sorcerer Sage Sorcerer Shadow Sorcerer Assassin Sorcerer Mercenary But you are wright. Balancing is a fuc***ing sh**
  25. We have the net.. which is as good as a guarenteed kill, or at least we get a breaker + a strong def-cd for it.. thats the only reason, why its possible to perform well with a merc in Solo-Queue... but only for Heals, Merc DPS just dies to fast. Even in matches with a healer, there is no way for a merc DPS to survive long enough to be value for the own team.. But what is really amazing about Merc-Heals, is the ability to kite away huge amounts of Damage. 250k-300k Damage taken without guard is absolute no problem, if you rotate your Defensive CD,s right.. but. Sage is just better. in as good as every situation..the only thing we have, an sorc did not have, is the net.. yeah the net.. the probably most important Merc-Ability. even as a healer. quite ironic.
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