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Posts posted by Ketchum

  1. How many things are wrong with this post?

    You didn't point out too much, honestly.


    Well, lets see....Bioware didn't break IMO, they had no choice. Because the original design intent flopped for the most part. It was an arrogant decision to launch with an incomplete product under a sub in this modern MMO age. They are not going F2P because we demanded it from my perspective, they did so because they want profits. And it turned out this was the way to get them.

    Heaven forbid a brand spanking new game has technical issues. I think Bioware's devotion to their customer base has gone above and beyond to the point where they're changing everything they wanted this game to be, and soon it probably won't even be technically their's anymore. But people still complain, and Bioware still folds to the pressure. How long do you expect them to "pay for their mistakes"?


    I have as of yet to find one single person that wants everything for no effort. Still looking for the very elusive community member....

    Read the posts in this thread. The people who are complaining about these "restrictions", when in fact they're lucky to be getting anything at all without having to pay anything above the game cost for it. They got what they wanted but they want everything the full game has to offer without paying anything.


    And of course, the infamous "if you dont like it, get out"....looks like 700k to 1.2 million players did exactly that. Only so many people can "get out" before the game closes its doors.


    Its a silly thing to say IMO.

    That's directed at all the people who want to turn this game into every other game they've played, the ones who demanded Free to Play, mainly. I felt they needed to know that this isn't the game they're looking for.

  2. Poeple demand an option to play the game without having to pay a sub


    Bioware breaks (again) and gives them what they want. They can play their character for 100% free


    People complain because they got what they asked for but they still want everything for no effort


    Lolno. GW2 is that way ---->

  3. No thank you. Generic Holiday events are bland imo. Pleas do not do this Bioware, spend your time crafting us a ****** spontaneous world event. Lets say a Sith invasion on Republic Fleet... or Force using Endorian Ewoks invade Dromund Kaas... you get the picture. Please do not play it safe and make Events something on a schedual that will only interfere with players if they choose to get involved. DESTROY the daily grind and force anyone who logs to deal with the world event.


    I agree with everything this man says. Hire him, Bioware.

  4. For anyone who is just starting the event or not sure what to do. I wrote a little guide that covers everything (I think ) about the event - items, dailies, infected companions, color crystals, pets.




    Also, this might be of interest - walkthrough for the scavenger hunt, fun quest ;)




    Overall, best event in a MMO so far imo :)


    Thank you for making this guide! I knew about the event on Tatooine but I didn't know where to go to start it.

  5. Mounts and mount training will be available at level 10

    Questing grants more experience in order to reach level cap faster

    Cross-server LFG and WZ

    Flying mounts

    Non-Jedi can wield lightsabers and Jedi can wield blasters

    No same gender romance or any word on it yet

    Datacrons will be laying on the ground outside the spaceport. Go wild

    Healers nerfed

    Class trainers and all vendors will relocate to your ship

  6. I would LOVE to quest on Naboo! It's such a beautiful planet. Storyline... well it's probably being attacked by Imperials, so kill the Imperials. Big whoop. The scenery will keep me pleased.
  7. Absolutely Taris! The scenery with the huge dead buildings reaching into the sky is beautiful, as well as the crumbling overgrowth on the ground. It makes me wish I can go inside some of them and climb to the top for a better view. Also the continuing lore from KotoR with the rakghouls and the Promised Ones is amazing. I have to say, I look forward to questing on Taris the most on all my alts.
  8. I wandered away from this thread... thank you all for the replies and advice! I'll take everything into consideration. I'm terribly desperate. I don't want to have to out-level the planet and overpower the mobs in order to get my quests done.


    Perhaps he has burned through all his power/cooldowns healing you and has to stop?


    Adding +presence gear can make his heals bigger, for the times that he does heal.


    I will have to try this. Any improvement will help me.


    You know you can manage your companions abilities right? Then they will do what you want, when you want.


