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Posts posted by Ketchum

  1. The way one of the dev talks was worded, I'm guessing when it IS implemented, it will be with new companions versus having to redo all the existing companions and their dialogues.


    If they had put it in in the first place when they were doing hetero romances they wouldn't have to be going through all this trouble now.


    So while they're figuring this out, we have to wait in the back of the line while everyone else gets to have fun with their companions, which really pisses me off. I love this game, but this is worst thing BW has done for it so far. It's very disrespectful.

  2. Of the NJO I've only read the very first book. I attempted to read the second one but it bored me to the point where I was falling asleep reading it in the middle of school. I never continued past there. The Yuuzhan Vong, however, were a fascinating species. I would have loved to continue reading about them, despite my knowledge of them. I think it would be cool to see them in this game, on a large or small scale. There is every excuse to include them in this game; not EVERY occurrence in the galaxy has to be recorded, and even if it is, this game is set three thousand years before they invaded the galaxy.


    The simple truth is it's impossible for records from such an extended period of time to be 100% complete. Everything and anything could have happened, including Palpy dumping the old Republic records just for good measure- which is solidly possible. The point is that in this time period, it's very easy to get away with things like this, and if BioWare had any intention of bringing the Vong into the picture, they can very well get away with it. I certainly hope they bring them in, for an expansion, for an operation, for a flashpoint, ANYTHING would do. They're too good of an opportunity to pass up.

  3. I respect you..someone who reads or researches the game they are playing. -highfives- Now if we could get more people to figure out that most of all problems people have is because they are naive.


    I understand that some people wouldn't know certain information yet, and that's perfectly fine if he would have just asked. Instead, he came on here trying to look like a tough guy and it blew up in his face. He learned, but he chose to do it the hard way.

  4. Try looking into what you're talking about before going off on some rant that only makes you look like a fool.


    50's will get their own brackets in the next major patch. It was only done this way at first so people who reach 50 first would have someone to actually fight with.

  5. As much faith I have in ToR's future, I have to say that it didn't kill WoW. See, Blizzard killed WoW, and ToR just happened to be at the right place and time. WoW has become noticeably unplayable. When a game brings more stress than fun, it's a good sign that it's time to quit.
  6. Unsubscribed...


    FANTASTIC. The less whiny children in PVP, the better the game will be for the rest of us.


    I hope all players like you learn from this and quit as well.

  7. So once you put in SGRA's and I can FINALLY get into Tharan's pants, you're going to make it so that Holiday doesn't watch us, right?


    I love Holiday. A lot. I think it's awesome how she can seduce droid, beast and man alike by just dancing, but it doesn't mean I want her drooling over the two of us, because frankly I think she's the fangirl type. I don't know how it works with hetero relationships with him, but I will have none of that!

  8. Nerfing my heals already, Bioware?


    My heals as is are already so slow and weak that I couldn't keep a person alive if there was more than one enemy attacking them, let alone if there's someone else attacking me as well. Nerf them enough and there will be no point to PVP healing. I can't keep my team mates alive so once they all die the other team will be coming after me, and I can't defend myself because I'm 100% in the healing tree so my attacks are useless, and I can't heal myself because heals don't heal. It's the same thing Blizzard did with WoW, and it's the exact reason why I quit healing in that game.

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