    I shouldn't have to add my companion's job into my own, already busy rotation. When this game was still being made BioWare said that our companions will not have to be micro-managed for those of us who didn't want it. Aside from gearing them, they pretty much did what they were supposed to do.


    You force these companions on us, you make it so that we cannot quest or fight or leave the safety of our ships unless we have one tagging along, but we can't rely on them with our lives.


    Team up with someone (or a group) and don't use the companions at all.


    See, I shouldn't have to. Companions are there for those of us who want to solo quest. BioWare made it so that it's near impossible to quest without a companion with you, meaning I should be able to solo while regular questing without having to go through the trouble of dealing with other players.


    And yet, knowing full well the use of companions in not only this game but every BioWare game ever made, you bought the game.


    Now you want to cry about it.


    You'll pardon me if I have zero sympathy for your concern, an issue you fully created yourself.


    Your reasoning is as flawed as your attitude is bad. Yes, I knew this game was going to have companions. Of course I knew that. The problem is when the companion doesn't work like it's supposed to. I cannot move forward because my companion is broken. That's what I'm crying about.


    I bet you change your mind if they added more appealing female characters or if your female in real life male characters.


    In case you didn't notice the rainbow in my sig, that means I'm gay. Where are my companion options there? :rolleyes:


    OP: Just an FYI Blowing your cool downs on higher level mobs to stay alive is working as intended. Your companions are meant to aid you not carry you.


    Companions are there because I can't quest without them, as I already stated. They aren't just there to aid me, they're required to actually get anything done. I'm fully aware more difficult mobs will require more than just spamming 3,6,7,s+7,4,2,7,6... and I do what I can to help myself get through it. I rely on my companion to keep me alive while I take care of the threat. All I ask for is his healing. A little help is all. If he can't do that, then questing, itself, is a futile gesture.


    I ask this because you are a Jedi and I would assume you start a fight by force jumping in. Do you make sure you stay within range of the heals? If Doc is at max range, he only moves close enough to attack your target, if you are on the far side of the target you will not be in range of Doc's heals, make sure you position yourself between Doc and the target so that he can reach you with his heals. Healing companions will NOT move closer just to heal you.


    I assume I'm in range of him; he's never too far away from me even when I'm jumping all over the place. I'll have to keep my eye on this!

  9. Even before this game came out I disliked the idea of having to rely on companions in order to get things done, and now, three months later I STILL feel the same way. Especially when it comes to a role like healing- which needs absolute attention and precision, then giving it to an unpredictable AI. Bad things happen.


    My level 47 Jedi Guardian is in great gear. I'm able to take things down within an acceptable amount of time. I'm fulfilling my role. Now my Doc, my healing companion, is also in level-appropriate gear and when he heals me he can actually help me out. The main subject there being when he heals me, meaning he doesn't do it all the time. Even if I had Doc decked out in all purples and the best gear available to me, it wouldn't make a damned difference if he doesn't actually do his job.


    And I know exactly what I'm doing. I have him on Med Watch at all times, I don't have him on passive, he can use every one of his healing abilities... but he doesn't. A gold elite can be beating on me and he'll throw out a heal here and there, then stop. I'll be within an inch of health and he'll throw a kolto bomb at me, and stop. So unless I blow all my cooldowns and keep myself alive, that elite is gonna cut me to bits while Doc stands there watching.


    So that's something I don't understand. You force these companions on us, you make it so that we cannot quest or fight or leave the safety of our ships unless we have one tagging along, but we can't rely on them with our lives. When this creature you gave us doesn't play along the way you need them to, then where does that leave us? I don't know if anyone else has problems with their companions, or maybe it's just because mine's made to be stupid. Regardless, none of it is giving me any reason to actually like playing with one.


    Got a problem? Come running to the forums to complain. Nothing to see here.

  10. On the Republic quest line on Ilum, you get to say something along the lines of "I'm getting frost bite in places you never want to get frost bite!"


    It was certainly surprising coming from my Consular.

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